Thursday, 8 April 2021


Going green is all about energy and water conservation. Aside from the benefits this offers the world as a whole, personally, it helps us to save money by reducing our monthly energy and utility bills. This is achieved in a number of ways, including replacing common plumbing fixtures and making sure to schedule routine preventative maintenance. With this in mind, here are some tips for incorporating green plumbing into your life


The Water and Sewage Authority has once again called upon St Lucians to conserve water as it appears that the dry season is beginning to take its toll on the island’s water resources. One of the most important steps you can take to help conserve water usage in your home is to find any leaks in your plumbing system, including in pipes, faucets, and toilets. These leaks can be caused by old pipes, worn out toilet flappers, drippy faucets, leaking valves – the list goes on and on.

A small pipe leak repair is a basic home repair job that you'll want to tackle yourself. Pipe leaks occur with regularity and waiting for a plumber to arrive is not a very wise idea. For minor leaks in PVC or rubber pipes, a do it yourself repair suffices.You can run up a big water bill in a hurry if you get a leak in your pipes. With a few steps, you can stop the leak temporarily and still have running water.

Speaking with a plumber he suggested the items DIYers will need to repair a small pipe leak.These items are available at our  store.

  •          Epoxy Paste
  •          Pipe Clamp
  •          Sandpaper
  •          Compound Stick
  •          Hose
  •          Knife
  •          Screwdriver


You can also conserve water and lower your water bills by installing low-flow toilets which are a great plumbing option. Chances are if you purchased a new toilet in the past decade you already own a low-flow toilet, but if you still have a standard toilet in your home, know that you can save 3 or more gallons of water per flush. That may not sound like a lot, but consider this: installing a low-flow toilet can reduce bathroom water consumption by 50%. Now do we have your attention?

You can also opt for the dual-flow toilet, which has two flush buttons: one for liquid (which uses around .8 gallons per use) and the other for solids.


Several faucets that are low-flow are now being produced by  various companies, which offer a flow rate that is a maximum of around 30 percent less than traditional styles.

Even if you are not seeking out a new faucet, you can save water and limit the water flow by simply replacing the existing aerators on your faucet for modern ones.

New low flow shower heads also play their part in saving consumers money and water as much as 75% less. This modern fixture can reduce water usage drastically no matter what the water pressure availability is.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, We’re always  happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof

                                                              "Go Green" with Rayneau.

1 comment:

  1. Leaky toilets are one of the number one cause of unseen leaks in a house. Here's a trick to find a leaky toilet if you have one, open and pour a pack of Kool-aid or similar product into your toilet tank preferably the last thing before you go to bed, if the color of the water in the bowl changes to the Kool-aid, then you have a bad flapper, flush valve or both. Rayneau have that in stock.



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