Friday, 11 August 2023


If you’re a regular at Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd, this may be a familiar face. Chester was recently named Store Manager, but he has been with the company for just over five years now (wow!). In honour of his new position, we asked Chester to tell us about working at Rayneau, and you can tell—he really loves the store and all of his customers. The next time you see him in the store, make sure you say hi and congratulate him on his new role

How did you get to know about Rayneau?

I first found out about Rayneau Gajadhar when I came back to St. Lucia in 2014. He was featured in the Business Focus magazine. After reading about him I became intrigued and did some more research about him.

Four years later I found out there was a vacancy within his organization and I applied. My main goal at the time wasn’t to gain employment but to get the opportunity to speak to such a great businessman.  I wasn’t disappointed!

How long have you worked at Rayneau? What’s your background/experience?

I started working at Rayneau on 12/02/2018. I have over 20 years of experience in Customer Service and Sales and have worked with the following companies endowing me with a  vast pool of experience.

  • Rainbow Hotel (Receptionist and Guest Relations)
  • Cable & Wireless (Sales Representative)
  • Travel Concepts (Travel Agent/Outside Sales Representative)
  • St. Lucia Electricity Service (Customer Service/Debt Control)
  • Go Paul Enterprises Ltd (Warehouse Manager) Trinidad & Tobago
  • Blue Waters (Sales) Trinidad & Tobago
  • Fancy Food (Brand Manager)                                                                                                                          

What makes Rayneau unique?

What makes Mr. Gajadhar unique or different from most or all business owners I’ve worked for or with is his love and passion for the sector he works in. He really loves construction. This drives him to keep investing in himself and his companies.

What’s your favorite thing about working for Rayneau?

Unlike most business owners he isn’t afraid to take risks whether financial or physical to accomplish his goals. And his main goal is always to improve himself his company and the service he provides.

What’s something about Rayneau that most of your customers may not know?

A lot of people don’t know we offer bagged aggregates and there are several people that still haven’t heard about our legendary kitchen. section and spice selection. Also, half of our staff is female! Mr. Gajadhar believes in investing in people, mostly young people, the future of not only this country but every country he does business in. A perfect example of this was the way we were able to withstand the current pandemic. Mr. Gajadhar did everything possible to keep most of his employees within his conglomerates employed, throughout these financially difficult times.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I like to do many things, from catching a movie with friends, to going out, or just hanging out at the house with family.

Why do you think it’s important to support locally-owned businesses like Rayneau?

Supporting locally-owned businesses is such a great thing because we care and understand more about the needs and wants of the community. It’s important to shop locally because your money is staying in your town and not going to some guy in an office in Who-Knows-Where. It all circulates right back into the community that we love so much. Also, our owner is a local, lives here, and he knows what works for our community. He makes decisions that aren’t just best for the company but for our customers. He is a master at managing people, he finds ways to keep you motivated and he highlights your strengths and helps you to work on your weaknesses. He really studies you as an individual and helps to bring out the best in you. 

Manchester United or Liverpool?

 I am  a Manchester United Fan

Best Tools and Equipment rentals in Saint Lucia?

 Rayneau Rentals & Sales located in Vide Bouteille outclasses all.

Personal motto?

“Love what you do.” I was taught that by Rayneau Gajadhar Throughout my life, I’ve made it an obligation to myself to live by that motto!

Parting thoughts?

I want to thank each and every person that walks through our doors. You’re a saint, you’re beautiful, you’re lovely, and we appreciate you guys for coming to us for help! RCIP Ltd would be nothing without our amazing customer base. I want to keep growing and improving our store so we can return the favor to our community! 

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