Tuesday, 31 March 2015

RCIP - Helping You Cope With This Dry Spell

Year after year  at this time, St Lucians are plagued with the problem of water shortages. Further this time of year has been coined by the term "Dry Season."  It is also the time when WASCO seems to have the most headache due to their customers being on their backs for want of water. This water company, the only one on island, appears to be unable to meet the consumption level of its patrons and therefore have to resort to water-rationing methods in almost every community. The effects are so drastic in a few of these communities that one may often see persons in search of water from nearby springs and rivers, and in other areas water is trucked. The trees and shrub also feel the the power of the scorching sun by turning brown and giving the communities a pale view instead of a lush green appearance.

Water storage and conservation must be uppermost in the minds of all those affected and they are being reminded day after day of ways to help deal with this dry spell.
Plastic water tanks
In one of the conservation tips persons are urged to build and/or install a water tank for catchment and storage and use gutters (guttering) to catch rainwater from the roof. 
Our plumbing department comes to the rescue with a few tips and solutions. Our Customer Service Representatives (CSR) at this department is competent to give further instructions and tips. In this department we have tanks and accessories which can be installed.

Plastic Water Tanks – They are ideal for multi-purpose use including: storing safe potable drinking water, rainwater harvesting & collection, long term storage of water, emergency backup in home water storage tanks, fire suppression & protection and home or farm irrigation.

RCIP’s plastic water tanks come in different sizes and shapes and are made from FDA approved polyethylene resins which are safe for human consumption of drinking water. Our CSRs will assist with fittings, valves, pipes and other accessories for installing the tank.    

Do check your toilets for leaks.  Put a little dye in the tank and if colour      
shows in the bowl without flushing, there’s a leak. Fixing it now will save money later because a leaking toilet can waste as much as 40,000 gallons of water in six months.   here is a RCIP solution.    
Hydro-clean water-saving toilet fill valve with cleaning tube – Solves the two biggest reasons for water loss in toilets: mis-calibrations and leaks. It easily calibrates to adjust the exact amount of water needed in the tank. It is designed to fit standard toilets and installs easily without tools. Also you can ask for a Toilet tank fill valve – Stops toilet tanks noise, leaks, and water waste once and for all. Replaces old fashioned corroded float ball and rod assemblies. It is easy to install.

A must have for any home. This CPVC cement can become handy in the most unexpected circumstances - a sudden burst pipe, a unglued joint etc.
C-4 cpvc cement
C-4 CPVC cement – for use on all schedules and classes of CPVC pipe and fittings up to 4’’ diameter with interference fit. For hot and cold water distribution.

Leak fix
Max Pro Leak Fix - an easy to use rubber coating sealant that coats seals and protects against water leaks. When sprayed onto a surface, the rubberized liquid seeps into cracks and holes to stop leaks fast. One can of Leak Fix can treat 2-8 square feet depending on the coating thickness needed. Once dry, the area sprayed can be painted any color. Leak Fix™ forms a watertight flexible coating that will not drip, crack, peel or sag for years. Leak Fix can be top-coated with latex or oil based paints.
Great for Metal • Aluminum • PVC • Asphalt • Concrete • Masonry
Galvanized Metal • Roofing Materials • Fiberglass • Clay and more!

Finally,do make sure your taps don’t drip. A dripping tap can waste 2 gallons of                 water each hour.  At our plumbing department our customers will find replacement pipes and faucets as well valves to fit any pipe. 

Visit or call our store at 450-7247 for more information about the products and any other plumbing issues.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Top Products Produced at the Cul De Sac Quarry

The Cul De Sac Quarry which occupies 28 acres of land is one of four  quarries owned by RG Quarry Ltd. At this quarry one will find the most modern Asphalt plant on the island and the region. Seeing the potential for expansion and modernization, Mr Gajadhar took the initiative to invest in equipment and technology. This has surely paid off and the quarry now boasts of  six plants. A block and brick plant, a concrete, washing, crusher, sand and asphalt plant.

These plants produce and prepare an unknown quantity of products which are listed below. Mr Gajadhar's ingenuity has made it relatively easy for his customers/clientele to obtain any of the products which are produced at the quarry by simply visiting his latest business venture, Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP Ltd) a One-Stop Shop located in Corinth, Gros- Islet. Continue reading to learn about our quarry products.

Fine sand ,Pumice sand, Sand fill and White sand
The quarry has placed sand in the following categories: White sand is as the name suggests, is fine white sand usually used for plastering walls and similar surfaces. Fine sand - This sand is washed, screened and graded pumice sand manufactured at the quarry facilities. It is cleaned, hard durable and free from organic matter etc. Maybe used for laying blocks, plastering, or used in concrete. Sand Fill is the tall end product from pumice which is discharged to the concrete ponds of the sand plant. This product can be used for filling under concrete slabs, and fill sand around pipes and wires. Finally,ordinary sand is a sedimentary material, finer than a granule and coarser than silt, and plastering sand. This product can be used for filter material, asphalt, pre-mix concrete and concrete blocks

Bricks and Blocks


A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. A concrete block is one of several precast concrete products used in construction. The precast refers to the fact that the blocks are formed and hardened before they are brought to the job site. .

Stones are created when blasted rocks from a quarry are crushed and screened to produce various sized stones (3/8, 1/2, 3/4, flat stones and boulders). Some of the product can be used for concrete, asphalt, filter material and roads, while boulders.can be used for landscaping and other decorative purposes.

Different strengths of concrete

Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, sand and gravel (stones, crushed rock). The mixture eventually hardens into a stone-like material.  At our two plants located at Cul de sac and Vieux Fort, concrete of   various PSI's are produced. Concrete is used for foundations, roads, walk-ways.

Quarry dust,waste, Crusher  run and mixed materials

Nothing goes to waste at the Cul De Sac quarry. They are listed as:
1 - Quarry Waste - As the name suggest consists of fines, sand, dirt and other waste material.This product can be used for back fill and road capping. 
2. Quarry Dust - It can be defined as residue, tailing or other non-voluble waste material after the extraction and processing of rocks to form fine particles less than 4.75 mm. This product can be used for asphalt, substitute for sand, and filling around pipes.
3 - Crusher Run stone is a quarried material that is crushed to particular sizes. It has the fines, or dirt, left in it which causes the stones to bind together making it the perfect driveway gravel. Can also be used in building walkways, using under patio stones or a base for pavers.
4. - Mixed Material is a mixture of stones (3/4", 1/2" or 1/4")and sand. Mixed Material constitutes a quick concrete mix.
 Last but not least the quarry produces back fill which is mainly natural material that is used to fill in some void left after construction or excavation efforts. Back fill is mainly natural material that is used to fill in some void left after construction or excavation efforts , compacting foundations and trenches.
Please  visit us at RCIP Ltd or call us 1-758-450-7247 for further information.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Cul De Sac Quarry - An Industrial And Production Entity Meeting the Population's Needs

Panoramic view from the top of concrete plant
My first trip to RG Quarry earlier this week was a real eye opener. I have never seen so much movement at a workplace. The area was buzzing with activity like a beehive – trucks were entering and leaving  the compound every three minutes, mechanics were servicing vehicles and equipment at the quarry’s garage, the crushing plant was cruelly smashing  boulders to different aggregate sizes, the block plant thunderously establishing its authority as it made it stock of  blocks, the excavators at various location were rearranging the piles of aggregates, pumice and sand to make bigger pyramids, the technicians busily repairing a water pump at one of the ponds, workers hurriedly  crisscrossing about the compound to perform their specific duties, while the canteen  lady was busily preparing food to make sure the workers get a meal at lunchtime. This appears to be the daily routine at the quarry.
Coloured brick produced at quarry
The RG Quarry Ltd, established on January 12, 1999, is led by local entrepreneur Rayneau Gajaghar who originally purchased the former Ferrands Quarry at Cul De Sac. The company now operates four quarries in the North and South of the island (including stone, pumice, and other mining, extraction and refining concerns at Cul De Sac, Anse la Raye, La Retraite and Vieux Fort).  Over the years Mr Gajadhar, cognizant of the importance of expansion and modernization, has seen an increase in business activity at the quarry.
Today the quarry is the island’s most modern, with plant and equipment that far exceeds any other. Here are some of the equipment used: Conveyors, Forklifts, Front end loaders, Hammer drills, Crushers, Saws,Trucks, and Wheel loaders
Stock piling pumice
The company’s main quarry is located  at, its Cul De Sac Complex, where several related operations take place, including production of stone, aggregate, sand and pumice products. Also located at Cul sde sac is the Caribbean’s most modern Asphalt Plant, which meets and exceeds international environmentally and protection standards. At the Cul De Sac quarry, six plants operate producing Asphalt, Blocks, Concrete, Crushing, Sand and Washing. The asphalt is mainly produced for paving of public roads. This plant does not run daily like the other plants but only when a quantity of asphalt is needed. If the product is needed to pave many kilometers of road it may have to run for many hours for the day.
The block plant runs daily producing thousands. Blocks of various sizes are produced and stock piled. The quarry boasts of over one million blocks in its stock. Boulders are extracted from the mining areas and fed into the crusher. They are crushed through a  sequential process. This process produces aggregate of various sizes, each stored in its own pile. In the washing plant all aggregates, sand and pumice are washed before being placed on the market for sale. 
Section of Block Plant
Finally, the concrete plant, rated as second to none on the island produces quality product of various strength. The plant is fully automated and is being run by trained and experienced personnel. Safety at the plant is given high priority.  On the compound is a well-equipped and managed garage from where the company ensures maintenance is carried out by  competent persons. Management have also set up fences, put up signs and barriers at critical areas; also by  providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision to encourage people to work safely and responsibly. Protective gear for the head, eyes, ears and breathing apparatus were all visibly seen being worn by workers on site.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Products of the Week

Every week commencing in March 2015 , "The Store of The Future"  will publish a post entitled "Products of the Week" in which we will feature a few of our products  selected by the Customer Sales Representative of each department. This weekly article we are sure will impress upon the minds of our customers the importance of each product in their line of work. Also contractors, construction workers,landscapers, plumbers, farmers and all other categories of workers in construction, we are sure will find an item which they will need.This week we took a tour of our main floor and visited a few departments. These are products we've selected for this week.
water pump
We are very aware that the dry season is upon our farmers and that they have produce which will be grossly affected by the drought. Large sums of money have been invested and this investment must be protected. With this in mind we have selected the gasoline power pump to solve their water problem.
This pump is designed to move large volumes of water.

  • 210cc Powerease engine with recoil start and low oil shutdown.
  • Heavy duty cast iron impeller and centrifugal aluminum pump.
  • 3" MNPT intake and 3" outlet connection.
  • 85' total lift and 26' suction lift.
Inflator and Cable
 Scenario 1: Can you imagine that you are on the road with your significant other, the children or family and its deep into the evening, when you suddenly realize you've gotten a flat tire. You are also way off from a gas station and in this insecure time no one is stopping or even borrowing you a spare tire so you could reach home.Your family should not be exposed to such risks. 
Scenario 2: You're parked in the city or in some remote area and your battery has given up on you. No one around has a booster cable, so here you are stranded, missing your appointment or being late for work. 
Having you in mind we have added the 12-volt charger in this week's package. 

  • This 12-volt inflator can be used for emergency roadside tire inflation.
  • Plugs into standard 12 volt cigarette/accessory outlet.
  • The Booster cable is ergonomic and heavy duty insulated color coded clamps.
  • Flexible TPR insulation. 
  • Fits both top and side post batteries.
  • 16 foot tangle-free. It uses piston starting engines.

Chandlier lamp
This week's promotion package would never be complete if we did not add this fixture for the ladies to enhance their home.The Minka Lavery 3-Light Mini Chandelier is designed to fit into any home and budget. The versatile Harvard court bronze finish will match many decor styles and is softened by the light French scavo glass shades. Quality and style make this mini chandelier a very attractive buy.
Some of the features of this light which will make it a must buy are:
• Steel and glass construction offers durability and beauty
• Uses three 100 watt medium base bulbs, (sold separately)
• Additional chain and wire included for adjustable hanging length to 92 in. max
• ETL listed for indoor use
Barbeque set
The Charcoal Kettle grill is a 26.75 inch diameter porcelain-enameled bowl and lid. 

  • Cooking area = 508 square inches. Stainless steel hinged cooking grate. 
  • Two glass-reinforced nylon handles. 
  • No-rust aluminum vent, while the Main Frame 3 Burner 36k BTU (center pic) is an Integrated push and turn ignition. 
  • Total cooking area of 525 square inch. 25-inch by 16-inch in porcelain coated steel. 
  • Quick and Easy Assembly. 

The BBQ tools set is an 18-Piece tool set with plastic case.It is said that St. Lucians like a fete. Well why shouldn't they have one if there is a reason to? Easter is not far off. Why not a BBQ in the yard or on the lawn? RCIP Ltd is offering you a complete package with a choice of grill and a BBQ tool set. 
Visit us next week for another set of products which we are sure you will find interesting. If there's a product you would like to know about let us know in our comment section.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Quality Products At Our Automotive Department

Body shop, Cooling and Cleaning items
Many vehicle owners use this time of year to start thinking about their automotive maintenance. With Easter right around the corner and another long festive season in the books - May Day, Jazz, Carnival, Emancipation Day, the life of your car is of major importance. Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products has all the automotive supplies you need to keep your vehicle running in tip-top shape.
Electrical, Engine care and Fuel items
Our Automotive Department has foregone a fresh look to make your shopping more entertaining and interactive. The products have been arranged into the numerous categories. This makes shopping and locating any item for the customer simple. .
Lubrication,Tire repair and Miscellaneous items
The sections are so named that the items in each one is connected to a specific area of the vehicle -  e.g.the items in Body shop are directly connected to body works on the vehicle. Other sections in the Automotive department are, Cooling, Cleaning, Electrical, Engine care, Fuel, lubrication, Pulling and towing, Tire repair, Welding accessories and miscellaneous.
Towing and pulling and Welding accessories items
Please visit our store to check out our new arrivals of high quality automotive supplies that we carry. Your automotive needs are important to RCIP. From waxes and polishes to coolants, we've got you covered. We carry the tools you need to keep your ride in tip-top shape. Our warm and pleasant staff can provide you with an idea of what we've got. Call 1 758 450 7247 or Stop in today!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...