Thursday, 28 April 2022


Every house could use a little fixing from time to time. Some projects are big, requiring the help of a professional, but others we can do ourselves. With most of us spending this coming holiday weekend at home, why not tackle a few home improvement projects? Whether your budget is big or small, here are a few home improvement ideas you can finish in a weekend to add to your Labour Day Weekend to-do list.

From repairs to updates, it’s easy to come up with a list of things you could quickly fix in your home. All you need are a few affordable purchases from Rayneau, and some elbow grease.

1.    Change your kitchen or bathroom hardware 

This is one of the easiest projects you can do to freshen your kitchen or bath. Before you start, make sure the new hardware will fit the existing holes, or the project will expand to include filling old holes and drilling new ones. To ensure the new pieces will be a snug fit, measure the distance between holes for pulls and bring an old knob to the store for comparison.

2.   Paint a room

Maybe it’s time to tackle that painting project this weekend. Whether it’s freshening up a room with a fresh coat, or completely changing the color, painting a room is a great weekend project. Spend one day taping edges, prepping walls, and moving furniture out of the way. The next day, paint. Remember to spackle all the existing holes in your wall on the first day, so you can sand the spots smooth. Also, consider applying a primer coat to your walls if you’re switching from a dark to light color of paint.

3.    Install updated lighting fixtures 

Changing one chandelier for another of the same size is surprisingly easy, though some light fixture changes are best left to professionals. "Things as simple as lighting really make a difference," our CSR in the Electrical Department says. "There are so many options out there." An even easier project: Replace all your outlet and switch covers with clean new ones.

4.   Enhance your entrance

While a lot of people may not be walking through your door right now, it’s no reason to ignore it. If the entrance to your home feels dull, now’s the time to spruce it up or even replace it.

For a lower-cost option, you can always paint your front door and update the hardware. Even a classic wooden door may look better with a pop of colorful paint.

To replace your front door, check our store for a solid door that matches your personal style. Look for contemporary fittings and locks to stay on-trend. While you’re shopping, grab a new welcome mat to complete the new look. 

5.    Replace your showerhead 

You can quickly give a mundane bath a spa-like look with a rain shower head. Plus, you’ll cut your water usage with a more efficient model. You’ll need a plumber’s tape to wrap the threads before you install the new head.

6.    Pressure Washing

Power wash the exterior of your house, your driveway, and walkways to remove mud, dirt, mold and, other grimy buildup. You can rent a pressure washer at Rayneau Rentals & Sales store.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, We’re always happy to serve you. #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof 


Friday, 22 April 2022


Oil prices have gone through the roof in the past 2 years. When COVID hit, oil plummeted to USD20 per barrel. Since then, and thanks largely to the war in the Ukraine, oil prices have increased five-fold which means the operators of heavy machinery need to find ways to reduce their fuel consumption. Here is one tip to help you protect your bottom line.

Rayneau Rentals & Sales estimates that on average, a machine will spend about 40% of its time idling when in service. So, what is the impact of idling?  Idling wastes fuel, however efficient the engine is. If machines are left idling for a long time, this will increase fuel costs. A machine idling for an hour can use up to 4L of fuel.

Idling drives up fuel costs fast. If on average you log 1,500 hours per year on a machine, and your operators spend 20% of that time idling, that’s $4,785.00 in wasted fuel (using the present fuel cost - $15.95/gallon). But experts say it’s not unusual for idle time to represent as much as 40-50% of total running time. So double that number — you could be wasting fuel to the tune of $9,570.00 or more annually. And if you plan on owning the machine for five years, that’s a total of $23,925.00 lost. Think of what else you could have done with that money.

How do you get a handle on idle time? Here are a few simple tips:

  • Limit idle at shutoff to two minutes for older engines, almost none for newer ones.
  • Turn off trucks waiting more than five minutes to load or unload.
  • Restrict morning warmups to three to five minutes.
  • Turn off equipment during lunch and breaks.
  • Use automatic shutdown when available.

Looking for more ways to increase fuel efficiency across your fleet and cut down on fuel costs? Check out our blogpost on Strategies for Improving Fuel Efficiency and Productivity on the Worksite here.

Give us a call at (758) 450 7368 or drop by today to see how we can help you save on your fuel costs.  We are located at Vide Bouteille along the Gros Islet Highway.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022


Whether you believe in climate change or not (there are many out there who don’t), you and your family will have to deal with natural phenomena at one point in your lives. One of those phenomena is drought (dry spell), which is defined simply as the absence or lack of water for an extended period of time, at a place and to an extent where it is considered abnormal.

Concerns have been raised by the Barbados-based Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF), over the long-term drought in the islands of the Eastern Caribbean particularly from St Lucia north to Antigua.  

CariCOF mentions that while a short-term drought, up to the end of May, might possibly develop or continue in St Lucia, long-term drought is also evolving for the island and a few of its neighbours.

      St Lucians are warned that by the end of May, they may experience significantly reduced water levels in large reservoirs, large rivers, and groundwater. So says CariCOF in its latest bulletin.

        To experience below normal rainfall during the dry season is far from ideal. This, therefore, calls for immediate action to minimize the negative effects of water shortage. Farmers and householders, among others, could consider rainwater harvesting, along with its proper storage during occasional wet days and of course, employ water conservation methods otherwise.

3.    While we’re nowhere near the emergency conditions of a dry spell, now is the time to begin focusing heavily on water conservation in preparation for a potentially worse dry spell.

FDA-Approved Water Tanks

There are many things you can do to address this problem or prevent its impact when it actually happens. Think of ways you can conserve and store water. When a drought happens, you will want to be prepared. One of the ways you can do this is by learning to store water in containers like the quality rainwater tanks provided by Rayneau

Welcome to Rayneau, your one-stop-shop for a variety of sizes in water tanks. A water tank is the QUICKEST & EASIEST way to solve all your water shortage problems and SAVE Money on your next water bill, plus you can help protect precious water reserves. At Rayneau we take advantage of our low overheads by passing on great water tank prices to you!

We are fully stocked to handle the dry spell season and can offer you a wide range of high-quality brand tanks, pumps, and accessories. We can SAVE you time and money and pride ourselves on being able to find a solution to your rainwater tank requirement.

RAYNEAU’s water tanks come in different sizes and shapes and are made from FDA-approved polyethylene resins which are safe for human consumption of drinking water. We guarantee you HIGH-QUALITY TUFF WATER TANKS, along with high-quality service, advice, and accessories at competitive prices.

For more information on water tanks and water conservation appliances and fixtures, visit or call our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau  450-5759 to discuss all your issues relating to water storage and conservation!

Sunday, 17 April 2022


This weekend millions of people around the world will celebrate Easter as a time of renewal and rebirth. Worldwide many will also celebrate Passover and Ramadan.

A new season is upon us and with it come the symbols of hope and love.  During these days of COVID-19, we need hope, love, unity and kindness more than ever.

The world has halted and shuttered in many ways and it has also been a time to reflect upon our values and our priorities.

For our team at Rayneau, providing outstanding customer service continues with great commitment, dedication and compassion each and every day.

The COVID-19 pandemic is teaching us many things. Most importantly is our interconnectedness and how to hold on to those people and connections most precious to us from afar.

How we protect each other during this pandemic will become the hallmark and a defying characteristic of this generation.

On behalf of the Rayneau Group of Companies Leadership Team, Staff and Board of Directors, we are sending warm Easter greetings and best wishes to our customers, customers’ families, our neighbours, and community.

Happy Easter to you all.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022


Who says you have to hire a professional to have a lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood? After all, lawn pros don’t do anything to your grass that you can’t do yourself—they just know precisely what to use on your lawn, plus how and when to use it. 

Rayneau is offering you that chance to shop all your Lawn and Garden products at a whopping 20% OFF in its grand EASTER SALE from Monday, April 11th. Best Price Guaranteed Special ends April 14th, 2022, and is ONLY available at our Corinth Store (450-7247) Terms & Conditions Apply

Read on to discover the things you can do as well as the products you can get to create a gorgeous lawn that will have your neighbors clamoring to find out how you did it. 

Feeding your lawn: Your grass needs to be fertilized several times throughout the year, using the right lawn food.

Water the lawn properly: Shopping for a high quality hose with a nozzle will do the trick. Giving the grass a good long soak is another way to encourage roots to grow deeply into the soil, which strengthens the lawn and helps it survive during times of drought.

Use premium grass seed:  We provide top brand seeds. Lawn pros know that planting a lawn with premium grass seed allows you to start with a thicker lawn so it’s easier to keep it looking lush and full.

Weeds control: Keeping your lawn weed-free is one of the best practices. After all, it’s a whole lot easier to keep a lawn looking nice by spot-controlling weeds than it is to try to rescue a lawn that has already been overtaken by them. 

Get Rid of Grubs: Getting the right product for grub is of vital importance Few things can lay waste to your beloved turf faster than grubs, and the pros know that it’s crucial to catch them early before they hatch.

Now that these expert lawn secrets have been revealed, hurry on down to Rayneau for your 20% OFF on all these items to get your lawn lush green. And you know what comes with that beautiful lawn? Bragging rights.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022


The brand name Rayneau may be synonymous with construction, retail, and tools/equipment rental business on the island – at least that’s how the general public sees the name. But behind the scenes Rayneau Gajadhar, CEO of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd, continues to touch the lives of thousands of his country folks in all facets of their lives – be it humanitarian, education, health, infrastructural works - his good heart overflows with kindness and a hunger to do good for people. This kindness many believe may have been developed during his humble upbringing. But more so, he is familiar with what living in rough times really is.

Mr. Gajadhar seeks, to solve social problems by donating to charitable organizations and lending his support to worthy causes by providing financial aid or manual support.  Below are a few significant contributions that the Rayneau Group has embarked upon over the last few years.

In several instances, whether directly or indirectly, Mr. Gajadhar has contributed significantly and continues to advance the cause of education among young persons. He is of the view that education is “the best tool to bring a positive change in society, to develop a generation of responsible individuals and contribute to the development of good human beings.”

a)    Books and Tuition Fees For Sir Arthur Lewis Student

Joshua Donaie

In 2016 Rayneau handed over a cheque to Mrs. Babara Donaie, Joshua's mother, to cover books and tuition fees for her son who will be attending Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Division of Arts, Sciences and General Studies, beginning this school year. (2016 -2017). The student, 17-year-old Joshua Stephen Donnie, hails from the community of Reunion, Choiseul; he recently completed his five-year stint at the Choiseul Secondary School. Read the full story here.

b)      Signature Gowns and Caps for Micoud Secondary School  27th Graduation Class

Signature Gowns and Caps

Later in 2016, Mr. Gajadhar’s last act of generosity was directed at the Micoud Secondary School. After being contacted by the school authorities, the Team Leader of Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE Ltd) donated about 100 graduation gowns and caps totaling a sum of approximately $15,000.00 to the school for their 27th Graduation Exercise for the students of “Class of 2016.” Each gown displays the company’s logo on the left upper side. Full story….

c)    Rayneau Assists Special Education Needs Children of the Roblot Combined School

The Reading Center 

Mr. Gajadhar is happy to be associated with the Roblot Government School in completing a Reading Center. He believes that many schools are experiencing budget cuts and these cuts often include the elimination of support services for students. However, he commends Mrs. Marie Joseph for taking on the fight for special education services in her school. He reiterated that Special education teachers do a tremendous job, and their work is not to be underrated. Full story.

2)      St Lucia Red Cross Building Gets a Facelift

Red Cross Building

During the early part of July 2016, a crew from Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE Ltd) had been on the St Lucia Red Cross Society grounds at Vigie, scrubbing down the building by pressure washing it to remove cracked paint and blisters to prepare the structure for a fresh coat of paint. Also, the section of the property facing the George FL Charles Airport is being fenced. This is part of an initiative by Mr. Gajadhar's Company to assist non-profit organizations such as the St Lucia Red Cross Society in executing its services to the local population. “The St Lucia Red Cross Society plays a vital role in the protection of life, health, and human dignity on our island. Being in partnership with this vital organization I am sure will yield great benefits for both of us,” he said. Read the full story here….

3)     Bexon Primary School Environment Enhanced

Bexon Primary - Before and After

While many philanthropists may openly boast of their contributions to society Rayneau Gajadhar, Team Leader of Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE Ltd) is a rare exception. He is of this class of entrepreneurs that speaks little. He rather maintains the philosophical view of “Let my work speak for itself." His company has taken the lead in philanthropic works throughout the breadth and length of the island; giving a face-lift to the Bexon R C Infant School being one of his latest undertakings in 2016. The story.  

 5)      Minimizing the Effects of Climate Change on 32 Households in Bouton.

Mr. Rayneau Gajadhar was showered with words of appreciation and thanks at the opening ceremony of a Water Catchment Project to minimize the effects of Climate Change in the small community of Bouton by Mr. Giles Romulus, National Coordinator for The GEF Small Grants Programme, and the President of the Bouton Development Community, Ms. Zam Riviere on Saturday, September 1, 2018.

Mr. Rayneau Gajadhar was thanked for transporting most of the 32 tanks from Castries to here {Bouton} at a zero price or substantially subsidized rate. The National Coordinator continued, “To carry these 800 and 1000 gallon tanks and the most you can only carry is two or three in any one trip. To calculate the number of trips and calculate the cost of that." Read the full story.

6)          Special Services Unit(SSU) Gets Assistance

SSU Donation

“Rayneau Group of Companies is always at the forefront when it comes to assisting the police. We know how important a chainsaw is in times of emergency and we had no second thought in granting the SSU Department their request. We hope you will put it to good use.’ Mr. Gajadhar remarked.

Inspector Gaston extended his gratitude to Mr. Gajadhar on behalf of the department by saying, “We are thankful for this donation and it will become very handy in the event  they have to aid in clearing roads.” Full story.

7)     Other Corporate Philantropic Projects

Rayneau Group of Companies has assisted the Royal St Lucia Police Force in the past when the company gave the Police Head Quarters on Bridge Street a massive facelift. Full story.

 This kind of philanthropy by Mr. Gajadhar is nothing new. Schools like the Carmen Renee Memorial, Camille Henry, Fond Assau Primary School, the Police Head Quarters in Castries, and sickbay at the Corinth Secondary School are all examples of community projects that have been done under this “giving back to the community” initiative.

Friday, 8 April 2022


Skid steer loaders
 are a versatile choice in many construction fleets. One reason a skid steer is so versatile is because of the many attachments available for it.  When equipped with the right tools, skid steers can perform many tasks, like landscaping, farming, road preparation, and more.

Rayneau Rentals and Sales offers an extensive, ever-growing line of high-quality skid steer attachments for construction and farming equipment. From Brooms to Skid Steer Grapples, and Skid Steer Buckets to Skid Steer Backhoe Attachments, we have different types of attachments for skid steer loaders.

If you’ve been wondering what the best skid steer attachment is, the answer depends on your application, working environment, and materials. We’ve compiled a list featuring some of the most versatile types of skid steer accessories you can invest in to get the most performance from one unit.

  • Fork attachments are one of the most essential and affordable skid steer tools when it comes to material handling. Businesses that haven’t invested in a forklift for everyday use can rely on these accessories to move palletized materials and goods. Keep in mind the lifting capacity for your skid steer model before you utilize these accessories for transport.

  • Auger attachments make digging post holes in the soil for fencing, signposts, shrubs, and trees much quicker than manual digging. If your task entails breaking through hard rock or concrete, consider a rock head drill with teeth.

  • grapple bucket provides the best combination for handling materials and objects securely? These accessories excel at stabilizing hard-to-handle materials like scrap metal and lumb

  • Using manual brooms with rotating bristles allows operators to clear caked-on soil and debris from the ground. These attachments are ideal for parking lots, sidewalks, airport runways, and warehouse floors, to name a few.

A skid steer is an excellent piece of equipment that will allow you to achieve many different tasks. If you are interested in learning more or renting one, call Rayneau Rentals and Sales today at 1-758-450-7368 or Contact us. We're located in Vide Bouteille along the Julian R Hunte Highway.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022


As part of the observation of Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd  27th Anniversary, our blog met with Miss Leon Zelmie to get her thoughts on the company.  Miss Zelmie is,the latest addition to Rayneau‘s Southern Branch Team.

Being a regular at Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd, - Vieux Fort Branch, this may be a familiar face. Leon Zelmie was recently appointed as Office Clerk. We asked Leon to tell us about working at Rayneau. She really loves her work and all of her customers. The next time you see her at work, make sure you say hi and start a short chat with her.

Meet Office Clerk Leon Zelmie, a proud member of the Rayneau Group family—she has been with Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd for a little less than one year!

What’s your background/experience?

I have basic accounting assistant experience in QuickBooks, Excel.. G suite.. Word, etc. Every day here at Rayneau has been a learning experience for me. I spend as much time as I can, helping customers 

What makes Rayneau unique?

They offer quality products, quality service, and affordable prices.

What’s your favorite thing about working for Rayneau?

 My favourite thing about working with the company is the experience and love that spreads throughout St. Lucia through the wraps on our vehicles, our posters, and even the uniforms. They really excite me.

What’s something about Rayneau that most of your customers may not know?

Our Argos cement is the cheapest on the island and we can batch concrete to any customer’s specifications

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to interact with coworkers and discuss ways of improving our services

Why do you think it’s important to support locally-owned businesses like Rayneau?

They care about St. Lucia and continue to invest in the well-being of the citizens of the country. Our  money  remains in St Lucia and we can help community groups, clubs, and  institutions 

What is your favourite music?

Reggae and Country

Best Aggregates on the island?

For the best in aggregates, I recommend RG Quarry

Personal motto? 

I think that hard work, determination, and positive thinking results in success.

 Parting thoughts?

I want to thank the management and staff of Rayneau for this opportunity to serve as an office clerk. The experience, love, and support are greatly appreciated. Let us continue to work together to serve our customers with the highest standards.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022


Founded on April 4th, 1995, CIE celebrates 27 years of construction!

This April is a very special month for Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd, as we celebrate 27 years of building friendships, communities, and iconic spaces throughout St Lucia and by extension the Caribbean Region

Our journey began in 1995 when Rayneau Gajadhar created the company. Throughout the ’90s the business focused on growth and expansion and began to build the foundations of becoming the distinguished main contractor of choice.  As we entered the new millennium we had grown considerably, building an enviable reputation as the main contractor specializing in the construction of hotels, hospitals, bridges, schools, road works, water projects as well as commercial, and residential construction projects.

“Our services are delivered through strict adherence to timely performance, uncompromising quality, a safe and friendly working environment, and complete client satisfaction.”

Fast forward a few years and CIE was being sought out by individuals, companies, and governments across the Caribbean.  Through sheer hard work and determination, the business keeps growing and we now employ a large team of most talented individuals, including some who have been with us for over 20+ years.

An article in the prestigious  St Lucia Business Focus No 90 relates to some of the company's achievements."Their, strength, growth, and success have been recognized both locally and regionally with a slew of awards under their belt including the St Lucia Business Award idea of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year (in 2010 and 2011 respectively), the Caribbean business ward for small to middle Caribbean business of the year in 2011 (CIE),........., The ARCH of Europe Platinum Award 2012 (CIE), Platinum Century International Quality for Excellence and Business Prestige – Platinum winner 2014 and in 2015 they won the International Star for Leadership in Quality – Diamond Summit Award from Paris." 

.Rayneau Gahadhar has been at the helm of the business from the very start, striving to achieve his aim of building to perfection.  His strong leadership and unwavering vision have driven the business forward and enabled us to cement our position as one of the leading contractors for civil, residential, and commercial high-end construction in the region.

Team leader Rayneau Gajadhar is grateful for his team’s hard work and the strategies and activities of the company that has enabled it to reach this milestone. “Our services are delivered through strict adherence to timely performance, uncompromising quality, a safe and friendly working environment, and complete client satisfaction.” Mr. Gajadhar reveals.

Vintage Projects (Credits- Business focus 61)

While observing this milestone, we should also keep in mind CIE’s commitment to its Corporate Social Responsibility. We are proud to have been associated with the health, and education sectors as well as marginalized groups and public institutions. Our philanthropic endeavors span the length and breadth of the country.

We wouldn’t be where we are without the employees, and partners/clients who have been essential to our success as a company. Our industry will continue to change but one thing will always stay the same. CIE’s approach to absolute performance and our employee-first culture is forever here. It’s what shapes the experience of working with our team. Thank you for your continued support—we look forward to 27 more years of building a company based on “Creating Opportunities, Building Your Future!”                                

Happy 27th Anniversary CIE Ltd!!!!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...