Sunday, 9 October 2016

Rayneau's Bagged Aggregates Products - An Innovative Step Towards Competitiveness (Video)

“Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity... and these in turn rely on the education of our people.” - Julia Gillard

The National Competitiveness and Productivity Council (NCPC) will be hosting its third annual Productivity Awareness Week commencing tomorrow.

The observation of the 2016 Productivity Awareness Week from Oct – 16, which will be held under the theme “Enhancing Competitiveness through Innovation”, will aim to demonstrate that through a mindset of innovative thinking we can become competitive.

25 kg  Bagged Coarse Sand
At RG Group of Companies Ltd we believe  competitiveness is characterized as the ability to continually reach growth in productivity, which means to achieve higher output with limited inputs of labour and capital. We are also of the view that
enhancing competitiveness through fostering innovation is the way forward for today’s entrepreneur. Innovation is about change and ambiguity about the future, which means that it is often thought to be "risky". Innovation is paramount for competitive survival.

We firmly believe that companies should not wait until a product is perfect; they should quickly get their products into the market and then quickly learn from how the products are received. And so we did.

It is on this premise and innovative thinking that our company took the initiative to repackage  and reintroduce into the market its aggregates. Making the consumer our primary focus and his ability to buy in smaller quantities, management has come up with this brilliant creative package  “Rayneau Bagged Products.” We are the leading bagged aggregate supplier on island and we offer collection and delivery on a wide range of these products.

Rayneau has changed the culture of shopping for aggregates in the country. It has been the norm for consumers to buy aggregates by the yard. We have now introduced bagged products to make it more convenient for the customer by placing some of the more popular aggregates in sealed plastic bags -  this means you can now shop for ½" and ¾” stones, white sand, coarse sand and ready-mix by the bag just as you would buy a bag of cement. What makes this product even more competitive is the fact that the customer is given a choice of shopping for either 42.5 and 25 kg product.

All the indicators show that the product has been well received and the demand is very encouraging. 

Have you for the longest while been putting this small project that don't require much 1/2" or 3/4" stones, white or coarse or even ready-mix? Well then, our bagged aggregates products is your answer. 

Hurry on down to Rayneau and experience the convenience of this great innovation.

Check out our video at

The management and staff of RG Group of Companies Ltd wish everyone a dynamic” Productivity Awareness Week.”


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