Friday, 13 October 2017

Stop Thieves and Joy Riders From Taking Your Vehicle!

In this day and age your vehicle’s safety and security is just as important as your home, as it is just as valuable, making it a prime targeted for burglary. In St Lucia today it has become a norm to hear radio announcers calling on the public to assist in locating stolen vehicles. It has become so frequent now that an announcer during his early morning patois program announces reported auto thefts as   “Un moon pwatay un loto sans permesion.”  (Translated to English, “Someone burrowed a vehicle without permission.”)
A burglar at work

Many of the latest car thefts allegedly take place with no forced entry. The crime authorities believe that many of these auto thefts are sometimes due to the fault of the owners. Many times the owners leave their vehicles in the custody of not too trustworthy persons for a check-up, clean-up or carwash. It is during these times that keys are duplicated. Ladies, stop this practice now!

Thieves can jimmy a lock and hot wire your car, but if they can’t steer, their attempted car-jacking will be thwarted. Whether you have a fancy car alarm system or not, an anti-theft steering wheel lock can serve as the last line of defense in an attempted vehicle theft. From plastic to steel models, you can find a steering wheel lock in your price point that will add a lot of car security to your life.

The Pedal to Steering Wheel Lock
What’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to protect your vehicle? A steering wheel lock can be a huge deterrent. Employ this simple safety and security precaution to protect your vehicle from theft. This vehicle anti-theft device comes in red and is highly visible to help deter break-in attempts and it is easy to install. 

A Pedal-to-Wheel Lock
It is designed to fit most cars, vans, small trucks and SUVs, giving you one solution to prevent yourself from becoming a victim. Arm yourself and your vehicle with The Club Pedal-to-Wheel Lock. 

This model has a “S” shape and connects to the clutch or brake pedal for reinforcement. There’s no way a thief would be able to drive your car away while this device is intact. It would be hard for them to disable it too; The Pedal to Steering Wheel Lock is made out of steel and coated in a vibrant plastic for looks and feel.  By using a Club, you are explicitly telling a potential thief that your car will be hard to steal. Place your order with us.
Car Alarm Being Turned On/Off

Sound Alarm System
Most new cars come with an immobilizer system, which prevent cars from being driven without the correct key. Some new cars are also equipped with GPS devices which pinpoint where the stolen car is.
But even with the latest security features that come standard, highly rated car alarm companies say there are benefits to owning a car alarm system.

Therefore installing a car alarm system is of paramount importance for many people and comes with many benefits which consist of the following:

  • Although a car alarm is a very simple device, it sends out a clear message to thieves that there is a very high chance of someone noticing/being alerted of their activities if they try to break in.
  • In terms of protecting your personal valuables, it is a very cost effective measure to safeguard the car and its contents.
  • Thieves will always choose an easier target and by installing a car alarm system, you are reducing the chance of your vehicle becoming a target.
What we would like to know: do you use any anti-theft security system on your vehicle? What are your experiences?

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