Friday, 17 August 2018

How to Evict Rodents From Your Home and Yard?

Rodents are one of the most dangerous pests that could invade your house in terms of the damage they cause. Rodents gnaw on furniture, fabrics and virtually anything they come across. Rodents are also known to transmit diseases to humans.

How to identify a rodent infestation?
Because rodents are nocturnal, seeing them is quite difficult.  This means that you will have to rely on other signs to identify a rodent infestation. Some of the signs you should look for include tracks and grease marks along walls, damaged property, holes on walls, as well as noises coming from your attic, walls and beneath the floor.
Rodents come into your home for two reasons; food and shelter. Maintaining a clean house and keeping your food in secure containers – preferably ones made from metal or glass – will ensure that rats have no reason to stick around. Also, inspect your house and seal all holes that rodents can use to enter. Remember, rodents can squeeze through the tiniest of spaces.
For a natural homemade rodent control solution, put a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them where the pests have constructed their nest. Rodents find this smell very unpleasant.
Prevention and control
Rats are attracted to your house by two things; food and shelter. Deny them access to these and you’ll successfully avoid an infestation. This can be done by:
–    Keeping your house clean and tidy. Vacuum regularly, do the dishes, clean food related messes and avoid clutter.
–    Keeping your food in secure containers preferably those made from glass or metal.
–    Checking and sealing all holes in your house’s walls.
–    Covering bins used for food waste.
Although these precautions will help keep rats away, their effectiveness is not guaranteed. They’ll also not work for already existing infestations. For the best results, you’ll have to use professional rat control products. Our range of pest control products include:
RAMIK - Mouser Rx              RAMIK - Glue Traps      
HARRIS - Rat Glue Traps

HARRIS - Easy Set Rat Trap  HARRIS - Mouse Traps  

HARRIS - Humane Mouse Trap

D-CON -  Bait Pellets          ORTHO - Home Defense Max 
VICTOR - Original Rat Trap  VICTOR - Quick Set Rat Traps

Sonic repellent devices available are:-.
PIC - Sonic Rodent Repellent Repeller
VICTOR - Sonic Pest Chaser

Come Visit us Today At Corinth Main Road, Vide Bouteille or Monchy.   OR Call us at 450 7247.

1 comment:

  1. Humane Mouse Trap
    Buy from a Range of DIY Rodent control products online including Rodenticides, Mouse Traps and Rodent Bait Stations. Expert Rodent Control Advice."



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