Sunday, 22 March 2015

Cul De Sac Quarry - An Industrial And Production Entity Meeting the Population's Needs

Panoramic view from the top of concrete plant
My first trip to RG Quarry earlier this week was a real eye opener. I have never seen so much movement at a workplace. The area was buzzing with activity like a beehive – trucks were entering and leaving  the compound every three minutes, mechanics were servicing vehicles and equipment at the quarry’s garage, the crushing plant was cruelly smashing  boulders to different aggregate sizes, the block plant thunderously establishing its authority as it made it stock of  blocks, the excavators at various location were rearranging the piles of aggregates, pumice and sand to make bigger pyramids, the technicians busily repairing a water pump at one of the ponds, workers hurriedly  crisscrossing about the compound to perform their specific duties, while the canteen  lady was busily preparing food to make sure the workers get a meal at lunchtime. This appears to be the daily routine at the quarry.
Coloured brick produced at quarry
The RG Quarry Ltd, established on January 12, 1999, is led by local entrepreneur Rayneau Gajaghar who originally purchased the former Ferrands Quarry at Cul De Sac. The company now operates four quarries in the North and South of the island (including stone, pumice, and other mining, extraction and refining concerns at Cul De Sac, Anse la Raye, La Retraite and Vieux Fort).  Over the years Mr Gajadhar, cognizant of the importance of expansion and modernization, has seen an increase in business activity at the quarry.
Today the quarry is the island’s most modern, with plant and equipment that far exceeds any other. Here are some of the equipment used: Conveyors, Forklifts, Front end loaders, Hammer drills, Crushers, Saws,Trucks, and Wheel loaders
Stock piling pumice
The company’s main quarry is located  at, its Cul De Sac Complex, where several related operations take place, including production of stone, aggregate, sand and pumice products. Also located at Cul sde sac is the Caribbean’s most modern Asphalt Plant, which meets and exceeds international environmentally and protection standards. At the Cul De Sac quarry, six plants operate producing Asphalt, Blocks, Concrete, Crushing, Sand and Washing. The asphalt is mainly produced for paving of public roads. This plant does not run daily like the other plants but only when a quantity of asphalt is needed. If the product is needed to pave many kilometers of road it may have to run for many hours for the day.
The block plant runs daily producing thousands. Blocks of various sizes are produced and stock piled. The quarry boasts of over one million blocks in its stock. Boulders are extracted from the mining areas and fed into the crusher. They are crushed through a  sequential process. This process produces aggregate of various sizes, each stored in its own pile. In the washing plant all aggregates, sand and pumice are washed before being placed on the market for sale. 
Section of Block Plant
Finally, the concrete plant, rated as second to none on the island produces quality product of various strength. The plant is fully automated and is being run by trained and experienced personnel. Safety at the plant is given high priority.  On the compound is a well-equipped and managed garage from where the company ensures maintenance is carried out by  competent persons. Management have also set up fences, put up signs and barriers at critical areas; also by  providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision to encourage people to work safely and responsibly. Protective gear for the head, eyes, ears and breathing apparatus were all visibly seen being worn by workers on site.

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