Tuesday, 15 June 2021


Mr Gajadhar
The CEO/Team Leader of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd, Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, being that visionary he’s always been seems to forsee  a futuristic demand for trademen and women in this country. In a flyer on his FaceBook page Gajadhar encourages young men, (women too) to learn a trade skill. 

 Having the foresight about the promising potential for skilled trades jobs on island, Mr Gajadhar has taken the bold initiative to inform young persons of the benefits learning a trade skill.

The CEO says,"For those who have the drive to work with their hands, a career in skilled trades can lead to valuable roles as Construction Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, Drywall painters, Roofers and many more!  It's so much money in these fields!!!!" 

While often overlooked, the Team Leader believes that the skilled trades industry is extensive and encompasses numerous career opportunities in the construction  industry. As a matter of fact, practicing in the trades industry yields an abundance of roles that incorporate innovative, hands-on, and creative tasks.

Here are some of the benefits of working in the industry:- 

1. Transition from School to a Career Faster

For most people, the end goal of pursuing education is to eventually find a job and work. Considering this, one of the biggest benefits of entering the skilled trades industry is how soon you can start your career after receiving your secondary education.

By pursuing a skilled trades career, you significantly reduce the amount of time spent in school, allowing you to join the workforce sooner.

2. Demand for Skilled Trades Is Rising

If you have been moving around, you’re probably familiar with the myriad of construction projects underway by our company and others island wide  – it’s like St Lucia is constantly under construction.

Fortunately, the construction of these projects brings forth the demand for skilled tradesmen/women who are trained to execute these projects.

Luckily for skilled trades workers, the demand for housing is only going to climb throughout the island, so the demand for skilled tradespeople will climb as well.

3. Rest Assured You Have Local Job Security

Building on the idea of demand, those in the trades industry can rest assured they have local job security. Unlike some other professions and industries, skilled trades cannot be easily outsourced due to the nature of the role

Today, outsourcing is one of the most serious threats to St Lucian workers across the country. So, by practicing in the trades industry, you can rest assured that you don’t need to worry about your job being easily outsourced.  

4. New Career and Fresh Start

Many people training to become a tradesman/woman are starting new careers and it means a fresh start. Having a fresh start in a new career can be hugely beneficial, because doing the same job over and over again for many years can become tedious, so giving your career a refresh can give you a new lease of life. Whether it be a technical or construction trade you can get started.

5. Booming Trade Industry

The building industry is booming right now, all you have to do is walk down your road and no doubt some building work is going on, including some huge housebuilding projects. These means tradesmen/women are in high demand and the chance for work and earning good money is available to everyone. Whether it be building new houses, or working on huge buildings, work is available for you to get started in a new career.

6. You can be employed with Rayneau

After being trained it is likely that our expanding company may have vacancies to hire talented tradesmen/women. Mr Gajadhar is of th firm opinion that g toetting a trade is the best way to get started in a brand new career and to give you a new start in life.

With the new wave in robberies taking place on the island, Mr Gajadhar's idea might very well be the solution to help curb the crime surge.

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