Monday, 21 December 2015

Rayneau Applauds His Team For A Great Year.

Team Rayneau
This is the time of the year when Mr Gajadhar usually reflects on what has been

achieved during the year both personally and at The RG Group of Companies. 2015 he

thinks, has been a great year for him and he feels very proud of what has been

achieved and very appreciative of all the hard work put in by his team - Team


“There is no doubt that our team is one of our greatest

strengths as an organization, along with our culture. We talk a lot about how we make

a difference and we are all truly privileged to work in a job where we can make a

difference in the lives of others every day. It is really important that we continually
The Banse Road
recognize and appreciate that it is indeed WE (as a collective) who make the greatest

difference, and not any one individual. Our team and the culture we foster underpin

all the good work that we do and the lives that we are able to help change.”  Says the 

Team Leader.

For CIE Ltd, our team leader thinks that 2015 has

yielded great results and presented new opportunities. As with any year in

construction there are huge challenges on the team to keep delivering, particularly

projects with unique characteristics – this year has seen everything from traditional
projects through to road rehabilitation, demolitions, airport apron and bridges

constructions. By the very nature of these projects, the staff has worked very hard to

deliver and management wishes to personally acknowledge the efforts by all of the


Ms Jarbandon and Mr Gajadhar receiving award
RG Quarry Ltd you will recall won the prestigious trophy

 at the 19th International Star for Leadership in Quality Award Convention held on June 27th and 28th Paris earlier this year - a

feat worthy of mention. Our team continues to deliver top quality products to our

customers both locally and regionally. We continue to stand out as the leading

producer of quality quarry materials on island

This year, in September, RCIP Ltd celebrated its third year of operations. The mega

store continues to provide a variety of top quality products and services to its

customers. Our sales and other promotions fared very well compared to present

economic climate. One of our leading strengths is our customer service which is

second to none and makes us the talk of the town. We are proud of our CSRs for their

impeccable dedication and commitment to the company. 

To the other workers - Drivers, Operators, Cleaners, Messengers, Caretakers etc., a

big thank you is extended to all.

As we reflect upon the achievements of this year and look forward to the challenges

and opportunities that next year holds, Mr Gajadhar would like to thank the entire

team for their hard work and commitment and to wish each of you and your families a

safe and Happy Christmas and a healthy and successful year ahead.

Christmas is a time of celebration, joy and togetherness and I certainly hope that

these sentiments can be enjoyed by all families connected with The RG Group of

Companies over this period.

Mr Gajadhar hopes the New Year brings renewed hope, energy and success.

        Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...