Thursday, 28 July 2022


The Emancipation Day 3-day weekend is approaching and it’s a great opportunity to sit down by yourself or with your kids, and work on a project(s). Not every weekend is meant for outdoor adventures and late nights out with your friends. If you're thinking of staying home this weekend and having a little bit of "me time," try one of these easy DIYs to keep you entertained.

These seven home improvement projects will not cost a lot, but they'll make a big difference in how your home functions. Try one or more of these projects this weekend to make your home look and feel its best.

1. Spice up a Piece of Furniture

Breathe new life into an old piece of furniture with a fresh coat of paint. For wood pieces, remove dirt or wax buildup with a household cleaner and rinse. Sand rough areas and wipe away dust. Apply two coats of stain-blocking primer and allow it to dry between coats. Roll or brush on two coats of latex paint in the direction of the wood grain, and use a brush to finish the surface with smooth strokes.

Needed: Paint or varnish and painting accessories

2. Build a Charging Station

Floating shelves are a great way to get more storage for your buck and can be tucked just about anywhere – wires permitting. Construct a mini charging station for your family's devices with this simple, inexpensive hack. Cut small slits in a basic ledge shelf to enable cords to run behind and inside the hollow shelf before being plugged in below. Mount the station to the wall to keep counter tops clutter-free.

Needed: 3/4" Plain Ply, nails

3. Mend Your Walkway

Cracks and gaps in sidewalks and walkways can quickly expand throughout the year. Not only will a patch job make your pathway look nice, it will also make it safer for visitors and passersby. Fix your sidewalk with a patching compound specifically made for cement.

Needed: Rayneau bagged products, cement

4. Streamline Under the Sink

Ease cleanup and eliminate the clutter of freestanding bottles with an over-the-door wire organizer. This slim solution maximizes undersink space while keeping kitchen essentials within easy reach.

Needed: Rack, wire, hooks, etc.

5. Restore an Old Dining Table

There’s no easier way to update a tired dining table than to cover it with a bright and cheerful oilcloth. It’s also a practical and easy-to-clean option for busy families, whether you’re using the table for dinner or homework time.Take a piece of oilcloth and cut it to the size of your tabletop, leaving a few centimeters of overhang on each side. Use a staple gun to attach the oilcloth under the table edges, pulling it taut as you go. 

Needed: Oil cloth, paint or varnish.

6. Paint an accent wall

For a low-cost, high-impact update, grab a tin of paint in a striking colour and turn a plain wall into a show-stopping, statement wall that’ll never be overlooked again. Use painter’s tape to keep your ceilings and doors smudge free.

Needed: Paint from our paint department

7. Designate a Drop Spot

Can you recall the number of times you have misplaced your car keys at home? You can stop this now if you only enhance the style and storage of your entryway with a designated place for important drop-zone items. Create a mini hang-up station for house keys on the back of a cabinet door. Use magnetic strips, Peg-Board, or an old ceiling tin and add hooks to store items in one convenient location near the door.

Needed: Key hooks, flat piece of board

Shop with us today! Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759 for all your home improvement supplies.Check out our website and you can also follow us on FaceBook  



Monday, 25 July 2022


Here at Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we know your home is important to you, and we want to help you take the best possible care of it. To do that, we offer a wide range of high-quality equipment rentals to let you take on a variety of home improvement projects. 

In our experience, one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve the overall appearance of your home is to pressure wash it. In this article, we’ll go over more about how to use pressure washers to improve your home and what types of things you can do with them

  • Clean Your Siding- One way to use pressure washers to improve your home is to clean your siding. Not only will cleaning your siding of grime and debris make your exterior look much better and newer, but it will also help the siding itself last longer.
  • Clean Your Gutters- You can also use pressure washers to clean out your gutters, getting rid of debris that may be clogging them and clearing out any dirt or grime as well. Gutters need to be cleaned regularly in order to make sure they are serving their intended function, and using a pressure washer allows you to provide a much more thorough clean.
  • Clean Your Driveway- A third way to use pressure washers to improve your home is to clean your driveway or other hardscaping areas with them. Similar to the other examples mentioned above, pressure washing your driveway will keep it looking great and help extend its overall lifespan.

It is highly advisable that you consider pressure washing your property at least once or twice every year, but remember to always hire a professional to avoid damage to your property with pressure washing.

Shop with us today! Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759 for your roof repair supplies. You can also follow us on FaceBook  

Friday, 22 July 2022


If you’re looking to rent or buy a Hx Series Excavator from Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we suggested you try the Hyundai HX220 L. You can view the model on demonstration at the store yard and you will find that it is an excellent performer. Not only is the machine fuel efficient it’s also extremely quiet.

What you will be really impressed with is the AAVM camera system on the HX220 L where four cameras work together with the controller and produce a 360° image of the working range around the machine -  which is from a safety point of view is fantastic. It secures a field of vision in all directions with nine different viewing options which include a 3D bird’s eye view! 

In addition to nine different viewing options, Hyundai’s new camera system also incorporates IMOD (Intelligent Moving Object Detection) which informs the operator when people or dangerous objects are detected within a 5metre radius of the machine, offering the operator hi-precision control over the machine and its surroundings. The operator can select different views – not only a bird’s eye view – it can show you where your counterweight would be turning and show the circle around the base of the machine and many different angles by just touching the viewing icon on the monitor.

The IMOD indicates all movements around the machine. Movement is shown on the monitor by putting a rectangle around the object or person by indicating the side at which there is the movement by arrows – the operator, in addition to viewing the obstruction, will be notified by an alarm. The AAVM is incorporated within the 20.3cm interactive, adjustable, touchscreen cluster-monitor in the cab.

Here are 4 Reasons why you need a Hyundai with AAVM and IMOD:

1.   Added Safety for workers on the job site

2.    Reduced risk of collision or damage to the machine

3.    Improved productivity for the operator

4.    Best-in-class factory option on the market

The HX220L is very smooth to run and you will find that it’s able to complete the job more efficiently than many other machines you have operated.

You will be impressed with the performance and reliability that all the Hyundai machines offer and the addition of the around-view camera system takes safety to a new level.

Give us a call at (758) 450 7368 or drop by today to see how we can help you save on your fuel costs.  We are located at Vide Bouteille along the Gros Islet Highway.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022


The construction of Gabion baskets, Retaining walls and Slope stabilization are taking center stage presently as Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd  pushes ahead to deliver the  8.7 kilometers of roadworks on the Vanard (Venus) to Anse la Raye link road within 12 months.(see pics below).

 “Slope stabilization works and repair to failed areas are in progress and moving at a very good pace,” The engineer with CIE, Pawan Joshi, says. He continues, “These works are already giving relief to residents as they don’t have to drive through potholes anymore.”

For many years the Vanard (Venus) to Anse La Raye link road has provided alternate and important access for commuters between the communities of Millet and Anse La Raye. After Hurricane Tomas in 2010 and the Christmas Eve Trough of 2013, the roadway, although still motorable, is compromised and in need of structural rehabilitation.

The works on the Vanard (Venus) to Anse La Raye Link Road (SLU-DVRP-VAB-RFB-RDS-01-21) consist of:

  • Earthworks and site clearance
  • Paving works
  • Drainage works and culverts
  • Gabion baskets
  • Concrete works
  • Retaining walls and slope stabilization

The project is made available through the cooperation between the European Union (EU) through the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Government of Saint Lucia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

From a field of seven construction companies who bided on this Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project, Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd won the bidding Process.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branches for all your home Improvement products. Visit our website here.  We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.


Thursday, 14 July 2022


We all know that the best rodent problem is the one that never happened, right? Sure we can buy mouse traps and try to alleviate the symptoms, but that won’t help prevent them in the first place. For this reason, ultrasonic rodent repellents are highly appealing to homeowners for their proclaimed ability to repel rodents from overstaying their welcome.

Ultrasonic devices are popular and appealing to consumers because of their ease of use and the fact that they are silent to human ears and allegedly eliminate the need for traps and poison, which are thought by some to be inhumane forms of pest control.

Introducing the PIC RR Sonic  Rodent Repeller

Your home is your sanctuary! Keep it comfortable and rodent free with Pic RR Sonic Rodent Repellers from Rayneau. PIC has been making household solutions for many years making them a reliable source to keep your home pest free. No more harsh chemicals or dangerous traps that pose a threat to your pets and family.

Pic RR Sonic Rodent Repeller uses ultrasonic variable frequencies that are not audible to humans or pets, just rodents, and repel them from entering an area up to 120 Square Feet! This product is great for living rooms or play areas...perfect for your nightstand.

  • NO need for toxic chemical repellants.      
  • NO need for batteries or high energy bills.
  • NO need to worry about high extermination or fumigation bills.
  • NO need to worry about scary mosquitoes, those pesky gnats, little rodents, and more.

Say YES to peace of mind from pests in your home, home office, office, garage workspace, and any space with just an outlet!

If you are serious about putting an end to the harm and damage rats and mice can do at your home, in your yard, or garage, then visit our stores conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759 now for a few more tips and tricks to rid yourself of this vermin.

Monday, 11 July 2022


Improved home security begins with strengthening weak areas throughout your home. Doors and windows need to be as durable and break-in-proof as possible if you are going to feel safer when you lock up at night and each time you leave the residence.

Not all criminals care about being quiet when they break-in. In fact, the louder a criminal is, the more worrisome the situation can be. A loud criminal may be high on drugs, in the middle of a mental breakdown, or feel they have nothing to lose. This type of criminal will pose the greatest risk to your safety.

 There is an upside to a criminal being loud and that is it gives you more time to call the police and hide or get out of the house safely. The information below will educate you on ways you can make it more difficult for a criminal to enter your home, giving you more time to react.

Doors Must Be Solid

Hollow doors make it easy for a criminal to bow the door inward and pop it open through force. Hollow doors can also be kicked through and even if the door doesn't open, the criminal can crawl through the door. Have your hollow doors been replaced with solid wood doors to enhance your home security? Verify the doors have high-quality deadbolts on them to prevent crafty criminals from picking the lock to enter.

 Door Frames Must Be Strong

A door is only as secure as the frame it is attached to. When you have your new wood doors installed, verify the frames are free of previous damage or weak areas. Otherwise, the door may hold up well if a great deal of pressure is applied to it, but the frame won't hold out. As soon as the frame separates from the wall, the criminal can enter the house.

Shop our doors here!

 Windows Must be Durable

Windows are one of the easiest areas to break into most homes. Criminals may rarely use rocks or other nearby heavy objects to break the glass of the window. However, more often they will use your window's loose frame to push the window open or remove it entirely.

Safety glass can prevent criminals from breaking the window. Double-paned windows even make it more difficult and louder for criminals to break through the window. New windows and frames with high-quality locks help prevent criminals from breaking into your home through a window by securing the frame.

Check out our wide range of windows here!

If you're ready to get started on improving your home's security by having more secure doors and windows installed, then you should contact us now or pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch - We are here to discuss your needs and to help you select the best ones for your needs and to install them for you. #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof

Tuesday, 5 July 2022


A billboard, recently erected in the Sapphire area by the Development Control Authority (DCA) has stirred up much discussion among a few residents of Laborie. In summary, the billboard mentions that the DCA is considering an application for approval in principle for a quarry  in  Sapphire, Laborie, and that any resident or landowner wishing to make comments and/or recommendations on this proposed development is required to make a submission in writing by July 11, 2022.

The idea to locate a quarry in Sapphire, Laborie has raised various environmental concerns, including land disturbance, noise, ground vibrations, emission of dust and rock blasting, by a group of residents in the Laborie community. In this post, we will be focusing on the concerns of the group and the response by the potential quarry owner on the quarrying process.

According to Loop News, the concerned citizens held a meeting on June, 29, 2022 to discuss their concerns. The article reports on three pre-meeting comments by:

1 - Herricks [AKA Wacha] Renee:  “I want to tell them (DCA) we are not going to stand by to see another quarry in the area because it will affect us in a number of ways. The air quality will be a problem for us, our health will be affected and the value of our land will go down………..”

2 - Avis Louisy: (Retired teacher) “We have one quarry already when it blasts everybody feeling it... the dust is terrible. We don’t want another quarry in the area.”

3 - Claire Louisy: “We are saying we need to have an explanation on what’s going on.”

In providing an explanation to these concerns Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, CEO of Rayneau Group Of Companies, on a radio show said that he welcomes these concerns which are relevant to the topic. However, what must be done, the CEO thinks, "Is to work with each other to mitigate whatever potential issues that they [the residents] may have in relation to the quarry operation. That can be done, that will be done when the time comes."

The land sited for the quarry Mr. Gajadhar believes is ideal for quarrying because of its location and rocks quality.

In CIE quarries, strict protocols and safety procedures to mitigate impact in the environment are followed. They have sought to reduce or control the dire effects of the job through varying means such as:

  • Using controlled rock blasting to prevent excess vibrations and noise pollution.
  • Putting up more visible safety fences for workers and civilians.
  • Reducing the dust produced by minimizing watering at the crushing site.

Mr Gajadhar says that while there are many different products on the market to deal with issues relating to quarrying such as the reduction in dust, noise and vibration, the technology available is expensive. However CIE’s approach is to provide a specifically tailored solution that will provide effective and long-term cost-effective control, which has no negative environmental consequences.

Despite the downsides, quarrying is vital to our everyday lives because of how it affects progress and infrastructure in the long run. It is responsible for supporting not just business sectors but also the people working in them. Quarrying, when done right, can be productive and safe in its own right. The men and women involved  have proper training regardless of the work they’re assigned to. It does not only improve health and safety measures, but also helps them understand how the system works and how it affects the progress of the world.

The CEO vows to follow the right procedure to have this application approved and that he is going to do whatever he has to do to “make the process correct” for him to acquire that information.

The application process to get approval of the land for quarrying  has been in the works since last November the CEO says.

Friday, 1 July 2022


Are you in the market for ready-mix concrete (RMC) but not sure who to contact? If you’re knowledgeable enough to know that concrete is usually expressed in cubic meters, then all you need is a supplier. Let’s look at a top-rated supplier located in the North and South of the island.

Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd., has been a trusted source for Rayneau ready-mixed concrete for over twenty-five years, working mainly with local contractors, small and large companies, and on commercial projects - projects we supply concrete for include roads, tunnels, bridges, school buildings, hotels and a variety of other major jobs.  Our mission is to provide you with a superior product combined with timely deliveries so your project is completed as planned.

What makes CIE Ready-Mix Concrete the best? “CIE has the experience and adequate knowledge about the ideal composition and compressive strength required for your construction project. One very important criterion is that we possess the procurement of the right RMC raw materials being used, which is of top quality. CIE has its own batching and mixing facilities, testing labs, and transportation infrastructure to help procure the right quality RMC.” Replied George Alexander, the supervisor at the Vieux fort Branch

We offer outstanding service combined with trained professional employees. Good quality concrete is the most essential part of any construction project. We offer top concrete mix and concrete pumping for commercial projects islandwide. If you are looking for a concrete mix (3750 - 6000 psi) that is of superior quality, readily available, and affordable, CIE Ltd is your answer. We are reputable suppliers for domestic and commercial construction projects. In addition to this, we can also arrange concrete pumping and other customized services.

Rayneau’s  ready-made concrete mix is ideal for:

  •          Local builders
  •          Large commercial projects
  •          Small construction work and more
  •          DIYs and more

Additionally, we specialize in concrete blocks that are durable and will accurately fit together to create a perfect surface. These are readily available in multiple sizes - 4, 6, 8 inches and now a specialized block of 12 inches which is only available from Rayneau. You can choose from the range of these ready-made blocks and order them in bulk for any project. 

For free price quotes or any other information, get in touch with our team by giving us a call anytime at Corinth(450-7247) and Vieux Fort(454-3041). We are available Mon-Sun.

#ShopRayneau for all your Concrete projects.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...