Thursday, 31 March 2022


Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd is proud to announce that work is moving at a steady pace on both the La Guerre and Vide Bouteille Primary Schools. “As we're about to enter the final 3 - 4 months phase of the project, the race is on heading towards full completion in time for the new academic school year 2022-2023,” says architect, Jeffrey Mckie.

With regards to site works, McKie confirms that all major retaining structures are completed with a small portion of the seating wall at the La Guerre school being formed and prepared for concrete pouring by next week. Completion of this retaining wall will allow for the construction of the septic tank and soak away.

Site drainage systems are being worked on with the installation of the various storm pipes and setting out of man-holes and open drains.

The architect went on to pinpoint that much attention is now being placed on the roofs of both buildings. “The focal points for both buildings now are the completion of the reinforced concrete roofs. At La Guerre; the roof of the main classrooms block is ready for concrete however we are awaiting the completion of preparatory work on the admin block so the complete roof can be done in one pour.”

He continues, “This is scheduled to be done within the first week in April. While La Guerre’s Primary School roof is in a more advanced advance stage and it is expected the pouring of Vide Bouteille roof will follow soon after with the shift of manpower.”

“Once the roofs are done,” McKie says, “Focus will be shifted toward the construction of the various wheelchair access ramps which have already been set out for both buildings.”

Work continues in other areas of the buildings including the internal and external rendering (plastering) of walls and making good the opening for installation of windows. Doors are expected to be on-site on-site next week.

We also see continued Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) rough-ins on the first and second floors.

 With the weather being on our side at this time of the year and the arrival of procured items, Mr. McKie does not expect, any major delays which will hinder the completion of the project on time.

For all your construction materials  pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch for all your Valentine gifts. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022


Let’s be frank. The drinking water in our country is nowhere near as clean as it should be.

Because of this, we’re not at all surprised by the growing popularity of bottled water. Clearly, many Saint Lucians feel safe drinking bottled water. But do these feelings line up with the facts? Is bottled water safe to drink?

Unfortunately, the answer is not necessarily.

There’s a lot more risk associated with drinking bottled water than you may think. In fact, bottled water can be more dangerous than tap water!

If you’re like many Saint Lucians, you see the pristinely packaged bottles and assume the water inside them must be just as pure. After all, it’s got to be safer than the contaminated tap water you keep hearing about, right?

Most Saint Lucians think bottled water is safer than tap water, and quite a few don’t even drink their home tap water. It’s the logical response for any health-conscious person to have.

We all want bottled water to be the antidote to polluted tap water. We want it to be higher quality and purer than the stuff coming out of our faucets at home. After all, it seems so convenient, doesn’t it? You can pick it up at the grocery store and just grab a bottle whenever you’re thirsty!

There are two great myths people generally believe about bottled water. The first is that the water must be of a higher quality than tap water. The second is that the water is always safer to drink than the water from your faucet.

Chester Charles our Duty Manager puts it best when he says, "....the same bottle of bottled water purchased is in fact, the tap water which passes through a filtration process…” [Glorified water] 

  Sadly, this shocking discovery is nothing new. Bottled water companies have been lying about this for years by dressing up tap water as something more exotic.

While keeping hydrated is essential to your health that bottled water in your bag or in the car may be doing more harm than good. When you drink water that is housed in a plastic bottle, you’re also drinking what the bottle is made of. Even water (as well as the acid soda beverages) can leach particles from the bottles, especially if it has been exposed to heat (when left in a closed car) or stored for a longer amount of time.

Research has shown that BPA (a component often found in plastic) and other plastic materials, has contributed not only to breast cancer but also to testicular and prostate cancer.

So, the water isn’t as special as we thought. But at least bottled water companies use advanced filtration techniques, right? Unfortunately, no.

If trying to find bottled water you can trust sounds like too much work, don’t do it! After all, there’s a much safer and more cost-effective way to get healthy water for your home: invest in water treatment equipment!

There are many amazing water filtration systems on the market today. Rayneau recommends Culligan's Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter. The Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter System provides advanced filtration to reduce chemicals like chlorine lead and arsenic.  Not only does it provide you, your family and,/or your employees better and safer drinking water, but the faucets are also available in a magnitude of styles, colours, and finishes to perfectly match your kitchen, office space, or home.

 The design of the Aqua-Cleer® can be installed conveniently in all types of different locations which gives you the flexibility to put it where it works best for you!

And while you may balk at buying an expensive water treatment device, the truth is it will save you money over time! After all, you won’t have to pay for all that bottled water every week anymore. Plus, you will help the environment because you won’t be creating all that plastic waste.

Truly, investing in a water filter is a great alternative to bottled and tap water. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

  Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches and visit our plumbing Department to learn more about our water filtration systems for healthy drinking water in your home. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof. Shop our HydroRight today and save big on your utility bill.


Wednesday, 23 March 2022


Because water is an increasingly scarce resource, the benefits of a dual flush toilet extend to both financial and environmental concerns. A conventional toilet is one of the biggest water consumers in any home. Toilets that use a lower volume of water per flush promote conservation. A dual flush toilet provides two effective flushing options: high volume for solid waste and low volume for liquid waste

Chester Charles, Duty Manager at our Corinth Branch boasts that the HydroRight Dual Flush is going to save you about 15,000 gallons of water a year which equates to about $300.00 or even more. Chester gave a brief synopsis of the HydroRight. “It’s so easy to install, under 10 minutes with tools,” He said. “Central to dual-flush technology is the water savings that can be realized by a quick-flush setting using lower water volumes for liquids and paper. A second, full-flush setting uses the standard amount of water for solids.” He continued.

Chester believes that four out of five flushes used for liquid and paper, require only the amount of water used in the quick-flush setting — meaning 80 percent of flushes waste money and water on all toilets that are not dual flush.

Features of the HydroRight Dual Flush Converter:-

  • Easily converts a standard toilet into a two-button, dual flush toilet
  • Drop-in installation with no tools or tank removal needed
  • Fits 1.6 to 3.5+ GPF toilets with 2 in. flush valve
  • Perm fit silicone seal is chemical  resistant and will not warp
  • Eliminates the most common problems in toilets: the flapper, chain, and handle
  • Includes push-button handle, flush activator

In closing, Chester had this piece of advice for our friends and customers. “Not only does the HydroRight Dual Flush  help to preserve natural resources, but it also proves to be more economical than purchasing an entirely new dual-flush toilet, which can cost upward of several hundred dollars.”

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches and visit our plumbing Department to learn more about the HydroRight Dual Flush Converter for money savings, water savings, and low maintenance... Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof. Shop our HydroRight today and save big on your utility bill.


Friday, 18 March 2022


Headlights operate ordinarily without much problem but they can turn yellow and foggy without you noticing the change.  As a car is exposed to the elements, ultraviolet rays from the sun break down the external coating on the outside of headlight lenses and the ugliness sets in. Modern vehicles are plagued by these unsightly, clouded, and yellowing headlight lenses on an enormous scale.

Car headlight issues may seem small at the moment, but their implications for safety and performance are anything but insignificant.

When headlights become foggy and oxidized it affects the light output. The beam that should come from the headlight is weakened and will not cover as much ground in front of the automobile. That becomes a serious problem at night when vision is naturally reduced; the smaller lighted area is an invitation for accidents. The headlights need to be worked on for a further and clearer vision.

Clouded lenses can’t be simply cleaned with soap and water; they are cloudy because the plastic itself has been discolored and not just the surface.  

There are many rumours around for ‘quick fix’ repairs on your headlights. The most common is the myth that toothpaste is good for cleaning headlights. The truth is this method was used in the days of glass headlights, which toothpaste does actually clean without damaging. The fact is toothpaste abrasive, a minty one at that. You should not rub any abrasives on your headlights as you are wearing down the much-needed sealant that protects the polycarbonate lens.

Here are two well-proven solutions for your headlights' cataract:-  

1.  Turtle Wax T-240KT Headlight Lens Restorer Kit

The Turtle Wax T-240KT Headlight Lens Restorer Kit - restores dull, yellowed headlights to like-new condition in less than 5 minutes per lens. The Lens Clarifying Compound quickly removes surface discoloration and may be all that is needed to restore clarity.

2.  Majic Headlight Lens Cleaner & Sealant

Majic Headlight Lens Cleaner and Sealant - provides multiple benefits by cleaning and sealing in a single step, making headlight maintenance easier than ever. Precision compounds polish away cloudy surface oxidation and restore clarity to lightly damaged plastic lenses. Majic Headlight Lens Cleaner and Sealant can be used for preventative maintenance to keep new or like-new lenses clear or to clean and restore lightly oxidized lenses.

Taking care of the headlights is not something that should not be put off indefinitely. Anyone who is driving at night is aware of the dangers and safety hazardhazardshazard hazards of dim lights. Procrastination does have its price and you have to be aware of it. Making sure that there is no hazy obstruction to the light is a simple precaution and safety. It can save you from a nasty accident soon me dark stormy, rainy night.

After you have restored your headlights like new, if possible, the car should either be parked in a garage or have the headlights face away from the sun. This prevents the damage that can be caused by ultraviolet light.

Don't hesitate to restore your headlights if they're beginning to dim. It's only a matter of time until they dim to the point of becoming a safety hazard. 

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches and visit our Auto Department to see how we can help you  transform your cloudy, hazed headlights back to being good as new. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022


Running a home isn’t an easy task with bills piling up. Sometimes, it becomes downright impossible to keep within the budget and end up with some savings. However, managing bills properly and ending up with a few bucks leftover in one’s hands is a sign of an expert homemaker. 

If you’ve been gasping at the sight of your utility bill lately, it may be time for some renovations in your home – particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. Think about it, these high-traffic areas of the home dispense water, electricity, and gas off and on throughout the day and over time it all begins to add up. So what’s a homeowner to do?  

We’re not talking about tearing things apart and doing an expensive remodeling project. A few small changes in two of the most used rooms in your house can do a lot for your next utility bill. Consider these tips on how to make your kitchen and bathroom more energy-efficient – you’ll be grateful when you see your utility bill next month!

Is it time for a new light fixture? There are a lot of  energy-efficient fixtures/and bulbs with brand names like Argent, Co-Max, and Meridian to choose from at Rayneau. Depending on whether or not you need to move the location of the light fixture, this is a project that could be completed in just one evening! Even if you don’t need to replace your light fixtures, take advantage of today’s technology and consider innovative choices like LED lighting under your kitchen counter, or using Compact FlorescentFluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs wherever regular bulbs are used.

For your Kitchen, using a high-efficiency ceiling fan is a great alternative to the typical exhaust fan. By moving air through the space using natural ventilation, a ceiling fan uses much less energy than an exhaust fan and is much quieter. If you still prefer an exhaust fan over your cooking area, consider a high-efficiency variable speed model. In doing this, you can use the lowest speed available, if it is all you need, thus saving more energy.

Low-Flow Faucet
At Rayneau we help consumers make the best choices to save money and maintain high environmental standards. Our plumbing products with brand names like  Cronexrabo, Zurn, MintCraft, and Plumb Pak have been certified to be at least 20% more efficient without sacrificing performance. Replacing old showerheads, faucets, and toilets with new low-flow products can save a lot. You will not only save on water in general but costs of heating water, as well as less hot water, will be used.

If you’re looking to get more out of your kitchen and bathroom with less impact on your energy bill, contact the professionals at Rayneau. Not only will we help you get the kitchen and bathroom of your dreams, but you’ll also enjoy plenty of energy savings.

Of course, these are just a few improvements that could save energy while improving the look of your home and the quality of living. 

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches to see how they can transform your kitchen and bathroom in more ways than one. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.

Saturday, 12 March 2022


The sod-turning ceremony marking the beginning of the reconstruction of the Vanard (Venus) to Anse La Raye link road took place on March 10th on the grounds of the Vanard Multipurpose Court. The contract for this project which has been awarded to CIE was recently signed last month.

Government officials at the sod-turning ceremony

The participants of the Thursday groundbreaking ceremony included. Honourable Philip J. Pierre, Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, Economic Development and the Youth Economy, Honourable Stephenson King, Senior Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical, Development and Urban Renewal, Her Excellency Malgorzata Wasilewska,  European Union (EU) Ambassador, Honourable Dr Virginia Albert-Poyotte, Minister for the Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs, Honourable Wayne D. Girard, Parliamentary Representative and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy, Permanent Secretaries, Mrs Esther Rigobert and Mr Ivor Daniel of the Ministry of Finance and Infrastructure respectively, Ms Cheryl Mathurin of the BCU Project Co-coordinating Unit, Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, Chief Executive Officer, Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd and Mr Pawan Joshi, Chief Engineer, Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd.

The Prime Minister added that he was convinced that the project will be realised quickly and efficiently and that we will have this beautiful link road.

Both the Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure told the audience that Mr Rayneau Gajadhar is “a leading talent in St Lucia that can compete globally.” Mr Gajadhar and by extension CIE has made its mark throughout the region when it comes to quality work and on-time delivery.

For many years the Vanard (Venus) to Anse La Raye link road has provided alternate and important access for commuters between the communities of Millet and Anse La Raye. After Hurricane Tomas in 2010 and the Christmas Eve Trough of 2013, the roadway, although still motorable, is compromised and in need of structural rehabilitation

The works on the Vanard (Venus) to Anse La Raye Link Road (SLU-DVRP-VAB-RFB-RDS-01-21) will consist of:

  • Earthworks and site clearance
  • Paving works
  • Drainage works and culverts
  • Gabion baskets
  • Concrete works
  • Retaining walls and slope stabilization

The project is made available through the cooperation between the European Union (EU) through the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Government of Saint Lucia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expected to last twelve (12) months.

CIE looks forward to providing the residents of Vanard (Venus) and Anse la Raye with the highest quality of workmanship and timely delivery on this project.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022


" You have faced hardships with bravery and resilience. You have disarmed your problems through your smile. You have concealed your worries in your heart. You are a strong woman indeed…Just enjoy this Day." ~ Anonymous

The management and staff of Rayneau Group of Companies (RGC) Ltd, extends Happy International Women's Day 2022 to all Saint Lucian ladies both here and in the diasporas.

The goal behind Women's Day is to spread the message of gender equality, celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in different spheres, and work towards building a society free of all gender biases, stereotypes, gender parity, and discrimination. 

This day, March 8,2022, which aims to honour womanhood, is also aimed at recognising women who have influenced our lives in some way, whether as a mother, wife, sister, or friend.

This year, the theme for International Women's Day is 'Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch for all your home improvement products. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.

Friday, 4 March 2022


Having the right equipment for the job not only betters the quality of your work but also improves productivity while making things easier. This is especially important when working with concrete because time is of the essence and things can easily go wrong. Without the right tools, concrete work is nearly impossible, and you won’t typically get a smooth finished product.

Here at Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we are pleased to be able to offer you a wide range of equipment that will save you money while still allowing you to complete your concrete project like a pro. We get you the professional-grade equipment you need without having to spend a lot of money buying equipment you won’t often use.

Some of the most common projects that might require concrete equipment rentals include installation, maintenance, or removal of patios, concrete floors, sidewalks, and driveways. We provide a variety of options, including concrete floor grinders, planers, concrete vibrators, core drills, jackhammers, concrete mixers, and floor saws. Everything in our selection of concrete equipment rentals has been maintained properly to ensure that each piece is ready for your project.

Other pieces of equipment that may be included are heavy-duty wheelbarrows, stakes, levels, trowels, line levels, tiling spades, clamps, pails, concrete rakes, beveled clapboards, floats, and brushes or brooms for a clean finish. Our concrete equipment rentals can include any items that can be reused when your job is over. It will not include other important elements you will need, like reinforcing mesh or lumber to create your forms.

We also provide concrete equipment rentals to commercial clients, including construction workers. If you need some type of equipment but don’t want to spend the money and invest inexpensive items, contact us at Rayneau Rentals & Sales to see how we can help. We carry items from the top brands in the industry and stand behind everything we have available for rent.

Rayneau Rentals & Sales has the concrete equipment you need. Give us a call at (758) 450 7368, visit our siteFacebook page,  or drop by today to see how we can help you complete your next concrete project. We are located at Vide Bouteille along the Julian R Hunte Highway.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022


According to an official at Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd, with the pace at which work is moving at the two schools' construction site, one can confidently say that the projects will be completed and delivered before the expected due date.

CIE has a proven record of delivering top quality work and on can take that to the bank!

Further to our last update at the beginning of February, work has advanced significantly on both the  La Guerre and Vide Bouteille Primary Schools'  projects.

Vide Bouteille:

According to the Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd architect, Jeffrey Mckie," The Second floor has been cast making way for the erection of columns, walls, and beams for the final level of the new classroom block. Once these elements are in place we move into the construction on the roof."

La Guerre:

With regards to this project the First Floor of the administration block is scheduled to be cast today Tuesday, March 01, 2022. Our electricians are currently making final preparations and checks, ensuring all are in place for the scheduled pouring of the concrete slab.

Mckie says, "Work continues on the final level of the classroom block with the erection of columns and block walls along with the formwork for beams for the reinforced concrete roof slab."

He continues, "A major portion of the retaining wall was cast with about 5% remaining to complete the retaining structure after which backfilling and compaction will commence."

As we edge closer to the scheduled completion date of these projects, both finishing items procured,  to the workforce on-site has begun. The workforce Mckie says is expected to be augmented to ensure that the projects are fully completed and delivered well before time.

Follow us on social media. Construction & Industrial Equipment Ltd, Corinth Main Road, Gros Islet P.O. Box GM 652, Tel: (758) 450-1087. Rayneau Gajadhar Group of Companies.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...