Friday, 26 February 2016

Residents and Motorists Overjoyed And Say Thank You To Rayneau's CIE Ltd.

.After a short pause due to matters beyond the company's control, Rayneau's CIE Ltd, is back on the job putting the final touches to the road surface from Debreuil to the Myers Bridge Junction – approximately  4 to 5 km of road. Of deep concern to the many motorists who ply this road on a daily basis, was a 30m section of road from Lisa’s shop to Richmond’s home in the Roblot community which presented a nightmare to them, as they blindly maneuvered this maze of pot holes and ditches. As of yesterday this is no more.

View of the before and after works near Lisa's Place
A CIE Ltd crew of about 10 - 15 or so men with equipment took on the challenge to make life better for the residents and motorists of the community and environs. Motorists plying the route were particularly happy and without any complains waited patiently as the workers dug up the deplorable sections, added sub-base and base material then rolled the section before giving the drivers the clearance to move along.

Mr Wenseley, the name of a bus as well as the owner who plies the route from La maze to Vieux Fort on a daily basis, and who was one of the drivers held up at the work site had this to say. “Man, this thing has been long overdue. I am so glad that this piece of road is being fixed and I am sure the other drivers are happy as well.” A school bus driver was particularly elated and with this wide happy grin on his face, cried out, “God is good. He spoke to your boss and here we are today. I was starting to give up hope.” A shop owner, Lisa who runs her business opposite the damage section of the road, was over joyed at the repairs, “Now things go run! Have to send the message to my boys and now we will see more traffic since the Vieux Fort and Soufriere travellers will pass through here now. It will be more business for us.” she remarked.

 Never have I seen such elation in the community. Could not believe that persons were so passionate about the roads in their community. What an experience!
Works after and before near Multi Purpose Centre
A school teacher who owns a car and refused to drive  in the condition that section of the road was, was seen this morning driving to school, all in smiles. She gave me the thumbs up. Vinay, the engineer on the site told me that he has had over fifteen compliments from happy residents as he drove down at the end of the day’s work.
What a joyous day it was for Vinay and his crew and by extension CIE Ltd? At every work area that the CIE workers undertook repairs there were many onlookers soaking in the great work being done.

As has been mentioned on this blog, the Debreuil/Myers Bridge road is a bypass road to Soufriere from Vieux Fort and vice versa which give the traveler a spectacular view of the communities of Debreuil, Roblot Montete and Myers Bridge enclave. It cuts travel time by a much as fifteen minutes or more.

Slide showing of pics of ongoing works on Roblot/Myers Bridge Projec

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...