Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Top Products Produced at the Cul De Sac Quarry

The Cul De Sac Quarry which occupies 28 acres of land is one of four  quarries owned by RG Quarry Ltd. At this quarry one will find the most modern Asphalt plant on the island and the region. Seeing the potential for expansion and modernization, Mr Gajadhar took the initiative to invest in equipment and technology. This has surely paid off and the quarry now boasts of  six plants. A block and brick plant, a concrete, washing, crusher, sand and asphalt plant.

These plants produce and prepare an unknown quantity of products which are listed below. Mr Gajadhar's ingenuity has made it relatively easy for his customers/clientele to obtain any of the products which are produced at the quarry by simply visiting his latest business venture, Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP Ltd) a One-Stop Shop located in Corinth, Gros- Islet. Continue reading to learn about our quarry products.

Fine sand ,Pumice sand, Sand fill and White sand
The quarry has placed sand in the following categories: White sand is as the name suggests, is fine white sand usually used for plastering walls and similar surfaces. Fine sand - This sand is washed, screened and graded pumice sand manufactured at the quarry facilities. It is cleaned, hard durable and free from organic matter etc. Maybe used for laying blocks, plastering, or used in concrete. Sand Fill is the tall end product from pumice which is discharged to the concrete ponds of the sand plant. This product can be used for filling under concrete slabs, and fill sand around pipes and wires. Finally,ordinary sand is a sedimentary material, finer than a granule and coarser than silt, and plastering sand. This product can be used for filter material, asphalt, pre-mix concrete and concrete blocks

Bricks and Blocks


A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. A concrete block is one of several precast concrete products used in construction. The precast refers to the fact that the blocks are formed and hardened before they are brought to the job site. .

Stones are created when blasted rocks from a quarry are crushed and screened to produce various sized stones (3/8, 1/2, 3/4, flat stones and boulders). Some of the product can be used for concrete, asphalt, filter material and roads, while boulders.can be used for landscaping and other decorative purposes.

Different strengths of concrete

Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, sand and gravel (stones, crushed rock). The mixture eventually hardens into a stone-like material.  At our two plants located at Cul de sac and Vieux Fort, concrete of   various PSI's are produced. Concrete is used for foundations, roads, walk-ways.

Quarry dust,waste, Crusher  run and mixed materials

Nothing goes to waste at the Cul De Sac quarry. They are listed as:
1 - Quarry Waste - As the name suggest consists of fines, sand, dirt and other waste material.This product can be used for back fill and road capping. 
2. Quarry Dust - It can be defined as residue, tailing or other non-voluble waste material after the extraction and processing of rocks to form fine particles less than 4.75 mm. This product can be used for asphalt, substitute for sand, and filling around pipes.
3 - Crusher Run stone is a quarried material that is crushed to particular sizes. It has the fines, or dirt, left in it which causes the stones to bind together making it the perfect driveway gravel. Can also be used in building walkways, using under patio stones or a base for pavers.
4. - Mixed Material is a mixture of stones (3/4", 1/2" or 1/4")and sand. Mixed Material constitutes a quick concrete mix.
 Last but not least the quarry produces back fill which is mainly natural material that is used to fill in some void left after construction or excavation efforts. Back fill is mainly natural material that is used to fill in some void left after construction or excavation efforts , compacting foundations and trenches.
Please  visit us at RCIP Ltd or call us 1-758-450-7247 for further information.

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