Friday, 5 October 2018

Rayneau Recognizes the Dedication of Teachers!

 What a teacher is, is more important

 than what he teachesKarl Menninger

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week - Mon Oct 1 -Fri Oct 5, 2018 and Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd and by extension RG Group of Companies Ltd would like to thank teachers across the country for your expertise, skills, and dedication you bring to your classrooms and students every day.

The theme for this year's Teacher Appreciation Week is coined "The right to Education is the right to a qualified teacher."

Technology has made it easier for students to learn with devices new, but nothing can come close to the experience of being taught by an inspirational teacher like you. 

Your passion and commitment are second to none, and we are proud to honor your success. You are making a lasting impact in your schools, your communities, and the teaching profession at large

It is one thing to consider Teacher Appreciation Week as a triumph over the long odds of limited budgets, aging facilities, crowded classrooms and wonky Internet connections.  That’s an important discussion to have, but this week is more about those who serve, and what they leave their students with. In the end, that is all teaching ever was; it is what it must continue to be, if our world is to continue to flourish.

The Management and Staff of RG Group of Companies Ltd wish you an enjoyable and productive -  HAPPY TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK!!!!

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