Sunday, 19 February 2017

CIE Ltd to Execute Dennery Water Project

The Dennery Water Supply Redevelopment Project (Phase 1) was officially launched on Friday, February 17th, 2017 at the Grande Riviere Human Resource Centre.

Officials at the opening ceremony
For decades now the Dennery North residents have had to face serious water challenges in terms of supply, access, and water quality. Many communities faced the inconvenience of being without pipe-borne water for months it has been reported.

The objective of the project is to ensure a sustainable solution to the current water situation in Dennery North by increasing the supply and improving the quality of the water being delivered. The project is expected to benefit around 10,000 people from the community. 

The project encompasses the construction of a new water intake on the Tournesse River, a raw water transmission line, a new water treatment plant, a water storage tank next to the treatment plant, a pump station and a force main to the existing Thomazo water storage tank, a new transmission pipeline, pipe connections to the existing Morne Panache Pumping Station, and pipe connections to the Derniere Riviere distribution network.water intake construction and raw water transmission network.

The Consortium
The contractor, Consortium Vinci Construction Grands Projets, France’s leading construction company
and our very own St Lucia's leading Construction Company, Construction & Industrial Products Ltd. Vinci Construction will prepare the design while CIE Ltd will execute the works.

Mr Pawan Joshi and Mr Vinay Kulkarni, project coordinator and  manager respectively, represented CIE Ltd at the ceremony.

The Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) is co-financing the project together with the Government of Saint Lucia. 

This phase will be completed by the end of 2017.

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