Friday, 1 July 2022


Are you in the market for ready-mix concrete (RMC) but not sure who to contact? If you’re knowledgeable enough to know that concrete is usually expressed in cubic meters, then all you need is a supplier. Let’s look at a top-rated supplier located in the North and South of the island.

Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd., has been a trusted source for Rayneau ready-mixed concrete for over twenty-five years, working mainly with local contractors, small and large companies, and on commercial projects - projects we supply concrete for include roads, tunnels, bridges, school buildings, hotels and a variety of other major jobs.  Our mission is to provide you with a superior product combined with timely deliveries so your project is completed as planned.

What makes CIE Ready-Mix Concrete the best? “CIE has the experience and adequate knowledge about the ideal composition and compressive strength required for your construction project. One very important criterion is that we possess the procurement of the right RMC raw materials being used, which is of top quality. CIE has its own batching and mixing facilities, testing labs, and transportation infrastructure to help procure the right quality RMC.” Replied George Alexander, the supervisor at the Vieux fort Branch

We offer outstanding service combined with trained professional employees. Good quality concrete is the most essential part of any construction project. We offer top concrete mix and concrete pumping for commercial projects islandwide. If you are looking for a concrete mix (3750 - 6000 psi) that is of superior quality, readily available, and affordable, CIE Ltd is your answer. We are reputable suppliers for domestic and commercial construction projects. In addition to this, we can also arrange concrete pumping and other customized services.

Rayneau’s  ready-made concrete mix is ideal for:

  •          Local builders
  •          Large commercial projects
  •          Small construction work and more
  •          DIYs and more

Additionally, we specialize in concrete blocks that are durable and will accurately fit together to create a perfect surface. These are readily available in multiple sizes - 4, 6, 8 inches and now a specialized block of 12 inches which is only available from Rayneau. You can choose from the range of these ready-made blocks and order them in bulk for any project. 

For free price quotes or any other information, get in touch with our team by giving us a call anytime at Corinth(450-7247) and Vieux Fort(454-3041). We are available Mon-Sun.

#ShopRayneau for all your Concrete projects.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...