Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Making Your Washroom More Energy-Efficient

When it comes to energy use in your home, Felix, our customer service representative in the Plumbing Department says, "...only the kitchen rivals the washroom."  He continues, "If your home has more than one washroom, the energy use can increase even more. Large amounts of heat, water and lighting are used in the washroom every day, by every member of the household."
Energy-saving showerhead
Obviously, it would be a benefit to both the environment and every homeowner’s wallet if considerations were taken to improve the energy efficiency of the washroom. Knowledgeable individuals have estimated that if you were to upgrade your washroom(s) with energy efficient fixtures (sinks, toilets and showerheads) thousands of  gallons of water and hundreds of dollars’ worth of energy costs would be saved.

Below are some basic things we at Rayneau recommend you can do to make your washroom more energy efficient:

Repair Problems
Just by fixing leaky faucets, showers and tubs, you can save big. If it’s the hot water that is leaking, the energy loss is magnified. Don’t forget toilets, either. If your flush valve is allowing water to seep through, or you’ve encountered the dreaded “jiggle the handle” syndrome, it’s a good idea to replace some the those internal parts. Repair kits are readily available and easy to install. A constant loss of water can add up and increase you water bill immensely. 
Energy-saving light bulbs
Enhance what you have
Even if your washroom is in tip-top shape, there’s probably a lot you can still do to make it more efficient. Without tearing things apart and getting into major expenses, you can make small, simple changes to the things you already have. For example, install a low-flow showerhead or add flow restrictors to your faucets. A new efficient showerhead can reduce your water use from 2 ½ gallons per minute to 1 ½ gallons per minute.

For lighting, consider CFL or LED  lights. Contact our customer sales representative in our Electrical department for information on a wide range on energy-saving bulbs.
Dual-flush toilet
If it’s time for an upgrade, make yourself aware of the variety of energy efficient choices available. Look for products that bear the WaterSense logo and you’ll be confident that you’re on the right track. Traditional toilets can use from 3 ½ to 7 gallons per flush versus newer efficient models that average 1.6 gallons per flush. Dual-flush toilets are another smart choice.

Modify routines
Finally, even the most efficient bathroom can be used inefficiently. To maximize your energy savings, consider showers over baths, turning off water while brushing teeth or shaving. Sometimes modifying habits can make a huge difference. Still, if you can’t get the kids in the habit of turning the light off when they’re finished, a motion detector switch will get the job done.

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website www.raycip.com. Our Customer Service Representatives are dedicated, well knowledgeable, friendly and we’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof



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