Monday, 29 February 2016

5 Days Left On Prices Guaranteed /Double Back The Difference. Shop Now!

A  Marchand customer who experienced our Price Guaranteed – Double Back the Difference promotion related his experience in trying to beat Rayneau's prices. He has had issues at the store he says, and was determined to go all the way to succeed in trying get a cheaper price from some other store. Here is his story: "When I read the promo I said to myself I am sure I can beat Rayneau's price. I bought an item and believe you me, I went around at every hardware store to find this item at a cheaper price and not one could beat yall price. I was so mad at myself. When I got home I sat there and started examining myself and how wrong I have been in telling friends that Rayneau items are very expensive. Let me say here that Rayneau have the best prices in town and his products are from top brands."

When asked why is he now telling me this, he shamefully admitted that he wanted to prove to Rayneau that his prices can be beaten. How do you feel now? I asked. “I cannot explain.” What will you tell your friends now? I plugged in. "Rayneau's prices can't be beaten."  he barely sounded. So there you have it. We won’t be beat on Price! 

At Rayneau it continues to get better and better all the time. We brought you the Price Guaranteed - Double Back the Difference and you asked for more. We've listened to you! It's nice so we do it thrice.
 The Price Guaranteed Promotion including the Store wide discounts have been extended by popular demand until Friday March 4th, 2016 - just 5 more days left.

We won't be beat on price, and if it does within our terms and conditions we will double back the difference.

We have replaced two of the Price Guaranteed Items with 2 new products: The Makita Drill Hr2610X9 and 2x2x16RT Pitch pine lumber.

Makita Drill HR2610X9
Our discounts range from 10 - 45% on marked items, store wide.
  • Up to 45% on Power Tools
  • Up to 35% on Paints and Sundries
  • On Plumbing, Electrical and Building material item - up to 30%
  • lawn and Garden supplies - up to 40%
  • For our sports men and women - up to 40% off 
  • On School and Office supplies up to 35% off
Our other departments also offer substantial discounts on selected items. 

Do not let these last three days pass you by without experiencing our cost saving promotion. Come down to Rayneau Now and check out the wide range of selected items on which our prices just cannot be beaten. We challenge you!

Sunday, 28 February 2016

4 Solutions From Rayneau To Beat This 2016 Dry Spell!

  Researchers believe St Lucia and by extension the Caribbean is entering a period of extended dry periods never before seen. Data from the World Meteorological Organization, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, indicate that the persistent drought that has affected the Caribbean in recent years could worsen in 2016. They can last from several weeks to months, causing significant hardship due to lack of water for drinking, cleaning, and watering crops. In the face of the prolonged dry spell being predicted in coming months, Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd is offering a number of solutions to mitigate  the effects of the drought on homeowners, businesses, farmers etc.

The water authority (WASCO), being aware of the impending dry spell, have already put a number of measures in place – rationing being at their top of the list. This will greatly affect the frequency of your supply. Bearing this in mind, we have searched our stock database and have identified items which will help you minimize the effects of the drought by storing and conserving this precious commodity – water.
Water Tanks
Install a rain catch system. Thousands of gallons of water fall on your property every year. Take advantage of this by harvesting some of it. You can stock this rainwater for drought-conditions by using it to water your lawn and cleaning. In the meantime, you can use it to take a good chunk out of your water bill. Installing one is easy.
  • Get a large water tank (400 - 800 gallons is usually standard) from RCIP Ltd. Get several if you plan on storing the water.
  • Place the water tank under a downspout gutter and run the gutter into the tank.
  • Check our in-store CSRs for pipe fittings.
We stock a wide range of different capacity heavy duty polyethylene water storage tanks which are ideal for a variety of uses that include storing potable drinking water, harvesting and collecting rainwater and as an emergency water supply.

Fluidmaster Duo Flush
Install water-efficient appliances. Household appliances often use much more water than they have to. Upgrade certain appliances in your home to water-efficient versions to save money and conserve water in the event of a drought.
  • You can get a low-flow shower head to save water while you shower.
  • Install a low-volume toilet to avoid wasting water while flushing
At RCIP Ltd we recommend retrofitting your toilet tank with the “Dual Flush Conversion Valve” The Fluidmaster Duo Flush gives you a tool to help save more water. The Dual Flush System retrofits into any 2” toilet tank, and is proven to use up to 45% less water than the original tank parts. It also has been shown to improve flushing power on the full flush, so you will actually see better performance than before. A dual flush tank lever is included with this system.

Water your lawn sparingly. At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd, we know that you have placed endless hours into seeing what your lawn is today. Without proper care during the drought period your lawn can turn from bottle green to amber in little time. A local caretaker on lawn maintenance shared these suggestions to keep your lawn lush green throughout the dry spell.
  • Lawns usually only need to be watered once a week during the a dry spell.
  • Make sure you irrigate early in the morning to reduce evaporative losses.
  • Second, water deeply  to make sure the water you apply gets deep in the soil and to reduce evaporation loss.
  • And third, if you can still irrigate at least once a week, feed your lawn with a fertilizer that provides the essential nutrients to help your lawn withstand the drought and recover as temperatures and conditions improve.
Pump Motor HY-100
Use a gas pump for irrigation. Finally for the farmers we have a large stock of water pumps brand like Rhino, Hyundai, etc for  your irrigation purposes. The HY-100 Pump unit consists of a gasoline engine and water pump with a common drive shaft. The pump is mounted on the frame by means of shock-absorbing shock absorbers, so that it is compact and convenient for operation and moving. To work with clean water.

 Technical data:
1. Diameter: 100 mm / 4 " 2. Flow rate: 1600 l / min.  3. Maximum head: 39 m 4. Maximum diameter of the alleged particles: 9 mm 5. Engine: IC 240 6.Type: OHV
7. Volume: 242 cubic / cm  8. Way to start: manual 9. Engine power: 8 hp
10. Fuel tank capacity: 4.5 l 11. Weight: 43 kg

Don't let the drought get the better of you. Fight this dry spell with these effective solutions from  Rayneau!

Friday, 26 February 2016

Residents and Motorists Overjoyed And Say Thank You To Rayneau's CIE Ltd.

.After a short pause due to matters beyond the company's control, Rayneau's CIE Ltd, is back on the job putting the final touches to the road surface from Debreuil to the Myers Bridge Junction – approximately  4 to 5 km of road. Of deep concern to the many motorists who ply this road on a daily basis, was a 30m section of road from Lisa’s shop to Richmond’s home in the Roblot community which presented a nightmare to them, as they blindly maneuvered this maze of pot holes and ditches. As of yesterday this is no more.

View of the before and after works near Lisa's Place
A CIE Ltd crew of about 10 - 15 or so men with equipment took on the challenge to make life better for the residents and motorists of the community and environs. Motorists plying the route were particularly happy and without any complains waited patiently as the workers dug up the deplorable sections, added sub-base and base material then rolled the section before giving the drivers the clearance to move along.

Mr Wenseley, the name of a bus as well as the owner who plies the route from La maze to Vieux Fort on a daily basis, and who was one of the drivers held up at the work site had this to say. “Man, this thing has been long overdue. I am so glad that this piece of road is being fixed and I am sure the other drivers are happy as well.” A school bus driver was particularly elated and with this wide happy grin on his face, cried out, “God is good. He spoke to your boss and here we are today. I was starting to give up hope.” A shop owner, Lisa who runs her business opposite the damage section of the road, was over joyed at the repairs, “Now things go run! Have to send the message to my boys and now we will see more traffic since the Vieux Fort and Soufriere travellers will pass through here now. It will be more business for us.” she remarked.

 Never have I seen such elation in the community. Could not believe that persons were so passionate about the roads in their community. What an experience!
Works after and before near Multi Purpose Centre
A school teacher who owns a car and refused to drive  in the condition that section of the road was, was seen this morning driving to school, all in smiles. She gave me the thumbs up. Vinay, the engineer on the site told me that he has had over fifteen compliments from happy residents as he drove down at the end of the day’s work.
What a joyous day it was for Vinay and his crew and by extension CIE Ltd? At every work area that the CIE workers undertook repairs there were many onlookers soaking in the great work being done.

As has been mentioned on this blog, the Debreuil/Myers Bridge road is a bypass road to Soufriere from Vieux Fort and vice versa which give the traveler a spectacular view of the communities of Debreuil, Roblot Montete and Myers Bridge enclave. It cuts travel time by a much as fifteen minutes or more.

Slide showing of pics of ongoing works on Roblot/Myers Bridge Projec

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Gesneau Slope Stabilization and Road Project - A Rayneau Masterpiece! (Slide show)

CIE workers on the job
According to the on-site engineer of Construction & Industrial Equipment (CIE Ltd), the Gesneau Slope Stabilization and Road Reinstatement Project in moving along smoothly as planned. While major construction activity began in January, the project is sufficiently advanced; and as long as the weather remains favorable, all indications are that the project will be completed by April end.

The Ministry of Infrastructure reiterates, “The Gesneau road project is one of the more significant projects undertaken in the aftermath of Hurricane Tomas in 2010. A number of homes were destroyed and the roadway connecting Babonneau and other northern communities, and the east coast highway was severed.”

Tensar SierraScape
“Hurricane Tomas Rehabilitation Project coordinator, Jude Regis, said the project was especially challenging due to the magnitude of the landslide and the Ministry of Infrastructure had to undertake a number of preliminary studies. The Ministry is presently constructing a mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall, with a depth ranging between three and nine meters” - It is lower cost alternative to cast-in-place and other concrete retaining walls; the SierraScape Wire-Formed Retaining Wall System is the superior choice for appearance, performance and value. Welded wire forms, Tensar Geogrids and a locking tail strut connecting the two, work together to resist differential settlement, seismic activity and heavy external loads.

Our experts believes that the design chosen (Tensar SierraScape) is sufficiently resilient, and is in conformity with the Ministry’s “Build Back Better” strategy.

The project is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) under the Hurricane Tomas Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project. Upon completion, the major link road connecting the Babonneau and the Gesneau communities will be reinstated.
Do you have a project where a retaining wall is needed?  We have beyond a doubt planted our feet as the best retaining wall specialist on today's market. Our designs are impeccable.
Visit or Call us at 450 7247 for more info.

               Slide show of works on the Gesneau Slope stabilization Project

Monday, 22 February 2016

Happy 37th Independence Anniversary, St Lucia!!!

Happy Anniversary, St Lucia!
Last month, January 12th to be exact, our very own sister company RG Quarry Ltd celebrated its 17th birthday. The RG Quarry Ltd, established on January 12, 1999, is led by local entrepreneur Rayneau Gajaghar who originally purchased the former Ferrands Quarry at Cul De Sac. The company now operates four quarries in the North and South of the island (including stone, pumice, and other mining, extraction and refining concerns at Cul De Sac, Anse la Raye, La Retraite and Vieux Fort).  Over the years Mr Gajadhar, cognizant of the importance of expansion and modernization, has seen an increase in business activity at the quarry.
Today the quarry is the island’s most modern, with plant and equipment that far exceeds any other. This company has grown to be the top quarry in St Lucia and second to none in the region. RG Quarry Ltd employs about 175 persons full time with 100 -200 as part time workers..
The company boasts itself for owning a variety of heavy equipment and a seemingly endless supply of quality raw material. With a high percentage of repeat clients and great emphasis on customer service, the company is geared towards achieving its goals in providing overall service beyond expectations and creatively developing new value added products and services for our customers.( Read more about our quarry at )
Today February 22nd, RG Group of Companies is celebrating with St Lucians locally as well as those in the diaspora, St Lucia’s 37th Independence Anniversary. 
A well packed program commencing from February 6 - 27, 2016 has been put in place to mark this momentous occasion - sports, military parade, ecumenical service, debate, lecture, and renaming of new hospital, are among some of the activities planned. See full program of activities at (
This year's packed program got me thinking about the word “independence” and what it really means.  For many St Lucians,  Independence Day is a day for cookouts, fireworks, time with family and friends. It’s time to go to the beach or other recreational facility. Right? Well for too many St Lucians that is all that it consists of. Sometimes the true meaning of the February twenty-second is obscured by our many busy activities and doings.
I carried out a WhatsApp survey by asking, What does Independence mean to you? Here are a few responses :
 Bradley Felix, Bank Manager, Castries: Simply put, independence means not being dependent. Therefore decisions can be made without seeking outside approval. Being in charge of your own and deciding the best course of action required to face the challenges
Eve Aimable, Teacher, Choiseul: Independence simply means to me being free from any force that controls. It means not being influenced or controlled by what people think. Also I believe independent means not adhering to the status. It also means finding new ways 0f doing things on one’s own and being self-reliant.
Kadian Emannuel, Librarian, Vieux fort: It means liberation/liberty to do your own thing. I think it’s a time when we should come together and unite as one regardless of religion or party affiliation. It’s a time together to say “hey fellow Lucians I love u we’ve come that far.’  I also feel that gov’t, the schools, and community leaders should do more to show the importance of independence, especially to the young and all, on the whole. They should make a greater effort to bring us as one on that day.
Julius Chicot, Factory worker, Laborie: When you can maintain yourself. Up to now I cannot understand St Lucia independent.
Andrew Gabriel, Architect, Marchand: Nun really….it’s primarily beneficial to politicians….they got themselves a freedom to ………. (Explitives)  the people worse than the colonials….Living above the law, answering to no one. It’s a political independence.
Gifta Eugene, Executive, Corinth:  Being able to do things on your own with little help from others
I looked up an online Thesaurus of the word "Independence"  and got this:
independence – freedom from control or influence of another or others
freedom – the condition of being freethe power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, autonomy – personal independence
What does independence mean to me? Independence to me is about making my own choices, my own decisions, fending for myself and not being dependent on anyone for my monetary or materialistic needs. Every year, we grow older, and with age, we do get more freedom.
What does Independence mean to you? Send us your comments.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Shop Now! Experience Rayneau's "Price Guaranteed - Double Back The Difference"

 Last year we brought you the Christmas package; last month we brought you this January sale-package; now RCIP Ltd is introducing “Rayneau Price Guaranteed Products” commencing Monday February 15th through to Monday February 22nd, 2016! 

It’s a Happy 37th Independence Anniversary Package from Rayneau! It's also just another way we're making sure you always get the quality and price you can count on. We’re so confident in our products that every selected-marked-item in our store is backed by our unbeatable Double Back the Difference-Price Guaranteed. Find a cheaper product locally during the promo period of shopping with us and we'll refund the difference, doubled – guaranteed! We won’t be beaten on price on these selected products.

At Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products (RCIP)Ltd, we test and try our products to make sure you get the excellence you deserve without paying more than you have to.  We also want to give back to St. Lucians so they can celebrate our 37th Anniversary of Independence with us in a most memorable way.

So what is this Price Guaranteed - Double Back the Difference?

Price Guaranteed - Double Back the Difference
Price Guaranteed- Double Back the Difference is a special offer on selected items in store. We’ll double the difference of the price if you buy a qualifying item at RCIP Ltd then find the identical item for less at another store, or local retailer.

Terms & Conditions

o    This offer is from Monday, February 15th to Monday February 22nd.
o    This offer applies ONLY to selected marked items in store.
o    This offer applies ONLY on CASH purchases.
o    This offer does NOT apply to credit customers.
o    This offer is Limited to reasonable quantities
o    No returns on items purchased on Price Guaranteed

o    Other Special Terms & Conditions Apply

Be the first to experience Rayneau Price Guaranteed Products - Double Back the Difference- Visit us today!

Friday, 12 February 2016

6 Best-Selling Valentine Day Gifts From Rayneau For Men

…..because it’s officially that time of the year again, Valentine’s Day. We’re basically fresh off Christmas and now we’re forced to once again come up with some ideas on what to get him. We’ve rounded up some of the coolest Valentines gifts  for all the men in your life. From husband to boyfriend, and son to dad, we’ve got all your V-day needs covered in 2016. Break away from these traditional gifts and give this special someone  a unique gift from Rayneau.

Quick access pistol box
1. For the husband/boyfriend who is a law-enforcement professional, a dad who is an avid gun collector, a parent of a young child, or all of the above, the Homak HS10036683 Small Pistol Box is a smart, safe choice that protects your gun and your family. Built tough, with an electronic locking system, the HS10036683 gives you true peace of mind.
Cresent 170-piece Mechancs Tool Set
2. For the mechanic: Professional's Tool Set contains all the tools needed for most industrial applications, including 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" quick-release ratcheting drives, with a wide selection of standard and deep sockets in the most common SAE and metric sizes. Chrome vanadium ratcheting Chrome vanadium ratcheting wrenches feature lock-on sockets that won't slip off and a large, quick release button for fast changes. Magnetic screwdrivers have comfortable rubber handles and a wide range of bits.
Pollenex Shower Head
3. A shower gift for the hard worker: No matter what kind of mood he is in, the Pollenex Wall-mount 9 Setting Showerhead will help him feel a little better. With 9 different settings, he can adjust it to almost any comfort level. With the Jet Massage setting, he'll get temporary relief from tired, sore muscles. With aeration, the wide water stream mixes with air bubbles to get you sudsy shampoos and tingly rinses. The Full Spray gives him a "pouring rain" sensation. With its wide head, he'll get maximum coverage. It's also easy to clean with its anti-clog rubber nozzles. So get the Pollenex for him now.
Makita Finishing Sander
4. For the wood worker: The Makita BO4556 1/4-Sheet Finishing Sander is ideal for wood workers and finish carpenters for a wide range of finish-sanding applications. This sander features a 2 AMP motor that delivers 14,000 orbits per minute (OPM) for fast and smooth finishing. To increase durability this finishing sander has a rubber-sealed switch that helps prevent dust contamination and an all-ball bearing construction that significantly reduces vibration and noise.
Turtle wax
5. For the car owner: Turtle Wax® Scratch & Swirl remover quickly and easily removes minor scratches and swirl marks, and leaves behind a high-gloss shine that’s safe for all finishes.
Mintcraft Bow/Hack saw Combo
6. For the DIYer: The 12” combination Bow saw and Hacksaw is designed for a wide variety of cutting applications. The saw frame can use 12” Bow saw blades for work on wood and around the house and it can also use 12” hack saw blades for use on metal and plastic. It features dual soft- grip handles to ensure comfort and control


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...