Sunday, 17 February 2019

Rayneau Constructed Reading Center Opens It's Doors!

Student at the Center
Mr Gajadhar is happy to be to be associated with the Roblot Government School in completing this building. He believes that many schools are experiencing budget cuts and these cuts often include the elimination of support services for students. However, he commends Mrs Marie Joseph for taking on the fight for special education services in her school. He reiterated that Special education teachers do a tremendous job, and their work is not to be underrated.

“Special education is a necessary component of education. Schools need to serve all kids, which is why we rely on talented instructors,like Mrs Joseph, to work with special needs students. She is involved in the students' behavioral, social, and academic development, helping the students develop emotionally, feel comfortable in social situations, and be aware of socially acceptable behavior.” Mr Gajadhar added.

These two preceding paragraphs were  statements posted in our blog on Sunday March 27, 2016 under the heading  “Rayneau Assists Special Education Needs Children of the Roblot Combined School” Read the full article here.

Commencement and finish of  Center for Special Needs Children
Although the project was completed last year, many other necessities had to be put in place by the authorities and  on February 12, 2019 the Center finally opened its doors at a grand opening ceremony attended by parents and officials.  (Check slideshow below for more pics)

This project, we are sure, will be of immense benefit to the school bearing in mind that many children in this rural area are not exposed to a lot of literature, nor do they see their parents reading; consequently, they do not understand the importance or enjoyment of reading.  With this center now opened we know that many children will willingly go to there and happily spend their time reading, looking at pictures, and sharing books with friends.

At the opening ceremony,the present school principal, Vern Charles had special words of gratitude and praise for Mr Gajadhar and by extension, all those who helped in making this project a success - Hands Cross for getting donors for the books,Clara Paul, Harriet and Tom Linsky and all those who made this day possible, the awesome staff and librarians for all their hard work, and last but not least Alton Auguste for his artistic work.

It is worth noting here that Mr Gajadhar through his kind heart has assisted  and continues to do the same for many in education; has given assistance to needy/disabled persons, renovated many government/public institutions and played a big part in many community projects all over the island.

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