Friday, 25 December 2015

Finding The Real Joy Of Christmas

It's that time of year again. The festive season has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, fleshy dinners with family and friends, bamboo bursting in the yard, Christmas lights flashing in the balcony, the "lasewenals", and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?

As far as I can tell, the true joy of Christmas comes with spending time with friends and family. It's about being thankful for what you have, coming together as a community, decorating trees as a family, and for Christians it's also about religion and the birth of Jesus.

Charles Dickens says, "Christmas typically brings to mind a period of festivities, indulgence, family gatherings and generosity, but it hasn’t always been."

Of course, gift-giving is an important aspect of Christmas and it's always nice to get lots of beautifully wrapped presents, but that shouldn't be the sole focus of Christmas. Expensive, store-bought gifts aren't the only things that you can give. For example, it's always a sweet gesture to make a card yourself or bake cookies. Instead of focusing on receiving gifts, it's also good to think about what you can give -- not just gifts, but also your time, kindness, and love. Buck Owens in one of his Christmas songs, "It’s Not What You Give" says. "It’s not what you give that really matters or how much money you may pay. It’s that feeling of giving to others. That’s what makes Christmas such a pretty day."

For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends. Many are saddened at Christmastime when they think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home for various reasons. Pork or Beef dinners may be only a wish and not a reality for some. For such persons we must bring out this love and giving heart in us to help make their Christmas a pleasant one as well.

A famous writer said, "Finding the real joy of Christmas comes not in the hurrying and the scurrying to get more done. We find the real joy of Christmas when we make the Savior the focus of the season. To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the Spirit of Christ."

Rayneau Gajadhar and the staff at RG Group Of Companies extend a Merry Christmas filled with Joy and Happiness  to all our Customers, friends and well wishers. We thank you sincerely for your support during the year, and look forward to serving you better in 2016.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Season's Greetings From Rayneau (Video)

Season's Greetings From Rayneau
The holiday season is a time for fond memories, new and old, and the Christmas spirit has a way of encouraging us to re-connect with friends and customers.
We're truly grateful for your trust in our company. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We’d like to do business with you for many years to come. May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the spirit of Christmas which is peace; the heart of Christmas which is love?


Monday, 21 December 2015

Rayneau Applauds His Team For A Great Year.

Team Rayneau
This is the time of the year when Mr Gajadhar usually reflects on what has been

achieved during the year both personally and at The RG Group of Companies. 2015 he

thinks, has been a great year for him and he feels very proud of what has been

achieved and very appreciative of all the hard work put in by his team - Team


“There is no doubt that our team is one of our greatest

strengths as an organization, along with our culture. We talk a lot about how we make

a difference and we are all truly privileged to work in a job where we can make a

difference in the lives of others every day. It is really important that we continually
The Banse Road
recognize and appreciate that it is indeed WE (as a collective) who make the greatest

difference, and not any one individual. Our team and the culture we foster underpin

all the good work that we do and the lives that we are able to help change.”  Says the 

Team Leader.

For CIE Ltd, our team leader thinks that 2015 has

yielded great results and presented new opportunities. As with any year in

construction there are huge challenges on the team to keep delivering, particularly

projects with unique characteristics – this year has seen everything from traditional
projects through to road rehabilitation, demolitions, airport apron and bridges

constructions. By the very nature of these projects, the staff has worked very hard to

deliver and management wishes to personally acknowledge the efforts by all of the


Ms Jarbandon and Mr Gajadhar receiving award
RG Quarry Ltd you will recall won the prestigious trophy

 at the 19th International Star for Leadership in Quality Award Convention held on June 27th and 28th Paris earlier this year - a

feat worthy of mention. Our team continues to deliver top quality products to our

customers both locally and regionally. We continue to stand out as the leading

producer of quality quarry materials on island

This year, in September, RCIP Ltd celebrated its third year of operations. The mega

store continues to provide a variety of top quality products and services to its

customers. Our sales and other promotions fared very well compared to present

economic climate. One of our leading strengths is our customer service which is

second to none and makes us the talk of the town. We are proud of our CSRs for their

impeccable dedication and commitment to the company. 

To the other workers - Drivers, Operators, Cleaners, Messengers, Caretakers etc., a

big thank you is extended to all.

As we reflect upon the achievements of this year and look forward to the challenges

and opportunities that next year holds, Mr Gajadhar would like to thank the entire

team for their hard work and commitment and to wish each of you and your families a

safe and Happy Christmas and a healthy and successful year ahead.

Christmas is a time of celebration, joy and togetherness and I certainly hope that

these sentiments can be enjoyed by all families connected with The RG Group of

Companies over this period.

Mr Gajadhar hopes the New Year brings renewed hope, energy and success.

        Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, 18 December 2015

Quite Simply,The Best Sale Package For This Festive Season!

This is our final in a series of "Every Weekend Sale 'Till Xmas." We thought it out,we presented it you, you checked it out, you saw it was in your interest, and you demanded its return. We therefore had no choice but to bring back this ultimate big weekend sale. 

At Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd we listen to our customers and we act upon it – we heard the shouts of "encore," we got word that more and more persons were getting the news,the potential and existing home owners, the farmers and contractors wanted it to last longer.

Big Weekend S ale
We made it easier for you this season to get your renovations done. So here we are in this final weekend before Christmas bringing to you a repeat of last weekend’s sale so that you can take full advantage of this last lap Big Weekend Sale. 

This sale package without any doubt is the best Christmas sale one could ever ask for – steel for reinforcement of structures, aggregates for your foundation, mixes and base for walkways, blocks of all sizes for structures, cement  for the concrete works and lumber for your forms, partitions, you name it - the basic materials for the commencement of any home or structure.

This weekend sale marks our last one before the Christmas day. We do hope you make full use of it over the three days. 

We're truly grateful for your trust in our company and the support meted out to us throughout the year. We’d like to do business with you for many years to come. Rejoice in the spirit of Christmas which is peace, the miracle of Christmas which is hope, and the heart of Christmas which is love. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday.


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

4 Projects Down South Nearing Completion

Just as we are drawing nearer and nearer to Christmas Day, so too are the works on the Hewanorra Airport Apron, the Banse/La Haut and Laborie Village Main Road Rehabilitation Project ,the Debreuil-Myers Bridge Road Pot-holing and the Martin Luther Street Resurfacing nearing completion. The frequent heavy rains over the past weeks have no doubt played its part in delaying of the completion of these works. The Hewanorra Airport Apron being the most affected.
 Latest pics of works on Hewanorra Apron

Base material is now being laid and compacted on the apron and asphalting is due to commence very soon.

Laying final surface on Banse Road

At Banse, the final layer of asphalt has been laid from the very top to about 100 metres from the Laborie Highway gas station. These remaning100 metres will be completed during the week.

 Base material on Martin Luther Street

The Martin Luther Street, which I am told was named after a son of the soil is a back road which takes one to the highway without going through the whole village. This road has been in a deplorable state and the residents welcomed the rehabilitation.

Pics of state of Roblot road and workers pot-holing

The Debreuil-Myers Bridge road surfacing project has started and work is going smoothly. Presently the work is being concentrated in the Roblot community where huge pot holes have restricted public commuters from plying the La Maze/Vieux Fort Route. The residents are very excited. So too are the business persons who have seen a drop in their sales over the years due the poor conditions of the roads. With the roads now being repaired, they are looking forward for a profitable festive season this year.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Rayneau Brings Xmas Joy To Four Choiseul Communities.

CIE Ltd at work In Roblot
The road which passes through the communities of Debreuil, Roblot and Montete and leading to Myers Bridge is a bypass for motorist travelling to Vieux Fort from Soufriere and vice-versa. It cuts the travel time by approximately fifteen minutes, than if one had to travel via the Choiseul Village route. But low and behold, the Montete section of this vital bypass has been so neglected over the years that the brush on both sides have made it very narrow, the surface has deteriorated badly, and the pot holes which are huge and deep, when it rains,makes it impassable for persons from La Maze who use the road to get to work in Soufriere. The section from Montete to Myers Bridge is a living hell for motorists and pedestrians alike. 
L-R: State of roads in  Roblot, Montete and Debreuil
The residents of these three communities have every reason to be happy now that the road works are in progress. Also, with the festive season on, the small shops should see an increase in sales since more traffic will ply the road now. Except persons who own vehicles in these communities, rarely will one see another vehicle - an early morning bus which transported persons to Castries every day had to cancel its operation due to the dilapidated conditions of the road. The poor state of the roads has caused many bus drivers to stay away resulting in the farmers being unable to get their produce to the market. This has resulted in many of them giving up farming.  

Road widening in Montete and Roblot
The road works started two weeks ago and is being widened in many areas, especially where the drainage is poor, so as to divert the run-off water away from the road surface – this water have in most cases been responsible for the poor state the roads are at present. It is worth noting that CIE Ltd is doing much more than is initially asked by the state. The complete road would not have been surfaced had it not been for Mr Gajadhar’s kind heart, and his love for helping people and communities.

He also revealed that due to the inadequate financing which was made available the whole Debreuil to Myers Bridge road could not be completed.  He thought that it would be in his company's best interest and that of the residents the residents to complete the rest of the work up the Myers Bridge at no extra cost to the Government.

Speaking with the residents of Myers Bridge, who were the ones who would be most affected, they described  Mr Gajadhar as, "A man of God with a huge and kind heart and one who cares about people." For this they have asked that a big thank you be extended to  the CIE’s Team Leader.
A section of the road, before, after and now
The project is expected to be completed before the Christmas. This time around the residents are hoping with the roads in good conditions now, their relatives and friends will be around. The shop owners are already singing songs of joy, knowing very well that more persons will drive through the communities and thus increase their sales. The youth are already planning their Jou Overt activities. One of the organizers remarked, “We are going to have our early morning jump up this year, No pot holes, to sprain or break our legs. That work was long overdue." 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Big Weekend Giveaway! Don't Miss Out This Time! (Animation)

It’s another weekend sale and this one is mad, mad, and mad! What is happening at Rayneau this weekend is incomprehensible. When you thought you had missed out on the sale from the very first weekend, well don’t fret, because Rayneau has created especially for you, 3 repeat sales In One National Day Big Weekend Give-away from Friday December 11 – Sunday December 13, 2015, at the same rates. Nothing has changed.

This weekend you will continue to enjoy the up to 30% off on Lumber and plywood, blocks of all sizes at ridiculously reduced prices from $1.95 - $3.25, Cement at an all-time low of $25.95, Ready mix and Coarse sand at only $75.00, White sand at a bare $100.00 and Steel at $2760.00 per tonne. Special terms and conditions apply.

This repeat sale will cater to the hundreds of customers who complained about missing the first three week-end sales. Actually many did not foresee that how the sale was structured was to give homeowners an opportunity to renovate, or build new structures at a very low rate. We are aware that most persons look at the holiday season to put things anew - by providing this sale we  at Rayneau know that we are “Making It Easier For You This Season.”

A young mother who lives with her mom and recently started adding an extension to the house and who also missed the previous sales has this to say. “I was really interested in the sales but I was unable to purchase cement and blocks at the time. I am very happy that the company has brought back the sale on blocks and cement. I am ready now and will definitely buy a quota. My boss is doing some renovations as well and I am sure she will be interested in the sand and steel.”

“Your prices on the blocks and aggregates are great. Nobody can beat that price. Had you guys extended the sale to the South I would stock pile on white sand.” Says a small contractor who is into home construction.
                                          Animation of Big Christmas Sale
It’s your last chance so don’t blow it. A deal like this comes once in a life time. Pick up that phone now, and call us at 1758 450 7247 to speak with a Customer Service Representative or visit us at Corinth Main Road, Gros Islet for more details.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Giving - It's What Xmas Is All About

Gift giving is a two-way street, in that giver and receiver experience the shared enjoyment of the exchange.

For me, gift giving supplies me with an armload of self-gratification. Gift giving is just one of the many ways you can show a person how you feel. Not just love but gratitude and appreciation as well. I use it as a way to let someone know that I am thinking about them. The smallest, out of the ordinary, unexpected gift, if presented with a smile, will yield the biggest reactions.

Gift giving is both a benefit and a help. To give is the same with sharing. And to share is a relaxing act. Not only does it make a bond grow deeper, but it also gives a person the feeling of being kind and happy - because for most people, to see someone happy multiplies their joy. The joy brings the feeling of goodness to the giver.

Giving gifts is always a problem. If you love someone, you want to make sure you give them something they really want. Ideally, you want to see that look of joyous surprise when they open the gift and even before they say a word, you know it was perfect. But that doesn't always work.

It’s sad, really. You work so hard to find just the right gift, and then it doesn't fit - or it isn't the right colour - or it was broken in the box - or they already had one - or the design doesn't match what they already have -worst of all, it wasn't what they really wanted.

That’s the worst - to give someone a gift they don’t really want. Nothing makes you feel worse. They unwrap the gift and then there is a short pause - just a microsecond - but in that moment you already know the truth. “Why, it’s beautiful,” they say. But you can see the look in their eyes. You put on a brave front and try again. “Do you really like it?” “Like it? I love it.” But you aren't fooled. It’s not what they wanted. And drop by drop all the joy drains out of Christmas.

Then it came to my mind this week as I thought about the question - if I were going to give someone a gift for Christmas, what would I give him/her that he/she would appreciate? The holidays are upon us, which means it's time to get cracking and find some great sentimental gifts for our valued friends and acquaintances.

You know that well decorated food hamper? Or that old aged bottle of whiskey? If you want to be the one who avoid sending those clichéd goodies, look no further. We at Rayneau have some fantastic ideas for you this year. 

Visit or call us today at 450 7247 to talk to one of our Customer service representatives for some great and unique gift ideas.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Something Awesome is Happening This Weekend (Video)

It’s getting better and better, weekend after weekend until Christmas at Rayneau. When 
you thought the sale would only be on blocks and cement,lumber and plywood, here comes the shocker – sale on aggregates and steel. Do you realize what is happening here? Rayneau is providing you with an opportunity to build that structure you’ve always wanted at a greatly reduced cost. Nowhere is such an offer available during this festive season. This also provides you with a once in a lifetime opportunity to do this special renovation or extension in time for Christmas.

This weekend, starting today December 4th until Sunday December 6th, 2015, we are offering huge discounts on Aggregates and steel which you just cannot resist. This uncast foundation which has been lying there for a long time, this walkway to your home you have always wanted to pave, this dirt drain alongside the home which allows water to sip under your house, this septic tank you are constructing – now is the ideal time to get your steel and aggregates to complete these jobs. Special terms and conditions apply.

The 3-day sale on Steel and Aggregates includes: 

o   Ready Mix-$75.00 per tonne
o   White Sand-$100.00 per tonne
o   Coarse Sand-$75.00 per tonne

o   Steel (All sizes)
5/16", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 1" - $2750.00 per tonne

Hurry on down to RCIP Ltd this weekend for your stock of aggregates and steel to compliment your already purchased blocks, cement, lumber and plywood.

Monday, 30 November 2015

7 Reasons To Make Rayneau Your Shopping Destination This Christmas Season

With  the businesses already issuing a rallying cry to shoppers to “Come shop with us” this Christmas, we’ve decided to take a fresh look at RCIP Ltd and why you should make us your shopping destination for all your home improvement materials  and tools.

Here are 7 reasons why you should shop at Rayneau this Holiday Season:

Every Week End Sale Until Xmas
Starting the week end of November 20, 2015 and continuing every week end (Fri – Sun) before Christmas, we are offering great deals on a different group of items. One hundred and thirty-six hours (136) of shopping at great prices. Items will come from every department in the store. Keep tuned in or call our store every weekend to find out what deal is on.

Superior Customer Service
Time and time again you have heard that our customer service out-classes any other you can mention. Our customers are our most vital asset. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. When we satisfy our customers, they not only help us grow by continuing to do business with us, but recommend us to friends and associates.
The Customer Service Representatives (CSR) in our store are famed for their award-winning customer service. They are good listeners, they can identify and anticipate needs, they make customers feel important and appreciated and they give more than expected.  And the beauty of it all is that our CSRs speak to our customers at a level of understanding the customer can comprehend.
We aim to match that service on our soon to be launched website too, with buying guides, videos, full product descriptions and clear images to help you shop.
After shopping with us, you can only describe your shopping experience as  “sweet’n’wooow!”

Trust, Integrity and Honesty
Since we began operations in 2012, we’ve established close relationships with our suppliers to make sure we bring you high quality products that you can trust. We deal openly and honestly with our customers, giving you clear and transparent information about our products and services, through our product slides and orally through our esteemed and friendly Customer Service Representatives, to build your trust in us.

Christmas Gift Ideas
Are you searching for Christmas gifts? With our wonderful range of Christmas gift ideas, you need look no further. Our years of dealing with Christmas shoppers  have revealed to us that many customers who come searching for gifts, most times are not too clear as to what they actually want for this someone. They spend a lot of time browsing through our departments with no clear gift in mind. This is why our Customer Sales Representatives have meticulously selected a range of gift packages with you in mind to take away the hassle of searching. Check out a few of our gift ideas at!1612&authkey=!AJqPcAAAJp9OpNo&ithint=folder%2cpptx

Help Build Communities
Shopping at Rayneau supports local schools, infrastructure and services.  When you shop with us, you are literally helping to build our communities, and support local organizations and charities. We donate to various individuals and organizations. We receive many donation requests every day and we participate in as many projects and events as possible. Unfortunately we can only fund a portion of the requests submitted.
Without your support, we can’t help many of the local philanthropic agencies that come asking for assistance. With your support, we give back and help local causes, promote local entertainment and all of the special things that make Rayneau a unique and caring community.

Great Product Selection
We stock thousands of products, and a substantial proportion of our stock caters to the construction and industrial industry. Many of the products we sell are from top brands like Makita, Stanley, Bosch, and Mintcraft to mention a few. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure innovation and quality at affordable prices. 

Our Prime Minister 
Dr Kenny Anthony, our current Prime Minister, makes Rayneau his shopping destination. Our PM is very aware of the top quality products we offer and service beyond expectations from our customer service Representatives. View our Pm's shopping experience at our store. Click!1660&authkey=!ANRT7BA8XQwCkyE&ithint=folder%2cjpg

Make Rayneau your favourite shopping destination this Christmas season and remember our every-weekend-sale continues until Christmas.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Every-Weekend-Sale 'Til Xmas Continues.

Animation Slide show
When I posted on WhatsApp the flyer for this weekend sale to a friend of mine, he  was flabbergasted and could not believe we were doing this sale again .You can bet that we are doing it and we have a new sale on until the weekend before Christmas. Rayneau is making it easy for every homeowner to give their home a face-lift this holiday season. For this weekend we are giving up to 30% off on lumber and plywood store-wide. Super great deals. Special terms and conditions are in effect.

Take advantage of this weekend sale which starts on November 27 – November 29, 2015 to get  lumber  and plywood for the house siding, dog kennel, ceiling, partitions or for storage purposes until you are ready for this special project.

Shopping hours: Fri - 7:00am - 6:00pm
                         Sun - 7:00am - 1:00pm

Click!1642&authkey=!ADmk9DHZvcHjB8Y&ithint=file%2cdoc to read our FAQ.
Weekend Sale Continues until Christmas!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Great Xmas Gifts Ideas From Our CSRs For This Special Someone

Finding the ideal Xmas present can be stressful at this festive time of year, so we thought we would make it easier for you.

Whether you’re looking for a construction tool as a present for your friend, a DIYer present  or a Christmas present for this   special him or her, our Customer Service Representatives have selected a great range of gift ideas for all.

Here are some of the most unique gifts you can give this holiday season. Catch them off guard with gifts that will put a smile on their face, and that they won’t expect.

Kadie our informative and friendly greeter thinks that Elite products package above is excellent for cleaning interior and exterior of automotive vehicles. They will make a good present for any of your friends who own a  motor vehicle. Each product is uniquely designed to tailor to your need.

From our Plumbing Department Dorial introduces the “Washroom Xmas Package” which includes The Fluidmaster Duo Flush and The Pollenex 9 Setting White Showerhead.
The Fluidmaster Duo Flush gives you a tool to help save more water. The Dual Flush System retrofits into any 2” toilet tank, and is proven to use up to 45% less water than the original tank parts. 
The Pollenex 9 setting white showerhead has 9 different settings, which you can adjust to almost any comfort level. With the Jet Massage setting, you'll get temporary relief from tired, sore muscles. With aeration, the wide water stream mixes with air bubbles to get you sudsy shampoos and tingly rinses. The Full Spray gives you a "pouring rain" sensation. Its wide head, you'll get maximum coverage.

From a wide selection in the Hand Tools Department,Jonathan must have had a hard time choosing this gift package for the DIYer and/or construction worker. The Professional's Tool Set  above contains all the tools needed for most industrial applications, including 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" quick-release ratcheting drives, with a wide selection of standard and deep sockets in the most common SAE and metric sizes. The Ramset .22 Caliber Trigger Shot Tool is a trigger shot tool for fastening to concrete, masonry and steel. The trigger shot is easy to use and great for wall applications and between studs. 
In this age where the customers who are buying furniture, look for quality finished products, the Makita BO4556 1/4-Sheet Finishing Sander is ideal for a present.The tool is specifically crafted for wood workers and finish carpenters for a wide range of finish-sanding applications. The Makita B04556 chosen by Everly, makes for a  great Xmas gift for carpenter, or joiner friend of yours.
You must have heard of the numerous gun accidents that occurs in homes with parents who own guns and had not secured them properly – deaths, maiming and the lot. Sancha has selected this smart choice of a gift for the gun owner. Whether you're a law-enforcement professional, an avid gun collector, a parent of a young child, or all of the above, the Homak HS10036683 Small Pistol Box is a smart, safe choice that protects your gun and your family. Built tough, with an electronic locking system, the HS10036683 gives you true peace of mind. Play it Safe and Make this small pistol box a  must gift from our Hardware Department  this Christmas. 

Another superb gift idea from our Automotive Department. Silissa was meticulous in choosing this gift for our motorists. She says the Synthetic A/C Booster increases cooling capacity by improving lubricity, better heat exchange and overall better efficiency.  It is also used for sealing common A/C leaks in rubber o-rings, gasket and hoes. Have your friend drive in comfort. Give him/her this gift.

Shakym, the CSR in charge of Lawn and Garden have come up with this beautiful gift idea for your lawn. This garden solar light turns on automatically as dusk. They are built with internal reflector for brighter LED lighting and Included in the package are ground stakes for use as path lighting. Shakym assures that these lights beautifies your yard and garden. The Leaf blower is a perfect complement for the garden solar light, for which the lawn is well lighted up the blower makes sure that that it is clean. The leaf blower does more than move leaves. It sweeps a patio clean of grass clippings or blasts sand off the driveway.
Click!1612&authkey=!AJqPcAAAJp9OpNo&ithint=folder%2cpptx for more gift ideas from our various Customer Service Representatives

Look out for more “Rayneau Gift Ideas” in our next post. Visit us today or call 450 7247 for more info.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...