Monday, 26 October 2015

Banse/La Haut Road In Its Final Stages (slide show)

A completed section of the Banse road
CIE's paving team will be in full force over the next six days as they take on the task of laying the final layer of asphalt on the Banse/La Haut Road. The final surface has now been laid from the last house in Banse to the La Grace Junction - superb work. The residents were overjoyed as they witnessed the quality of the work. According to a preschool teacher who shared her displeasure earlier after the "regulating surface" now openly took back her words. " I am so sorry for the comments I made earlier. I never imagined that's how the road would finally be. Thanks to Mr Rayneau. We can now boast of a high quality road which can match any in the country. Boy oh boy! Banse is grateful.On behalf of the Banse residents, I say thank you for a job well executed."

To ensure satisfaction to the residents, we provide the best quality roads. To be able to do this CIE’s engineers use materials with superior physical properties (strength, stickiness or elasticity), and they have developed standard lab and field test methods and sampling procedures to make sure they will give the expected performance. 
Check out the slide show below for more pics:

Video of the final paving at Banse

1 comment:


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...