Wednesday, 16 December 2015

4 Projects Down South Nearing Completion

Just as we are drawing nearer and nearer to Christmas Day, so too are the works on the Hewanorra Airport Apron, the Banse/La Haut and Laborie Village Main Road Rehabilitation Project ,the Debreuil-Myers Bridge Road Pot-holing and the Martin Luther Street Resurfacing nearing completion. The frequent heavy rains over the past weeks have no doubt played its part in delaying of the completion of these works. The Hewanorra Airport Apron being the most affected.
 Latest pics of works on Hewanorra Apron

Base material is now being laid and compacted on the apron and asphalting is due to commence very soon.

Laying final surface on Banse Road

At Banse, the final layer of asphalt has been laid from the very top to about 100 metres from the Laborie Highway gas station. These remaning100 metres will be completed during the week.

 Base material on Martin Luther Street

The Martin Luther Street, which I am told was named after a son of the soil is a back road which takes one to the highway without going through the whole village. This road has been in a deplorable state and the residents welcomed the rehabilitation.

Pics of state of Roblot road and workers pot-holing

The Debreuil-Myers Bridge road surfacing project has started and work is going smoothly. Presently the work is being concentrated in the Roblot community where huge pot holes have restricted public commuters from plying the La Maze/Vieux Fort Route. The residents are very excited. So too are the business persons who have seen a drop in their sales over the years due the poor conditions of the roads. With the roads now being repaired, they are looking forward for a profitable festive season this year.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...