Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Works 75% complete, says Supervisor with CIE Ltd

Road with Base Material
In spite of the drastic impact that the present drought is having on the population, CIE Ltd is taking full advantage of it, in that work is progressing at a breakneck speed. Such progress would not have been possible had the rains come.  According to a works foreman, the work is about 75% complete. The company has as of May 21, 2015 laid base material on approximately 5 km of road in the Banse community.  Base material is the product which is laid prior to laying the asphalt.
“The quality of the work is outstanding.” So says one of the Government's technicians. “The work is far ahead of schedule, and this due to the fact that Rayneau knows what he is doing. We have no complaints so far.” He continued.

While travelling on a mini bus along the newly surfaced and compacted road, there was nothing but praise for the project. The bus driver brought to my attention that  in spite of being a country road, it can be compared to any major road on the island. The road he observed is wider than before, it can accommodate three lanes in most areas and the smoothness of the ride is impeccable.  

Another driver expressed his satisfaction to the fact that due to the quality and width of the road, although it is not yet asphalted will definitely reduce the wear and tear on his vehicle plus reducing the travelling time form Laborie village to Banse or La Haut.
Culvert works

According to CIE Ltd engineer Vinay, works for the past two weeks have been concentrated on building of culverts and laying the base on the Banse side and the completion of the major walls on the La Haut side. He mentioned that with the laying of base this means that the laying of asphalt is not far off.

There is no doubt that the work is a state of the art production. The road can now accommodate at least three lanes of traffic in most areas. The quality of the surface is a joy to the motorists. “Now we can make Banse to Laborie in about 5 minutes, the road is smooth and wide and there is less wear and tear on our vehicles. So says a minibus driver, plying the Vieux-Fort/Banse route. “ For over thirty years we have struggled in something that passed for a road, today we have one, if not the best road in the state.” He rushed to add.

Update as of May 21, 2015

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...