Monday, 28 September 2015

Work on the Hewanorra Airport Apron at an Advanced Stage

A recent view of the Airport apron under construction
Getting on the work site at Hewanorra International Airport, where work is ongoing by CIE Ltd on the apron is no walk in the park – especially if you are not part of the crew. You must obtain a security pass from the airport personnel, and on top of this, you are electronically scanned at the security hut by Port Police guards before entering the site. The whole process takes anywhere between 15 – 20 minutes. With all the threats nowadays one cannot blame the authorities for taking such precautionary measures.

Centre Drainage trench
At the work site – rollers were compacting, graders were leveling, workers were meticulously digging a drainage trench across the apron and 10-wheelers were entering and leaving the compound with their loads. Sub-base material is at the moment being added and compacted to reach the required level before the layers of base material and asphalt can be spread.  According to CIE Ltd site engineer, the compaction must be thorough and consistent to get the perfect surface.

The airport apron is constructed to provide adequate support for the loads imposed by airplanes and to produce a firm, stable, smooth, all-year, all-weather surface. To produce such a pavement requires a coordination of many factors of design, construction, and inspection to assure the best possible combination of available materials and a high standard of workmanship - This is the forte of CIE Ltd.

While work is ongoing on the apron, a section of the Banse/La Haut and Laborie Village Main Road Project, the Laborie High Road, was given a layer of asphalt recently, following the completion of the upgrade of the WASCO's pipe system along that stretch of road.

The Banse/La Haut road is now complete with only the final layer of asphalt awaiting to be laid. This final layer is usually done 6 - 12 months after the first layer has been applied, to allow it to settle.


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