Tuesday, 13 March 2018

How to Make Your Shower Tile Look Fresh and NewThis Easter?

Have you recently taken a close look at the tiles in your shower? Did you notice that grout is missing around certain tiles or it is discoloured? When the grout fails or becomes discoloured or stained, sometimes it's necessary to completely remove the old grout and regrout your tile.

A before and after view
Shower  grout can fail for many reasons. Improper initial installation or mixing of the grout can cause premature failure. Harsh acid based cleaners can degrade grout over time. Tiles that are set too close together can cause grout to “pop out”. Time in general can cause gout to fail. It is vitally important to rectify this as soon as possible. Water that migrates behind the tiles and into the wall can cause mold to form.  Also – tiles will begin to loosen and possibly fall off the wall.

Any time you as a homeowner see grout that is missing you should have it repaired as soon as possible. Follow the steps below and you will have your bathroom tile looking fresh and new with little effort.
You will need the following tools to complete your task:-
Grout saw           Bag of grout        Grout float                5-gallon bucket
Water                 Sponges               Rubber gloves            Microfiber towels

Grout saw
Remove the old grout:
To do it right you’re going to have to dig out all your old grout. Use the grout saw to "saw" the old grout out of the tile. Place the saw into the grout line and saw back and forth. Make sure to remove as much grout as possible—at least two-thirds—because you want to ensure that there is enough tile edge for the new grout to adhere to. When you're finished removing the old grout, sweep or vacuum up any grout dust that remains.

Mix and apply new grout:
Once all your grout is removed and you have your new grout, it's cake from here. Every grout product has its own mixing requirements, so read and follow the directions for the grout product you're using. Mix you up some grout and get your "float" ready and go to town.

You can use your hands or a grout float and scoop some grout out of the bucket and onto the tile and force the grout into the grout lines - you can use your finger and jam the grout in the cracks.

If you are doing a wall, start at the bottom of the wall. If you are doing a floor, start at the corner farthest from the door so as to not stress about walking or crawling over your work. Spread your grout and let it set-up for about 5 minutes.

Work in a small area at a time because you do not want the grout to dry before you have the desired finish you want. The grout should be almost flush with the top of the tile. Grout lines should be full but not over-filled. Use the float and run it along the grout lines at a 45-degree angle to smooth it out.

Cleaning the tile
Cleaning the tile:
Now you will notice the grout makes a mess on your tile. You’ll want to clean this up! Make sure to have a bucket of water and a clean sponge prepped. After the grout has set for about 20-30 minutes, wring out your sponge really good and lightly go over the tile in circular motions.

After you have cleaned off the tiles, wring out the sponge and wipe along the grout line to smooth it out. Now, do not touch your work. Be patient and let the grout set and dry completely.

Removing the haze:
After about an hour, go over the entire surface a second time for a final cleaning to remove a haze over the top of the tile. You will want remove the haze immediately because if you wait a day or so, it will be much more difficult to remove.

Removing the haze
Get a fresh bucket of water and a new sponge. Once again, be sure to wring out the sponge thoroughly and wipe down the tile to remove the haze. More than likely, you will have to wipe down the tile several times to remove all the haze completely. This can take some time, but you will want to make sure all the haze is gone. One tip for removing the haze is to use microfiber towels. They are inexpensive and can remove a large portion of the haze in one wipe-down.

Be sure to let the grout set for 24 to 48 hours before you take a shower or allow any water to come in contact with the area you just grouted.

Do you have any projects you would like to post? Send them to our blog email at rayneausciproducts@gmail.com - we will be happy to post them on our blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Tile Repair



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