Sunday, 27 March 2016

Rayneau Assists Special Education Needs Children of the Roblot Combined School

Mrs. Marie Joseph, the Special Education Needs Teacher (S.E.N.T.) of the Roblot Combined School has had a torrid time finding resources to build a Centre for the special needs children at the School.Though she has gotten support from individuals, the community based business places and a few firms, it has not been sufficient to complete the Centre which she so desperately needs if she is to make any impact on the lives of ten (10) special education needs children.

Mrs Marie Joseph
It is worth mentioning how Mrs.Joseph came to know and contact Mr Rayneau Gajadhar for assistance."I got to know Mr. Gajadhar through various avenues. One, from a differently-able lady from Sauzay, who advocated to me that he had constructed a footpath to her home. I also got to know him during the Roblot road project which is in the community I live. From my co-worker Mrs. Laurina Jn Baptiste and her daughter Dedanier Jn Baptiste who works with CIE Ltd. I can recall that during the commencement of the building, they were the ones who encouraged me to contact Mr. Gajadhar and I asked him for a donation of fifty blocks." (This he did) "Also when the materials were finished I became very worried, but I could hear a voice saying, “Call Mr. Gajadhar.” I immediately took the phone and called him. He quickly responded and agreed to complete the building.” Mrs Joseph revealed.

Special Needs Children Centre Under Construction
According to the S.E.N.T. the Centre will be utilized as a resource room to accommodate and improve on the special education needs students who have been selected from Kindergarten through to Grade 6 during the opening of school in September 2015.

“The instruction entails, Remediation, planning for individual students according to their learning needs, teaching and learning activities, on-to-one interaction, observation and assessment.” The teacher reiterated.

The centre will be constructed specifically to create a conducive learning environment to improve on the students’ learning who are assigned to such a program the S.E.N.T. says. In a nutshell, Mrs Joseph thinks that the centre will enable students to foster greater levels of concentration.

Mr Rayneau Gajadhar
Mr Gajadhar is happy to be to be associated with the Roblot Government School in completing this building. He believes that many schools are experiencing budget cuts. These cuts often include the elimination of support services for students. However he commends Mrs Joseph for taking on the fight for special education services in her school. He reiterated that Special education teachers do a tremendous job, and their work is not to be understated. “Special education is a necessary component of education. Schools need to serve all kids, which is why we rely on talented instructors,like Mrs Joseph, to work with special needs students. She is involved in the students' behavioral, social, and academic development, helping the students develop emotionally, feel comfortable in social situations, and be aware of socially acceptable behavior.” Mr Gajadhar added. 

 With regards to the location of the building, Mrs. Joseph thinks that it is ideal. “It will be free from noise, it will be isolated and we thought of space – which is what we really wanted.”
The Roblot Combined School
In thanking Mr. Gajadhar Mrs Joseph, filled with joy said,“On behalf of the Principal and staff of the school, I would like to thank Mr. Gajadhar immensely, for being so generous, kind, compassionate, amicable, charitable and exceptional, in order to make this project a success. Thank you, Mr. Gajadhar. May God continue to bless you and your family members, your employers, your business on a whole? I pray whole-heartedly that God will give you good health, peace and prosperity in all your endeavors. I thank you."

Also, a big thank you was extended to The District Representative, a number of persons from Roblot, Debreuil, La Maze, a few business places in Vieux Fort and Choiseul - Nicholas Gas Station, BOSl, Choiseul Credit Union, True Value, Builders' Choice, to name a few, whose kind donations went a long way during the commencement of the building.

Work is presently going on at the centre and is due to be completed during the  coming weeks.
Remarks - Principal of Roblot Combined School

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