Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Save Your Home in 17 Seconds

House fire
Recently the island has been gripped by a spate of house fires which have left two or three fatalities and many families homeless. The fire in Micoud on June 1, 2015, which started in a workshop and completely destroyed  four houses is the latest tragedy. Are you equipped to handle a fire at your home?  The distance of a fire station, lack of fire hydrants and the scarcity of water combined with this dry weather can be a nightmare for any homeowner if a fire were to start at their home. The first 30 seconds of a fire are are crucial. Get yourself ready - come to Rayneau.

The 6 most common causes of House fires are :
1.   Candles : Candles are often forgotten and can burn out of control
2.    Smoking:  Smoking is a major cause of residential fires. People fall asleep while smoking and set their bed, chair or couch on fire, which can easily result in a fatality.
3. Children: Small children unknowingly playing with fire inside the home are a parent’s worst nightmare. Older kids who know what fire can do – and just want to see what happens – are equally dangerous
4.    Gases:  Home fires are also caused by the propane gas. An errant spark coupled with a small leak can create a combustible situation.
5.    Appliances:  Many of the appliances used in the home ( stoves , microwave, blenders, dryers etc) do generate heat or get heated up after extended use. Cooking utensils left unattended is a frequent cause of avoidable fires.
6.    Electrical: Shoddy electrical work within a home – poorly connected circuits, loose wires, improper grounding – is also a danger that is often unknown to homeowners. Any device that uses electrical power has fire potential. Over-heated lighting equipment comes in at the top of the list.

Many victims of the house fires have openly said that they had to stand by helplessly as they watched their property turn to ashes as they await the fire trucks.This should not be!  
The first 30 seconds of a fire are crucial and will determine whether a fire will escalate and be large enough to be a threat to yourself your family or your home.  At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP Ltd) we offer the latest technology in fire extinguishers -  an aerosol Fire Extinguisher, to save your home before a fire takes root -

The Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher is an essential piece of equipment that everybody should possess. This small can, maybe the difference between life and death. According to the St Lucia Fire Service, cooking accidents are the major causes of fire in the home. Yet how many people could  say they would have to had something to fight fire with if this situation arose.

The Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher delivers a strong, targeted stream that goes right to the source of the fire, coating it with fire-fighting foam. The extinguisher can be used on most electric, grease fabric and wood fires. The Fire Extinguisher foam is biodegradable so it is easy to clean up and won’t damage surfaces.

How to use:  Remove the safety tab, aim and pull the trigger. Holding the can 3 to 4 feet from the fire, spray across the base of the flames using gently sweeping motions. The contents of each can lasts about 17 seconds which should be more than enough to put out the fire.

Whether you are at home, in your car or on your boat, stay safe with Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher.

Don’t be caught with your pants down in case a fire comes your way.

Visit us at Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products, on the Corinth Main Road, Gros Islet or call us at 450-7247.

                            AT RAYNEAU, WE’VE GOT IT!

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