Thursday, 27 September 2018

Tropical Storm Kirk - A Wind and Rain Threat to St Lucia

Tropical Storm Kirk is expected to effect the St Lucia starting today and into Friday. Maximum sustained winds remain near 50 mph (85 km/h) with higher gusts.
This is going to be a wind and rain threat. St Lucia has been placed under a storm warning alert as storm conditions are possible on island.

When an storm warning is issued take these precautions:
1 - Leave low lying areas.
2 - Protect windows with plywood boards, or storm shutters.
3 - Secure outside objects.
4 - Make sure you have plenty of fuel and water.
5 - Have several days supply of food and water for each family member.
6 - If called to evacuate, do so immediately.

The met office issued that Tropical-storm-force winds from Kirk extend outward up to 140 miles (220 km),mostly north and east of the center. Gradual weakening is anticipated during the next couple of days, but Kirk is forecast to move across the Lesser Antilles and into the eastern Caribbean Sea as a tropical storm.

Are you prepared!!!!!!! 

                                   Hurricane preparedness supplies

Don't be caught off-gaurd! Head down to Rayneau today at any of our branches at Corinth, Vide Boutielle or Monchy and get your needed Hurricane supplies -  Tarps, Tie-down Straps, Tapcons, Anchors, Sandbags, Raincoats, Proper tools, a first aid kit, plenty of batteries and flashlights and last but not least always have plenty of non-perishable foods on hand.

Please be safe.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Trending Tools from Our Power Tools Department -The Makita LW1401

Makita LW1401 Cut-Off Saw, 14
Power tools have long been convenient resources for various industries, aiding workers from all sorts of disciplines. With special features like electric motors, power tools help eliminate strenuous, manual labor. 

Kendel, our customer sales representative in the Power Tools Department believes that in their domination of the tool market, power tools are seeing exciting trends and innovations emerge—with new models of existing tools and some entirely new instruments. Here is one of three tools in the power tools market Kendel wants our customers to know about.

Today we showcase the:- Makita LW1401 Cut-Off Saw, 14" (Faster, Precise Cut-Offs)

The Makita 14” Cut-Off Saw (LW1401) is a metal-cutting solution built for light gauge metal stud and strut, pipe, all thread, conduit, tubing, rebar, and more. The 15 AMP motor delivers 3,800 RPM for the most demanding metal cutting applications. 

It is engineered to cut up to 5" round stock, 4-11/16” square tube, and 4” x 7-5/8” or 2-3/4” x 9-1/8” rectangular tubing. It also features fence adjustment up to 45 degrees right or left, and a 'tool-less' vice adjustment for increased productivity. 

The LW1401 weighs only 37 pounds with a locking pin that secures the cutting head in the down position for easy transport and storage. Additional features include a large ergonomic handle and two-stage lock-off power button.

- 14" X 1" X 7/64" Abrasive Cut-Off Wheel (A-93859-1).
- Socket Wrench (782210-8).

More Features for LW1401
- Powerful 15 AMP Makita Built Motor - High overload protection for most demanding applications.
- Two-stage lock-off power button - For operator convenience.
- 'Tool-Less' flange can also be used on LW1401 non-tool less model, with no additional parts required for conversion. Add Part# 123478-1.

The Makita LW1401 cut-off saw is now available. Call or visit any Rayneau store at Corinth, Vide Bouteille or Monchy to speak with any of our Customer Sales Representatives for more details.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

7 Rust-Oleum Products to Get Busy With

WELCOME TO RUST-OLEUM! But first, you may ask, “What is Rust-Oleum? Rust-Oleum is a manufacturer of protective paints and coatings for home and industrial use. For nearly a century Rust-Oleum has been the global leader in manufacturing innovative coatings that empower do-it-yourselfers and professionals.

Rust-Oleum is still renowned for its original rust-fighting formula, but today the brand is just as well known for its Rust-Oleum spray paints and Rust-Oleum furniture paints. Rust-Oleum paints deliver ground breaking functionality and performance, previously unseen in the St Lucia paint market. Take a look at the Rust-Oleum paints available at Rayneau for your next up-cycling or craft project.

1 - Rust-Oleum Stops Rust
Stops Rust provides a long-lasting, durable finish to your project. Resist Moisture and
corrosion with high-quality Rust-Oleum Stops Rust paints. Superior coverage and
durability. Perfect for outdoor metals, refresh your garden bench or patio table and chairs with the high-quality formula of Stops Rust. Available in a wide array of colors and finishes for your specific purpose
Tough, protective finish resists fading, cracking, chipping and peeling. Ideal for use on:

·         Patio Furniture
·         Wrought Iron
·         Wheel barrow
·         Outdoor light fixtures

2 - Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield
Achieve the maximum adhesion, durability and protection offered by Rust-Oleum Epoxy
Shield. One-coat coverage. For high-performance coatings that excel on the most demanding surfaces—with outstanding durability—look to Rust-Oleum Epoxy shield, the #1 trusted brand for protection. Ideal Use:-

·         Garage floors
·         Walls
·         Basement Floors
·         Driveways 

3 - Rust-Oleum Professional
Resist corrosion and abrasion in demanding industrial and commercial settings. with Rust-Oleum Professional coatings. Druable, long-lasting finish. Excellent coverage, hiding and color retention. Fast drying.
Provide a tough, attractive coating that withstands heavy-duty environments with Rust-Oleum® Professional High Performance Protective Enamel. This commercial-quality finish maintains consistent, corrosion-resistant color—despite the elements.

  •         Indoor/outdoor 
  •     Gloss, or flat black and white
  •          Durable, corrosion-resistant

4 - Rust–Oleum Porch and Floor Coating
Add the final touch to any porch, patio or walkway with Rust-Oleum® Porch & Floor Coating. This low VOC, urethane-fortified acrylic formula provides durable color retention that protects and enhances outdoor wood and concrete surfaces.  Its UV, weather and mildew resistant finish is easy to maintain and provides excellent coverage over new or previously coated surfaces. Ideal use:-

  •          Patios
  •          Walkways
  •          Wood
  •          Porches
  •          Concrete
  •          Decks
  •          Weathered Wood

Rust–Oleum Speciality: In this category we introduce the following products:-

1 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty Farm & Implement provides superior rust protection for tractors, trailers, lawn mowers and other farm implements. Rust-Oleum® Specialty Farm & Implement offers excellent coverage, chip resistance and color retention. This complete assortment matches original equipment colors. Apply to metal or wood. 

  •         Heavy Duty
  •          Rust Preventive
  •         Durable weather resistant finish

2 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty High Heat Spray retains color and finish up to 1200º F. Apply to grills, wood-burning stoves, radiators, engines or other metal items. Provides rust protection.

  •          Indoor/outdoor
  •         Durable, corrosion-resistant

3 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty Chalk Board converts surfaces into a usable chalkboard. (Ideal for teachers both in the classroom and those who give private lessons) Apply to metal,
wood, masonry, drywall, plaster, glass, concrete, unglazed ceramics and hardboard. Erases cleanly.
·         Indoor use only
·         Cleans with soap and water

Allow paint to dry for 3 days. Once cured, prepare surface for chalk by rubbing side of chalk over entire surface and erasing.

Call or visit us today and speak with our Customer sales representative in the Paint &Accessories Department at Corinth, Vide Bouteille or Monchy for more details on our Rust-Oleum Products.

Take a quick peek at our slideshow below for an insight into our wide range of RUST-OLEUM Products now available in store.
                                   Rust-Oleum Products

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Rayneau Assists in minimizing the Effects of Climate Change on 32 Households in Bouton.

Rayneau Gajadhar
Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, the philanthropic that he has always been, was showered with words of appreciation and thanks at the opening  ceremony of a Water Catchment Project to minimize the effects of Climate Change in the small community of Bouton by Mr Giles Romulus, National Coordinator for The GEF Small Grants Programme and the President of the Bouton Development Community, Ms Zam Riviere on Saturday September 1, 2018 at about 3:00 pm.

Mr Gajadhar, is well known island wide and by extension throughout the region for his Corporate Philanthropy. One will of course not forget his many goodwill contributions towards worthwhile ventures - a few examples like the repainting of the Bexon Primary School, (read about it here) and the St Lucia Red Cross Society’s Building (read more here),the construction of a classroom for the slow learners at the Roblot Combined School and last but not least his bursary towards the schooling for a Sir Arthur Lewis Community College student from the Choiseul district are but a few that readily come to mind.

The opening ceremony which lasted a little over an hour and attended by about fifty residents  heard short addresses from the President of the Bouton Development Community, Ms Zam Riviere, the National Coordinator for The Global Envirnment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme, Mr Giles Romulus  and the Parliamentary Representative, Hon. Herod Stanislas. 
Zam Riviere - President of BDC
According to the President this project was started because of the severe droughts that this community was facing. “We had a severe drought problem in Bouton and we were blessed with the funds from the GEF Small Grants Programme.” She mentioned. She continued, “I am very thankful for the reasons that the GEF Programme started because of the rehabilitation of Climate Change………..[Also] members were blessed with the knowledge of how climate change affects St Lucia……..With the GEF project, 32 rainwater harvesting systems were awarded and with this we can feel more comfortable with the drought issue we have in Bouton.”

So what was The GEF Small Grants Programme mission in Bouton. According to Mr Romulus:

1: To create an awareness of what Climate Change is doing to small communities around the world
2: To build capacity to be able to adjust to problems that occur from time to time
3: To reduce poverty by thinking creative ideas
Giles Romulus - GEF National Coordinator
Mr Giles Romulus, who is no stranger to this community, started his remarks by speaking to the uniqueness of its ambience the importance of the vantage point Bouton has in reference to viewing the Pitons. He went on to thank persons and  give a brief insight into the project and called for more togetherness among the residents if they want to see more progress.

Mr Romulus said, “Today I want to put on record we must compliment the people who worked on this project – Zam Riviere, Leota and the members who started this project with us way back in June 2014 –This is September 2018.”

“I also want to put on record an appreciation to the Government of St Lucia, Rayneau Gajadhar and the private sector entity that came together in a partnership – a tripartite partnership. The Government of St Lucia, in particular the Ministry of Sustainable Development that assisted with some of the workshop presentations.”

In his special appreciation for Mr Gajadhar, Mr Romulus reiterated,”A special appreciation to Mr Rayneau Gajadhar for transportating most of the 32 tanks from Castries to here at a zero price or substantially subsidized rate. We got the money and we purchased some of the materials from Rayneau. They volunteered and come on board and said okay we will transport everything.….and you know what [is] the cost of transportation from Castries to Soufriere. You all know. “

The National Coordinator continued, “To carry these 800 and 1000 gallon tanks and  the most you can only carry is two or three in any one trip.. So calculate the number of trips and calculate the cost of that. I want the representative, Gilo [Dedan] Jn Baptiste, who is here representing Rayneau, to please convey to Mr Gajadhar our appreciation for assisting with this project.” [Thundering applause]. We, as an international organization, are thankful for that and convey our heartfelt appreciation to him.”
                                   Slideshow of a few pics of ceremony
The District Representative's remarks were mostly based on the need for more togetherness in the community especially when it comes to moving forward. He also spoke to his availability and openness to the residents across the political divide.

The ceremony came to an end after the President presented certificates of appreciation to recognized persons who made great contributions towards the project, Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd included. In closing the vote of thanks was moved by Akin Auguste who attends the Soufriere Comprehensive School.

Mr Ricky Alexander performed the master of ceremonies duties.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...