Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Rayneau Assists in minimizing the Effects of Climate Change on 32 Households in Bouton.

Rayneau Gajadhar
Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, the philanthropic that he has always been, was showered with words of appreciation and thanks at the opening  ceremony of a Water Catchment Project to minimize the effects of Climate Change in the small community of Bouton by Mr Giles Romulus, National Coordinator for The GEF Small Grants Programme and the President of the Bouton Development Community, Ms Zam Riviere on Saturday September 1, 2018 at about 3:00 pm.

Mr Gajadhar, is well known island wide and by extension throughout the region for his Corporate Philanthropy. One will of course not forget his many goodwill contributions towards worthwhile ventures - a few examples like the repainting of the Bexon Primary School, (read about it here) and the St Lucia Red Cross Society’s Building (read more here),the construction of a classroom for the slow learners at the Roblot Combined School and last but not least his bursary towards the schooling for a Sir Arthur Lewis Community College student from the Choiseul district are but a few that readily come to mind.

The opening ceremony which lasted a little over an hour and attended by about fifty residents  heard short addresses from the President of the Bouton Development Community, Ms Zam Riviere, the National Coordinator for The Global Envirnment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme, Mr Giles Romulus  and the Parliamentary Representative, Hon. Herod Stanislas. 
Zam Riviere - President of BDC
According to the President this project was started because of the severe droughts that this community was facing. “We had a severe drought problem in Bouton and we were blessed with the funds from the GEF Small Grants Programme.” She mentioned. She continued, “I am very thankful for the reasons that the GEF Programme started because of the rehabilitation of Climate Change………..[Also] members were blessed with the knowledge of how climate change affects St Lucia……..With the GEF project, 32 rainwater harvesting systems were awarded and with this we can feel more comfortable with the drought issue we have in Bouton.”

So what was The GEF Small Grants Programme mission in Bouton. According to Mr Romulus:

1: To create an awareness of what Climate Change is doing to small communities around the world
2: To build capacity to be able to adjust to problems that occur from time to time
3: To reduce poverty by thinking creative ideas
Giles Romulus - GEF National Coordinator
Mr Giles Romulus, who is no stranger to this community, started his remarks by speaking to the uniqueness of its ambience the importance of the vantage point Bouton has in reference to viewing the Pitons. He went on to thank persons and  give a brief insight into the project and called for more togetherness among the residents if they want to see more progress.

Mr Romulus said, “Today I want to put on record we must compliment the people who worked on this project – Zam Riviere, Leota and the members who started this project with us way back in June 2014 –This is September 2018.”

“I also want to put on record an appreciation to the Government of St Lucia, Rayneau Gajadhar and the private sector entity that came together in a partnership – a tripartite partnership. The Government of St Lucia, in particular the Ministry of Sustainable Development that assisted with some of the workshop presentations.”

In his special appreciation for Mr Gajadhar, Mr Romulus reiterated,”A special appreciation to Mr Rayneau Gajadhar for transportating most of the 32 tanks from Castries to here at a zero price or substantially subsidized rate. We got the money and we purchased some of the materials from Rayneau. They volunteered and come on board and said okay we will transport everything.….and you know what [is] the cost of transportation from Castries to Soufriere. You all know. “

The National Coordinator continued, “To carry these 800 and 1000 gallon tanks and  the most you can only carry is two or three in any one trip.. So calculate the number of trips and calculate the cost of that. I want the representative, Gilo [Dedan] Jn Baptiste, who is here representing Rayneau, to please convey to Mr Gajadhar our appreciation for assisting with this project.” [Thundering applause]. We, as an international organization, are thankful for that and convey our heartfelt appreciation to him.”
                                   Slideshow of a few pics of ceremony
The District Representative's remarks were mostly based on the need for more togetherness in the community especially when it comes to moving forward. He also spoke to his availability and openness to the residents across the political divide.

The ceremony came to an end after the President presented certificates of appreciation to recognized persons who made great contributions towards the project, Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd included. In closing the vote of thanks was moved by Akin Auguste who attends the Soufriere Comprehensive School.

Mr Ricky Alexander performed the master of ceremonies duties.

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