Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Rayneau To Celebrate Its Jounen Kweyol Activities Differently This Year

It has been a tradition for many business places to celebrate their kweyol activities the Friday prior the National festival, which is celebrated on the last Sunday in the month of October. Rayneau is no exception.

Our previous Kweyol activities especially the one in 2014 has been one of the most talk about company activities. This year the hype is on!

 A communique from the company states that the company’s Jounen Kweyol
 activities will be held this Friday at the CIE Office Grounds. “Come decked out in your Jounen Kweyol wear.” She expressed.  Breakfast and lunch will be served at 7:30  am and 12:30pm respectively.

According to the Duty Manager at Rayneau, Mr. Ireneus Jean, “This year we would like to do things a bit different….” He continued, “We are asking that on that day (date to be announced later) you [staff] wear your own creation of madras/representation of Jounen Kweyol, of course keeping it within the dress code…..” The duty manager in order to guard against the over creativity of his staff emphasized, “No spaghetti sleeves or sleeveless blouse, no crop pants, no short pants, etc.”

The concept our creative staff have to portray
Are we expecting an informal pageant-like Jounen kweyol activity?

The excitement has been fueled by management offering an in store prize to the best dressed male and best dressed female.

I bet the judges just can’t wait to see the creativity and innovations that will come up.

Weather permitting, come Friday, this year’s activity I have no doubt will be a fun-filled and memorable activity - the boys meeting on common ground.

Apart from the twist with the ladies and gentlemen displaying their creativity with the national wear there is also a hook - an "after work lime" component.  It is due to commence at 5:00pm and promises to attract a large cross section of our work force.We look forward to our customers and friends  tocome celebrate and shop on that day as well as to give support and praise to our staff as the show off their create garbs.

Picture highlights from our 2014 Jounen Kweyole activity which was held at the RCIP Grounds. Check the video link for more pics

Our sample artifacts
Nat setting up her kweyol straw hat, The boys sharing the moment
Lunch is ready,boys! It's all here.
The salazon and vive tere on fire
Bamboo bursting had its place too
 Sampling the eats and various drinks
These well prepared golden apples asking for a bite
Albert kept the spirit alive with his huge repertoire
Sharing a moment with Team Leader.
Come shop and celebrate with us the Friday. Get engaged in a kweyol shopping experience with one of our customer sales representative. You will be thrilled, period!

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