Wednesday, 4 November 2015

5 Methods That Have Helped Improved Productivity At RCIP Ltd

The National Competitiveness and Productivity Council (NCPC) formally opened its productivity week  which took place from October 12th -16th, 2015 under the theme, "Enhancing Productivity Is Our Responsibility."

Last year, according to  Geraldine Bicette-Joseph,  marketing analyst at the NCPC, the activities for the week centered around the measures that can be taken to enhance the productivity within the economic climate. This time around, she says the Council  will continue with last year's objective and will, in addition, provide citizens with avenues where linkages can be made  allowing them to increase their own productivity. 
" We will be educating all on the  concepts of productivity and competitiveness....... whilst they move towards achieving  the competitive edge" she continued.

L to R: Awards in 2014 and 2015 
As president of the NCPC, Mr Rayneau Gajadhar leads by example. Two of his companies, RG Quarry and CIE Ltd from the RG Group of Companies, have received prestigious awards in 2014 and 2015 respectively,  at conventions of “International BID Awards”, designed to recognize the prestige of the outstanding companies, organizations, and businessmen in the business world for the high quality of their work.  This you will agree cannot be achieved without having a handle on productivity within the workplace.

At RG Group of Companies we believe that improving workplace productivity is about the little things we can all do to make our workplaces smarter, and our jobs more rewarding. High skills, high technology and good working relationships are good for everyone in the company.
Workplace productivity involves exploring all the ways that our workplace can do things better and smarter. This means being open to new ideas and working out how new technologies, products, services and work practices can improve things. It is about making the workplace better for everyone: workers, supervisors, managers  etc. 

1. Mr Gajadhar’s effective leadership is about having a clear vision of where his business is heading. It's about identifying new opportunities and inspiring his team to pursue those opportunities. Rayneau understands that leadership is required from individuals and from teams. He is also of the view that building leadership and management can improve workplace productivity. With this in mind he encourages both development and training of staff and  leadership at every level in the company. He makes use of new ideas and creative thinking, and above all he leads by example by displaying attitudes which  create a positive and productive work environment. 

2. In my experiences at RCIP and CIE I have been privy to  productive workplace cultures - I have noticed positive rapports between staff, supervisors and managers. These are features of productive workplace. It’s like family. In such an environment one feels motivated, commits to the company and can even give extra from themselves. Because of this relationship existing within the company, no one’s ideas is too small to be recognized. Their ideas have helped the workplace to do things smarter and better. And last but not least, persons at all levels of the business are treated well and all staff share the same goals and values.

3. Management at Rayneau Group Of Companies is aware that investing in people and skills will lead to productivity. They are also aware that skilled workers can work more quickly with fewer mistakes - they generally require less supervision. For that reason employees are given the regular training they need to be effective - the workplace  is so structured that experienced employees can give support/coaching to less experienced staff. There is frequent auditing of its employees’ skill level, and making sure there are high levels of literacy, numeracy and computer skills. Also on a regular basis CSRs are trained to make products presentations and prepare product slides. These training sessions provide the sales team with skills to better interact with the customers and clients.

4. A well-organized workplace is able to get the best out its staff and technology. Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products Ltd has been continually working on structures and processes that enable them to adapt and grow as products, technology and markets change.
The work environment at RCIP Ltd is such that staff is encouraged to make suggestions about how to get the workplace better organized. Regular meetings with employees help them understand their role in helping the workplace achieve its goals. The effectiveness of the floor managers to regularly analyses work processes and flows have by all accounts played an essential in the organization of work. Workers who put their efforts into supporting the goals of the business are recognized and rewarded.

5.The urge for innovation is a key part of raising productivity in the workplace. Productive workplaces are innovative in the way they use technology, and plan and organize themselves.  
It is the talk of the town that RCIP Ltd is the store with a difference. We encourage innovation and the use of technology. We can be found on almost every social media outlet – facebook - , blogger etc and our websites - and under construction -

The company has taken the bold step to make a wide range of services which no other store can match – real estate, financing, construction etc. We are open to innovation and doing things differently. Opportunities to suggest new ideas to the company are welcomed by employees across the board and finally the company keeps working out what new technologies could be useful to its operations.  

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...