Monday, 22 February 2016

Happy 37th Independence Anniversary, St Lucia!!!

Happy Anniversary, St Lucia!
Last month, January 12th to be exact, our very own sister company RG Quarry Ltd celebrated its 17th birthday. The RG Quarry Ltd, established on January 12, 1999, is led by local entrepreneur Rayneau Gajaghar who originally purchased the former Ferrands Quarry at Cul De Sac. The company now operates four quarries in the North and South of the island (including stone, pumice, and other mining, extraction and refining concerns at Cul De Sac, Anse la Raye, La Retraite and Vieux Fort).  Over the years Mr Gajadhar, cognizant of the importance of expansion and modernization, has seen an increase in business activity at the quarry.
Today the quarry is the island’s most modern, with plant and equipment that far exceeds any other. This company has grown to be the top quarry in St Lucia and second to none in the region. RG Quarry Ltd employs about 175 persons full time with 100 -200 as part time workers..
The company boasts itself for owning a variety of heavy equipment and a seemingly endless supply of quality raw material. With a high percentage of repeat clients and great emphasis on customer service, the company is geared towards achieving its goals in providing overall service beyond expectations and creatively developing new value added products and services for our customers.( Read more about our quarry at )
Today February 22nd, RG Group of Companies is celebrating with St Lucians locally as well as those in the diaspora, St Lucia’s 37th Independence Anniversary. 
A well packed program commencing from February 6 - 27, 2016 has been put in place to mark this momentous occasion - sports, military parade, ecumenical service, debate, lecture, and renaming of new hospital, are among some of the activities planned. See full program of activities at (
This year's packed program got me thinking about the word “independence” and what it really means.  For many St Lucians,  Independence Day is a day for cookouts, fireworks, time with family and friends. It’s time to go to the beach or other recreational facility. Right? Well for too many St Lucians that is all that it consists of. Sometimes the true meaning of the February twenty-second is obscured by our many busy activities and doings.
I carried out a WhatsApp survey by asking, What does Independence mean to you? Here are a few responses :
 Bradley Felix, Bank Manager, Castries: Simply put, independence means not being dependent. Therefore decisions can be made without seeking outside approval. Being in charge of your own and deciding the best course of action required to face the challenges
Eve Aimable, Teacher, Choiseul: Independence simply means to me being free from any force that controls. It means not being influenced or controlled by what people think. Also I believe independent means not adhering to the status. It also means finding new ways 0f doing things on one’s own and being self-reliant.
Kadian Emannuel, Librarian, Vieux fort: It means liberation/liberty to do your own thing. I think it’s a time when we should come together and unite as one regardless of religion or party affiliation. It’s a time together to say “hey fellow Lucians I love u we’ve come that far.’  I also feel that gov’t, the schools, and community leaders should do more to show the importance of independence, especially to the young and all, on the whole. They should make a greater effort to bring us as one on that day.
Julius Chicot, Factory worker, Laborie: When you can maintain yourself. Up to now I cannot understand St Lucia independent.
Andrew Gabriel, Architect, Marchand: Nun really….it’s primarily beneficial to politicians….they got themselves a freedom to ………. (Explitives)  the people worse than the colonials….Living above the law, answering to no one. It’s a political independence.
Gifta Eugene, Executive, Corinth:  Being able to do things on your own with little help from others
I looked up an online Thesaurus of the word "Independence"  and got this:
independence – freedom from control or influence of another or others
freedom – the condition of being freethe power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, autonomy – personal independence
What does independence mean to me? Independence to me is about making my own choices, my own decisions, fending for myself and not being dependent on anyone for my monetary or materialistic needs. Every year, we grow older, and with age, we do get more freedom.
What does Independence mean to you? Send us your comments.

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