Monday, 30 July 2018

Rayneau - Bringing Warehousing to Another Level.

View of main aisle at RCIP (Corinth)
Dale Elliot of “Untold Stories” was dumbfounded  during the making of the documentary "Unbridled Ambition", to hear the CEO of RG Group of Companies describe Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd, Corinth branch as a warehouse. "This is a hell of a warehouse." He chuckled. Mr Gajadhar went on to explain to Dale,”The reason for that is St Lucia did not provide all the necessities for a contractor. So what I actually did at the beginning was create a well-stocked warehouse and to pay for my warehouse cost I am selling to customers to make a small profit." (See Video below)

But, what exactly is a WAREHOUSE? We bet a lot of you cannot give a spot-on definition if asked about it. Can you? Well if you answer YES, good for you. You may stop reading at this point. Just kidding! Bear with us, if you can.

If your answer is NO, then obviously, you need to read on.
Warehouse is  a Middle English word dating back to 1300–50; According to Cambridge Business Dictionary, the term ”warehouse” means a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to stores. defines it as a large retail store or a building in which wholesalers keep large stocks of merchandise, which they display and sell to retailers. What is the common denominator among the definitions given above? BUILDING. Warehouse pertains to a building. For what specifically? Well this is where the variation sets in.

A lot of establishments belonging to different industries have adapted the term warehouse to help them give out the message of comprehensiveness or completeness. The usage of the term is aimed to denote the complete availability of products under just one roof. Well, it may not hold true for all warehouses, but for Construction, this is what drove Ray to inform Dale that RCIP (Corinth) is “….the warehouse for my Construction Company.”  

Rayneau is a one-stop shop   everything under just one roof. An array of products ranging from electrical, plumbing, construction, down to finishing  materials are offered to customers. Everything you can think of related to constructions and homes —- Rayneau has it all.

Is the word ‘warehouse’ still mind-boggling for you? Because, if it still is, then we encourage you to visit Rayneau. Allow us to help you get a more concrete feel and understanding of what a warehouse is. Let your eyes define what our words can’t. See you all in any of our branches!

Thursday, 26 July 2018

How to Choose Colours/Colour Schemes For Home Interior Painting?

Having your home’s interior or exterior painted is a great way to boost its value and make your space more enjoyable for you. It can be challenging, costly and time consuming, but it is well worth the effort.

Sometimes people are scared of colour, especially dark colours. Ultimately, people should really follow their heart: If they love a colour, test it and like it , they should not be afraid to choose it.
Picking paint colours that you want to use inside your home is not an easy task because in all likelihood you will actually want them to last a while. Here are some things that you should consider when picking interior paint colors:

Does it “fit” with your home?
If you have a rustic style home, bright pink or purple likely won’t go along with it very well. Consider the style of your home and what will go well with it before choosing to paint it.

Think about your surroundings
If you have furniture that you don’t plan on replacing any time soon, think about how the colors you chose will go along with them. Other things to consider are art, shelving or any other permanent fixtures you may have.

How does it affect your mood?
Places where you go to relax like your bedroom or living room are typically more suited for soothing colors. If you have a room where you are very active like a kitchen, you can afford to go a little crazy with the color you pick.

Just pick something you like
With these things in mind, go and just pick a color that you really like. If something about the color just doesn’t sit right with you, move on to another one that you like better. Your first intuition about something is usually the right one.

Still can’t decide on a colour? Come down to any of our branches at Vide Bouteille, Corinth or Monchy and talk to our customer sales representative in the Paint and Accessories Department for expert advice.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

INCANDESCANT, CFL, LED - Which is Best for You?

Types of bulbs (L-R)  INCANDESCENT, CFL AND LED 
Just a couple decades ago, light bulbs were light bulbs. No matter your budget, you really had only one choice when it came to interior lighting options for your home: Head to the hardware store and pick up some incandescent bulbs, choosing a wattage based on how bright you needed the light to be.

Over the years, advances in technology have brought about innovations in how to light our homes and commercial buildings. In the beginning, all we had was the standard, incandescent light bulb. Now we have compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and light emitting diodes or LED for short — that put incandescent lighting to shame.

Incandescent Bulb
Incandescent Lighting: 
Incandescent lamps are often considered the least energy efficient type of electric lighting commonly found in residential buildings. Although inefficient, incandescent lamps possess a number of key advantages--they are inexpensive to buy, turn on instantly, are available in a huge array of sizes and shapes and provide a pleasant, warm light with excellent color rendition.

However, because of their relative inefficiency and short life spans, they are more expensive to operate than newer lighting types such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

The main downside with traditional light bulbs is that they use only 10 percent of their energy to produce light, burning off the rest as heat. They've wasted 90 percent of the electricity people have fed them for the past over the years.

CFL Bulb
CFL Lighting:
In a CFL, an electric current is driven through a tube containing argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. This generates invisible ultraviolet light that excites a fluorescent coating (called phosphor) on the inside of the tube, which then emits visible light.

One of the most potent threats to CFLs' is their contents. There's a small amount of toxic mercury in every one, which can be absorbed or inhaled, potentially causing brain damage in adults, children and especially in fetuses. Fumble a CFL while changing a light, critics warn, and you unleash a poisonous fiend in your home. Throw it out and you're dumping mercury in landfills.
LED Bulb
LED Lighting:
The light-emitting diode (LED) is one of today's most energy-efficient and rapidly-developing lighting technologies. Quality LED light bulbs last longer, are more durable, and offer comparable or better light quality than other types of lighting.

With performance improvements and dropping prices, LED lamps can replace 40, 60, and even 75 Watt incandescent bulbs. It's important to read the Lighting Facts Label to make sure the product is the right brightness and color for the intended location. When chosen carefully, LED replacement products can be an excellent option

So which is the best deal?
1 - Energy Efficient
LED lights are up to 80% more efficient than traditional lighting such as fluorescent and incandescent lights. 95% of the energy in LEDs is converted into light and only 5% is wasted as heat. This is compared to fluorescent lights which convert 95% of energy to heat and only 5% into light! LED lights also draw much less power than traditional lighting; a typical 84 watt fluorescent can be replaced by a 36 watt LED to give the same level of light. 
2 - No Toxic Elements
LED lights contain no toxic elements. Most offices currently use fluorescent strip lights which contain noxious chemicals such as mercury. This will contaminate the environment when disposed of in landfill waste. 

3 - Less Lights Needed
LEDs have a better quality of light distribution and focus light in one direction as opposed to other types of lighting which waste energy by emitting light in all directions, often illuminating areas where light isn’t required (such as the ceiling). This means that less LED lights are needed to achieve the same level of brightness given off by fluorescents and incandescent lights. 

We will continue to offer some CFL bulbs, and of course we can order any bulb you may need to match existing bulbs you may have.  However, we encourage you to start moving to LED bulbs to gain the benefits more quickly.  The pricing is really close to CFL bulbs, and in some cases it's lower. Stop in and see our full selection of LED bulbs, you'll be amazed at how much variety is now available.

Monday, 16 July 2018

RG Group Urges Violence-Free 2018 Carnival Celebrations!

RG Group of Companies Ltd
urges all St Lucians
to have
a violence-free Carnival
To the revelers, revel responsibly!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...