Monday, 1 June 2015

3 Sections Of the Banse Road Paved

On Friday May 29, 2015 the asphalt crew of CIE Ltd, working on the Banse/La Haut, Laborie Village Road Project showed true grit as they completed a marathon work session which went way into the wee hours of Saturday morning. Over two Kilometers of road was laid with asphalt and compacted.(Click on video below).

The paving process
CIE Ltd has one of the most modern asphalt plant in the region; there the aggregates are combined to get the desired asphalt mix which is then loaded into the tri-axle trucks for delivery to the site
Before the paving operation starts, loose material is removed on the base material using a blower and/or the dusting machine. Then the tar distributor is used to spray tar on the unpaved surface. This film of tar serves as the prime and tact coats. The coats are then allowed to cure before the actual paving resume. The purpose of having these coats is to prevent any slippage between the surface and overlay during or after the compaction.

To start the paving operation, the paver is positioned properly onto the road. The screed of the paver is lowered onto block of the same depth of the loose asphalt mat that is going to be laid on the road. The hauling truck loads the paver and the paving process begins. The loading truck is always between the oiling truck and the paver.
Paved section of road
As the paver lays the asphalt layer on the oiled base, other workers in the crew spread the hot mix so that it seals the road edges properly. The last process of paving is compaction. During this process the roller with rubber tires compacts the asphalt as soon as the paver lays the mix and the workers level out the road edges.
The three areas that have been paved are 1. Upper Banse, starting from the last residential house to about 700 meters towards Laborie. 2. Another  550 meters at a place along the Banse road called “Farleers My Haut” and finally 1 kilometers from the Marjomel gap towards Laborie. 
Paved section in Upper Banse

Many of the residents are relieved. “The dust is no more” a middle aged man remarked. In spite of the frequent watering of the road this was not sufficient to keep the road always moist. Water had to be trucked from the Piaye river to keep the residential areas dust free. A teacher, who mentioned that she understands that development comes with inconvenience remarked, " We can now open our windows once more. That's a highway we have here you know.  I only hope our drivers use this highway sensibly." Another young man, putting his piece as a minibus raced pass by "You see what I talking about", he uttered shaking his head.

During this week it is hoped that most of the Banse road will be paved if not completed. When asked about how near completed the project is, Duplesis,the Ministry's onsite technician remarked, "The work should be completed by August/September." August/September."

Update photos as of May 30, 2015


  1. As the project nears completion, it's exciting to envision the transformation and improved connectivity it will bring to the Banse road and surrounding areas. Parkway Paving LLC



The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...