Sunday, 7 August 2016

Bexon Infant School Gets a Facelift - A "Giving Back to The Community" Gesture.

Imagine walking into a building every morning and being depressed by your surroundings. This is what teachers as well as students of the Bexon Infant School faced - Rayneau Gajadhar is about to change this. Throughout the early part of July there’s been a flurry of activity at the Bexon R C Infant School building as it undergoes a significant face-lift in its 40 year history. Thanks to Mr Gajadhar's Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd.

Before and after pics
According to the principal Mrs Martha John, "At a Parents Teachers Association meeting, individual groups where given a task to come up with names of sponsors for a project for the school. One group decided that the school is in need of cleaning and paint job. The members also estimated it would take some time to raise the funds to complete the task. Mr Gajadhar’s name came up and knowing him personally, I decided to contact him. He welcomed the idea.” 

Mrs John continues. "The school is old, and the weather elements have taken their toll on the plant. The school is in dire need of a face-lift she says.  She added that pressure-washing, a coat of fresh paint, combined with cleaning the burglar bars, flowered blocks, plus small masonry works and a touch up to the ceilings in the seven classrooms will further enhance the environment at the school."

While many philantropists may openly boast of their contributions to society Rayneau Gajadhar, Team Leader of Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE Ltd) is a rare exception.He is of this class of entrepreneurs that speaks little. He rather maintains the philosophic  view of  "Let my work  speak for itself." His company has taken the lead in philantropic works throughout the breadth and length of the island; giving a face-lift to the Bexon R C Infant School being his latest undertaking.

More pics
“I’m here to make a difference.” the Team Leader says. “You hear it a lot, but I really do want to help. This is a company that lives and breathes giving back — it’s in our DNA. Giving back to the community helps you grow as a human being. Giving back to the community is involving oneself in innovation through change. It’s about developing new ways to make your community a better place to live"

Mr Gajadhar also believes that the school environment is important and among other things,he says it:-
  • Motivates both students and teachers
  • Promotes academic excellence
The principal feeling so overwhelmed by this project, had this to say. “We are very grateful for this rejuvenation project by Rayneau’s Construction. Our aging school was in dire need of a face-lift. Thanks to Mr. Rayneau and his team.”

Other institutions that have benefited from Mr Gajadhar’s “giving back to the community” initiative are Central Police Station, Carmen Renee, Camille Henry, Roblot Combined, Corinth Secondary and Fond Assau Primary - just to name a few.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...