Monday, 11 April 2016

Debreuil To Myers Bridge Road Project Completed. (Slide show)

Words of thanks to CIE Ltd continue to be echoed throughout the communities of Debreuil, Roblot, Montete, La Maze and Myers Bridge for the resurfacing of the roads. The Debreuil- Myers Bridge  road, which is also used as a by-pass for motorists traveling from Soufriere to Vieux Fort and vice versa, has been in a poor state of repair for a very long time - the works are now complete. It's smooth driving all the way.

Completed works at Myers Bridge
Early this morning while taking a few pics of the completed project, I was happy to see that the Mini-Bus Service which used to ply the Soufriere/La Maze Route was back in operation. Shoppers and workers have all breathed a sigh of relief. "I want to know who that Mr Rayneau is, to personally thank him?  A young female user of the road from La Maze, who works in Soufriere commented.  On rainy days she has to stay home, due to impassable ponds which completed cover the road in some areas.

Slide Show of Debreuil-Myers Bridge Completed Road Works

 A businessman, Augustine William, who resides in Montete and operates a tourism related service in Soufriere, claims that using this road  has  cost him a maintenance bill that exceeded $10,000.00 last  year. "When you enter a hole on this road, you cannot see the sky." He remarked, to emphasize. the poor state of the Montete to Myers Bridge was in. He is satisfied now that the road is motor-able and has expressed thanks to the CIE  Ltd for a job that has been well executed and long overdue.

Before and after pics showing the completed project:

Before and after Upper Roblot

Before and after lower Roblot
Before and After Middle Roblot

Before and After near Multipurpose centre

Before and after Montete

Before and after at Montete
Now that the road is completed, and with the St Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival sessions scheduled for Soufriere and Vieux Fort, shop owners in the communities are expected to profit much due to the fact that jazz fans from the two venues will surely use this by- pass which cuts travel time by approximately 15 - 20 minutes.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...