Tuesday, 29 March 2022


Let’s be frank. The drinking water in our country is nowhere near as clean as it should be.

Because of this, we’re not at all surprised by the growing popularity of bottled water. Clearly, many Saint Lucians feel safe drinking bottled water. But do these feelings line up with the facts? Is bottled water safe to drink?

Unfortunately, the answer is not necessarily.

There’s a lot more risk associated with drinking bottled water than you may think. In fact, bottled water can be more dangerous than tap water!

If you’re like many Saint Lucians, you see the pristinely packaged bottles and assume the water inside them must be just as pure. After all, it’s got to be safer than the contaminated tap water you keep hearing about, right?

Most Saint Lucians think bottled water is safer than tap water, and quite a few don’t even drink their home tap water. It’s the logical response for any health-conscious person to have.

We all want bottled water to be the antidote to polluted tap water. We want it to be higher quality and purer than the stuff coming out of our faucets at home. After all, it seems so convenient, doesn’t it? You can pick it up at the grocery store and just grab a bottle whenever you’re thirsty!

There are two great myths people generally believe about bottled water. The first is that the water must be of a higher quality than tap water. The second is that the water is always safer to drink than the water from your faucet.

Chester Charles our Duty Manager puts it best when he says, "....the same bottle of bottled water purchased is in fact, the tap water which passes through a filtration process…” [Glorified water] 

  Sadly, this shocking discovery is nothing new. Bottled water companies have been lying about this for years by dressing up tap water as something more exotic.

While keeping hydrated is essential to your health that bottled water in your bag or in the car may be doing more harm than good. When you drink water that is housed in a plastic bottle, you’re also drinking what the bottle is made of. Even water (as well as the acid soda beverages) can leach particles from the bottles, especially if it has been exposed to heat (when left in a closed car) or stored for a longer amount of time.

Research has shown that BPA (a component often found in plastic) and other plastic materials, has contributed not only to breast cancer but also to testicular and prostate cancer.

So, the water isn’t as special as we thought. But at least bottled water companies use advanced filtration techniques, right? Unfortunately, no.

If trying to find bottled water you can trust sounds like too much work, don’t do it! After all, there’s a much safer and more cost-effective way to get healthy water for your home: invest in water treatment equipment!

There are many amazing water filtration systems on the market today. Rayneau recommends Culligan's Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter. The Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter System provides advanced filtration to reduce chemicals like chlorine lead and arsenic.  Not only does it provide you, your family and,/or your employees better and safer drinking water, but the faucets are also available in a magnitude of styles, colours, and finishes to perfectly match your kitchen, office space, or home.

 The design of the Aqua-Cleer® can be installed conveniently in all types of different locations which gives you the flexibility to put it where it works best for you!

And while you may balk at buying an expensive water treatment device, the truth is it will save you money over time! After all, you won’t have to pay for all that bottled water every week anymore. Plus, you will help the environment because you won’t be creating all that plastic waste.

Truly, investing in a water filter is a great alternative to bottled and tap water. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

  Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches and visit our plumbing Department to learn more about our water filtration systems for healthy drinking water in your home. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof. Shop our HydroRight today and save big on your utility bill.


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