Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Get-Ready Tips For Your Child's Success This New School Year

School opens on September 3, 2018 (next week) and Rayneau feel obliged to share a few tips with you on helping your child to a successful new school year. We know that the books lists and materials as well as letters for registration and orientation dates have already come in. It’s tempting to block out the signs that the summer holidays are ending soon, but it’s a mistake to completely miss out on using this last week of the holidays to increase your child’s chances of school success.  

Using the final week of the holidays to prepare for the new school year paves the way for a smooth transition into the new grade and builds momentum for doing well in school all year long. This is the time when parents, should start working on academic enrichment activities with students 30 - 60 minutes a day.

Primary and Infant school students are helped most by refreshing their math, reading, and writing skills. Educational games and grade-level workbooks make it easy to spend time focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and math facts. As for reading, all reading counts. It doesn’t matter if the book is at the “correct” reading level. And, it doesn’t matter whether a child reads independently, reads aloud, or is read to. What matters is that children enjoy reading so they will be encouraged to read more.

At Rayneau we know that each new school year is a fresh start. Just as we cherish our customers so do we with their children. We believe that by adding a few items to your back-to-school checklist, you can significantly increase the likelihood that your child will have a better year – all year long.

You don’t need anything fancy or expensive, but you should corral the supplies your child needs to complete homework into one, easy to reach place. Whether your child is ten years old, entering sixth grade, or just learning to count by tens, keeping supplies organized and on-hand makes homework go much more quickly. Check out our back to school supplies at our branches in Corinth, Monchy or Vide Boutielle.

 It’s always nice to start the year by introducing yourself to your child’s teacher. The more you can learn what the teacher will expect of your child at the start of the year, the better you can help your child meet these expectations during the next nine months. Make sure to find out when and how the teacher likes to be reached in the event your child doesn’t understand what was taught. If and when that happens, you’ll be ready to coach your child to approach the teacher by himself or herself in the manner the teacher likes best e.g. email, in-person, before school, during lunch, etc.

Stay aware of the changing pace of what’s being taught. The start of the year often starts slowly and usually includes review of last year’s concepts. During this time, it’s easy for parents to think “my child’s got this.” But as soon as the review period is over, new concepts are introduced, and school is a few weeks underway, the pace usually picks up considerably. Kids who may have struggled in the past suddenly find themselves floundering. Stay attuned to the amount of material being taught to your child and how quickly he or she is supposed to master it. If you sense a problem, try discussing with your child’s teacher. If your child needs extra help, look for a tutor who can provide the academic and/or executive functioning support your child needs.

Students who begin the year with completed assignments and refreshed skills are prepared and ready to learn. Starting after-school support on the first day of school keeps the momentum going. After-school support, provided by a parent, or tutor, is a system for helping with homework, staying organized and studying when your child needs it. Some days your child may need more support and some days he or she may need less. 
Consistent access to after-school support helps your child fulfill his or her academic responsibilities which in turn, helps your child stay prepared and ready to learn.

Paying attention to these few items now as the school year begins will help keep your child learning smoothly during the school year, even if there are a few bumps in the road.
Happy Back to School!

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Happy Birthday to a Dedicated Colleague!

We spend so much time at our working places that our colleagues have almost taken the place of our families. Almost all our productive hours are spent with these people who work side by side with us and the only way we can remain sane and sober is to cultivate enriching relationships with them. Colleagues also celebrate their birthdays and this is something not many people think about.
However everyone appreciates being sent best wishes on their birthdays and Natasia Talian is no exception. We at Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP) take time to remember her, indeed she spends so much time with us  and sometimes even more than our own family does.

Nat, as she is affectionately called at work is a terrific colleague and to be very honest I would not ask for any other. She has taught us all what it truly means to be professional, respectable, dedicated, honorable and honest. She deserves to have an awesome celebration!

It is not easy to perfectly strike a balance between great fun and high professionalism. Through Nat, we know now that success is not determined by how bored you allow yourself to become, rather by how open-minded you are.

It is great to have such an amazing person in our team. She has brought in the true spirit of unity and teamwork. Today is Nat’s special day and all of us at RCIP and other sister companies join her friends and family in wishing her a remarkable birthday! 

                                                                              HAPPY  BIRTHDAY  NAT!

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Top Ways to Get Rid of Flies From Your Home

When the month of August comes, usually flies suddenly become the most irritating things around and somehow manage to slightly spoil our summer vibe. They seem to endlessly be buzzing around the windows trying to figure out how they get into the house in the first place. They land on our kitchen tops, our nicely prepared food and even worse, on us. Trying to swat them becomes the ultimate challenge between man and fly – they seem to out-think us by moving at the speed of light before we even lift the rolled up newspapers used to get it.

Flies in the house or on business sites are a nuisance and a health risk. Houseflies can spread bacteria and diseases like food poisoning and dysentery.
The most effective way to get rid of flies is to clean up garbage, take out the trash, and mop up spills ASAP. Put screens on windows and sliding doors to prevent bugs from getting in from outside. Fashion some homemade traps (sans harmful chemicals) to control flies inside the house.

Using Traps To Get Rid Of Flies

One way to get rid of flies in your house is to use fly traps. Although this doesn’t stop the flies from entering our home, it will draw them away from food or kitchen tops. Here are some different types of traps you can use around the house.
 From our Rayneau:
1: Fly Stick   2: Trapstik for Flies 
3: Rescue Fly Trap Attractant  4: Rescue Fruit Fly Trap Refill

DIY at Home:
Homemade fly traps are simple, cost-effective ways to combat flies, although their effectiveness varies. Here are some traps you can make with common household items. Here are two examples:

Soda Bottle Traps
1 - Clean an empty, plastic 1.75-liter soda bottle. 
2 - Carefully cut the top third of the bottle by cutting near where the top of the label used to be. 
3 - Pour a sweet liquid, like sugar water, in the larger, bottom third of the bottle. 
4 - Turn the top third of the bottle upside-down, making a cone shape, and place it in the opening of the larger part of the bottle. 
5 - Flies will find their way into the bottle but will be unable to get out.

Vinegar and Dish Soap Fly Trap
1 - Use a shallow dish bowl and fill it with an inch of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of sugar. 
2 - Next, add some fruit-scented dish soap.
3 - You can leave the dish uncovered or tightly covered with plastic wrap. Make sure to poke a few holes in it to attract the flies.
Other effective products from Rayneau to rid your home of flies are:
BugMax Fogger  Dust-On Fly, Lice and Tick Control
Spectracide Bug Stop Flying and Crawling Insect Killer  Spectracide Bug Stop Indoor Fogger
Hot Shot No Pest Strip

Visit us at Corinth Main Road, Vide Bouteille or Corinth.  OR call us at 4507247.

Friday, 17 August 2018

How to Evict Rodents From Your Home and Yard?

Rodents are one of the most dangerous pests that could invade your house in terms of the damage they cause. Rodents gnaw on furniture, fabrics and virtually anything they come across. Rodents are also known to transmit diseases to humans.

How to identify a rodent infestation?
Because rodents are nocturnal, seeing them is quite difficult.  This means that you will have to rely on other signs to identify a rodent infestation. Some of the signs you should look for include tracks and grease marks along walls, damaged property, holes on walls, as well as noises coming from your attic, walls and beneath the floor.
Rodents come into your home for two reasons; food and shelter. Maintaining a clean house and keeping your food in secure containers – preferably ones made from metal or glass – will ensure that rats have no reason to stick around. Also, inspect your house and seal all holes that rodents can use to enter. Remember, rodents can squeeze through the tiniest of spaces.
For a natural homemade rodent control solution, put a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them where the pests have constructed their nest. Rodents find this smell very unpleasant.
Prevention and control
Rats are attracted to your house by two things; food and shelter. Deny them access to these and you’ll successfully avoid an infestation. This can be done by:
–    Keeping your house clean and tidy. Vacuum regularly, do the dishes, clean food related messes and avoid clutter.
–    Keeping your food in secure containers preferably those made from glass or metal.
–    Checking and sealing all holes in your house’s walls.
–    Covering bins used for food waste.
Although these precautions will help keep rats away, their effectiveness is not guaranteed. They’ll also not work for already existing infestations. For the best results, you’ll have to use professional rat control products. Our range of pest control products include:
RAMIK - Mouser Rx              RAMIK - Glue Traps      
HARRIS - Rat Glue Traps

HARRIS - Easy Set Rat Trap  HARRIS - Mouse Traps  

HARRIS - Humane Mouse Trap

D-CON -  Bait Pellets          ORTHO - Home Defense Max 
VICTOR - Original Rat Trap  VICTOR - Quick Set Rat Traps

Sonic repellent devices available are:-.
PIC - Sonic Rodent Repellent Repeller
VICTOR - Sonic Pest Chaser

Come Visit us Today At Corinth Main Road, Vide Bouteille or Monchy.   OR Call us at 450 7247.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Explore Colours with Rayneau's Paint Matching System

If you've never taken advantage of our awesome color matching abilities, you've really been missing something great! We can color match paint colors for our customers off of just about anything.

Sometimes it can be hard, to find a shade of paint to match your décor needs. But with Rayneau paint matching system you can create any colour you wish. Whether you need to paint your bathroom, bedroom, living room or kitchen, you will be able to create the ideal shade with the colour mixing system from Rayneau at Corinth.

Rayneau's paint mixing range boasts over 12,000 colours and a wide variety of finishes. Any colour can be mixed in your desired finish. Simply bring a flat, dry sample of the colour into store at Corinth  where we have a state of the art paint mixing machine on the store floor which enables us to mix your paint in less than 5 minutes. 
Depending on the paint brands available in store, Michael Sebastien, our CSR for the paint department, will scan the item using a spectrophotometer. Michael says, "I've had curtains, carpets, you name it and someone has brought it in to have it colour matched." 

Our super high-tech computer system does the work of reading your colour and telling us what the best formula would be for you. What you'll need is a sample of the color that's about 1" x 1" in size. So if you have an area that you can remove from the damaged wall or perhaps some left on the can, that will do just fine.

It’s worth bearing in mind that getting a 100% match isn’t always possible. Factors that influence colour tinting accuracy include:
1  -  material - light reflectance can distort colour. Typical examples are silks,  velvets, 2   thick pile or woven fabrics, glossy paper, metallic objects;
2  -  tone – mid shades are the most accurate

3  -  finish – a gloss paint created by scanning and matching the colour from a matt surface sample will look slightly different.

Finally,wherever we go we respond to colour, but the importance of colour is often underestimated. Colour use is important to us personally in our homes and in the places where we work. 

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Happy Birthday to an Amazing Team Leader

We feel so great to work under such a
professional person like ,
 Mr Rayneau Gajadhar. 

This company is blessed to have 
a Team Leader like him. His birthday is a special day to celebrate with so much fun and excitement to do. 
We wish to express our gratitude in words so few. 
Happy Birthday Sir,
 On behalf of the entire team at 
RG Group of Companies Ltd.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Happy Emancipation Day From Rayneau





The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...