Saturday, 22 February 2020

Happy 41st Independence Anniversary St Lucia!

St Lucia is all set to celebrate her 41st Independence Day on February 22 -- a day which commemorates the country’s independence from colonial rule. It is a day that marks St Lucia’s political and social history, and a reiteration of the values of democracy. Every year, February 22 is observed throughout St Lucia with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades and cultural events.

The Management and Staff of Rayneau Group of Companies extend congratulations to the Government and people of St Lucia on the celebration of its 41st Anniversary of Independence.

What does Independence mean to you?

As we move into our 41st year of independence, I asked the question, "What does independence, and Independence Day, mean to you? Here is the response from two persons:

An Internet Café owner in Vieux Fort says that independence and freedom are about personal choice. “For me, freedom or independence is the ability to earn my own money, doing what I choose to do and love doing, living in my own apartment, paying my own bills, spending Friday nights with people I choose to call my friends, go shopping for clothes that I think capture the essence of who I am, eat what I want to eat.” 

“For many of us, Independence Day has become more about a holiday from school,” says a Secondary School teacher from Choiseul.  “The day, however, is an opportunity to be thankful for the fact that we are in charge of our own destiny -- and this statement applies to us at an individual level, but more so at a collective level. We need to be reminded of the fact that our destinies are linked; that St Lucia’s prosperity is dependent on the collective prosperity of its people. And perhaps, to achieve that -- or to take a step forward toward that -- we need to cooperate.”

 A member of our Rayneau Team sums it up when she says, “independence is freedom, freedom is choice, and choice comes with responsibilities.”  

                          Happy Independence Day St Lucia!

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