Saturday, 12 August 2017

Walk the Walk, Right the Light!

Do you know the emergency situation you are most likely to encounter?

It’s a power outage.

While power outages are highly likely to occur, many people are left unprepared when they happen. In a blackout, most people find themselves rummaging through their junk drawer, hoping to find a flashlight and praying the batteries still have a charge.

Light plays an important role on our emotional well being.  When there is no light, our minds can get overly active, and in a crisis situation darkness can feed our fears.  Lights allow us to prepare meals, read, work, and feel safe when the sun goes down.

Whether a power outage in your home is caused by grid failure or severe weather, you can respond  with alternative light sources. Below are 6 emergency lights to consider when preparing for power outages.

Everyone has at least one flashlight somewhere, but is it in good condition? Batteries drain over time, so if the flashlight has sat for a year without being used, it might be time to check the batteries.
Even if the batteries are good, the flashlight might not be very bright or reliable if it’s really old. Make sure you have a good flashlight in every room. It’s no fun being in the middle of a power outage with flashlights that don’t work.

Solar Outdoor Lamps
Solar lights are ideal for emergency or power outage use.  Most solar lights will last from 6-8 hours on a single charge. Use the solar lights that you have in your yard or garden for light at night if you are without electricity after the storm or an outage. While solar lights are usually kept outdoors, you can bring them inside if you need extra light. In fact, some of you probably already have solar garden lights.

Battery Powered Lights   

Battery powered light is the safest form of emergency lighting. It’s reliable, can sit unused for a long time and battery powered lanterns are safely portable for kids to use without supervision. You can  get battery-powered lanterns, folding lights and even candles.
You’re going to use a lot of batteries if you go this route, so you might want to invest in some rechargeable batteries and a solar battery charger.

Candles are often among the first choices for emergency lighting. It’s a light source that has been around for thousands of years, candles are a lighting source that keeps things simple. They are easily attainable, have no expiration, and are easy to use.  If candles are part of your power outage preparations, make sure that for every type of candle you also have the proper non-flammable holder for it.

Kerosene/Oil lamps
Kerosene Lanterns and Oil Lanterns are a reliable source of efficient home lighting.
In a pinch, you can create your own oil lamp-ette with olive oil and a hairpin, or purchase a kerosene lamp in advance for lighting larger spaces. Kerosene lamps have been used in homes for centuries. They burn smoothly, with no smoke and have minimal scent while providing bright light.

And  here's the BONUS!!!

Cell Phones
Bam! Power outage. You’d be surprised how handy a cell phone can become. You will also realize how amazingly helpful that little thing is in providing just enough light in finding your way to fetch your emergency light sources in the darkness.  A cell phone makes a great emergency source of light.


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