Friday, 4 November 2022


Christmas is exactly 50 days away. While you probably have National Day on your mind, it’s not too early to start shopping and planning for Christmas. In fact, getting a head start on the holiday season can help you save money and keep on track with your gift budget.

Create a gift list

First, decide to whom you’re giving gifts. Immediate family is obvious, but don’t forget others like teachers and co-workers, even if their gift is just something small.

Now that you know who, you can start working on the what. The key to giving thoughtful gifts is being observant. Pay attention to family and friends' interests and needs. When you notice something that inspires a gift idea, jot it down on your list, so you don’t forget.

Set a budget

Once you know how many gifts you need, you can decide how much to spend. For this, you’ll need to look at your income and monthly expenses and determine how much you can spend on gifts

Once you have a big number for your budget, decide how much you want to spend on each person on your list. This prevents you from blowing the whole budget on a few people before you have a chance to shop for everyone.

And remember, a bigger gift isn’t always better. A small, thoughtful gift can have just as much meaning. #ShopRayneau for your gifts this year.

 Start saving cash

The other step you can take once you establish a budget is to start saving and putting money for gifts aside. If you can put away just $50 a week for the next 7 weeks, you’ll have $350 the week before Christmas. That’s a decent size chunk of money to take to the store. Obviously, some folks can save a little more each week and some less. The point is, it’s not too late to start saving for Christmas.

Take advantage of sales now

If you have your Christmas cash available already, you don’t need to wait for the month-end of November to take advantage of sales and discount prices. Most stores aren’t waiting for December either to offer low prices. When you see a good deal in November, don’t pass on it just because it’s not really the Christmas shopping season yet. Start thinking of the Christmas shopping season as all year! Keep checking our Facebook page for offers.

Plan early, then visit our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759. We are well-stocked to handle all your preparation ideas for the Holidays.

 A little planning ahead in November will help make your Christmas season merry and bright!

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