Monday, 30 July 2018

Rayneau - Bringing Warehousing to Another Level.

View of main aisle at RCIP (Corinth)
Dale Elliot of “Untold Stories” was dumbfounded  during the making of the documentary "Unbridled Ambition", to hear the CEO of RG Group of Companies describe Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd, Corinth branch as a warehouse. "This is a hell of a warehouse." He chuckled. Mr Gajadhar went on to explain to Dale,”The reason for that is St Lucia did not provide all the necessities for a contractor. So what I actually did at the beginning was create a well-stocked warehouse and to pay for my warehouse cost I am selling to customers to make a small profit." (See Video below)

But, what exactly is a WAREHOUSE? We bet a lot of you cannot give a spot-on definition if asked about it. Can you? Well if you answer YES, good for you. You may stop reading at this point. Just kidding! Bear with us, if you can.

If your answer is NO, then obviously, you need to read on.
Warehouse is  a Middle English word dating back to 1300–50; According to Cambridge Business Dictionary, the term ”warehouse” means a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to stores. defines it as a large retail store or a building in which wholesalers keep large stocks of merchandise, which they display and sell to retailers. What is the common denominator among the definitions given above? BUILDING. Warehouse pertains to a building. For what specifically? Well this is where the variation sets in.

A lot of establishments belonging to different industries have adapted the term warehouse to help them give out the message of comprehensiveness or completeness. The usage of the term is aimed to denote the complete availability of products under just one roof. Well, it may not hold true for all warehouses, but for Construction, this is what drove Ray to inform Dale that RCIP (Corinth) is “….the warehouse for my Construction Company.”  

Rayneau is a one-stop shop   everything under just one roof. An array of products ranging from electrical, plumbing, construction, down to finishing  materials are offered to customers. Everything you can think of related to constructions and homes —- Rayneau has it all.

Is the word ‘warehouse’ still mind-boggling for you? Because, if it still is, then we encourage you to visit Rayneau. Allow us to help you get a more concrete feel and understanding of what a warehouse is. Let your eyes define what our words can’t. See you all in any of our branches!

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