Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Rayneau's Building Supplies - Quality Unmatched

The summer holidays are winding down and the kids will soon be heading back to school. It is most often the time when many families start making plans to do a little renovation and repairs which they have continuously put off - the festive season is only months away.

Small projects like roof leaks, galvanize or shingles replacement, guttering, drainage around the home, plastering, replacing sidings and the list goes on and on, are most often given priority. Well look no further. We've got you covered! 

RCIP Ltd has also introduced its "Bagged Products" to its building materials inventory.  The concept behind this innovative concept is to meet the needs of customers who do not need bulk quantities of any one quarry product. Rayneau's bagged products have been designed specifically just for this purpose. 

Our Building Materials Department is well stocked with every building item you can think of. Other departments like Electrical, and masonry act as complimentary departments to further enhance our customers' shopping experience.

It has become a tradition that many person use this time of year to do little repairs to their homes which they have allowed to linger for sometime now - repairs to the walkway, the patio, the window and door edges, the roof, sidings, guttering, etc. 

Also, bearing in mind that this hurricane season is predicted to be a very active one and the mere fact that the forecast has been updated twice this season already, it begs the question. Are you ready?

Head down to Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd today and shop,

  • Plain plywood for boarding up windows, 
  • Galvanize/shingles to repair roof leaks,
  • Decorative plywood for stained ceilings
  • Gutters for faulty guttering
  • Water storage tanks
  • Handy tools
  • Bagged products for masonry works
Or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Call us at 450-7247 Today!

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The L'Armitage House and Land Package - The Perfect Choice For Millennials

The L'Armitage House and Land Package
Millennials aren't buying homes in the same numbers as previous and older generations, but it's not because they don't want to. The vast majority of millennials does indeed aim to buy someday, or would even like to now if they could.

There are many practical reasons why millennials hold off on buying -  the main one being young adult employment has risen considerably. Our advice to those who can afford it: “You should definitely buy.”

“Buying a home is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make as early as your 20s," says an executive in our real estate department, who handles properties in Castries and by extension islandwide, "because it is inflation-protected and a physical asset that doesn't disappear like stocks can do."

Buying a L'Armitage Monchy Land and House Package is the right choice for millennials and it's easier than ever before. Simply, because huge down payments are not necessary. While lenders are looking more closely at borrowers today than in recent years, there are options for purchasing your first home without a 20 percent down payment. For example, the St Lucia Development Bank, a few Commercial Banks as well as the Credit Unions offer loans to first-time home buyers with down payments between 0% - 10% percent. However, these loans require mortgage insurance.

A L'Armitage house - exterior and interior view
Why make a L'Armitage house your first choice? 
L’Armitage homes are built to fit your lifestyle. Designed to accommodate today’s busy lifestyles,our  new homes — single-family homes — feature open floor plans, flexible spaces, low-maintenance materials and other amenities that appeal to younger buyers.

The houses comprise:

  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 baths
  • Laundry
  • Open kitchen, Dining, and living room layout
They are move-in ready and fitted with the following amenities:
---  Paint (Customer’s choice)
---  Floor finish – tiled floors
---  Kitchen Cabinets – (granite counter tops)
---  Ironmongery
---  Bathroom – modern amenities

With energy costs near the top of consumer concerns, we want to let you know that the L’Armitage homes  are more energy efficient than ever. Through innovative materials and construction techniques our new homes are built to be much more energy efficient than homes constructed a generation ago.

Modern Luxury at an Affordable Price

Another fantastic advantage buying the L’Armitage homes offers, is that its mere construction on pillars is a plus for the owner. A plus in the sense that it offers latitude to its owner for expansion, either for rent, extended family or business.

Whether you’re ready to start the search for your first place or you're in the market for your next investment opportunity, drop our Team a line at or call us at 1-758- 450-7242/1-758-450-1087. We have the team and the experience to provide you with the perfect St Lucia starter home.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

It's Natasia's Birthday Today!

It is with one big happy resounding voice that the staff at RG Group of Companies Ltd echo "Thanks, Natasia Tallian, for Being So Nice to Work With! It’s so good to work with someone who cares as much as you do."

Nat’s positive approach and her attention to detail make a real difference in everything she does.

Ms Natasia Talian
Today is the perfect chance to say what we don’t say often enough — Thanks for all your hard work and thoughtful ways.

One of the nicest things about having someone like Natasia Tallian to work with,
is knowing that everything is in capable hands. She always does her best to keep things running smoothly – and it shows.

Because it’s her Birthday, we won’t behave like annoying subordinates. We will let her enjoy it while she can because tomorrow we are going back to our annoying selves. Haha! 

Wishing her a stress free Happy Birthday!

                                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAT, FROM ALL OF US AT RG GROUP!!!

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

It's Here! New Website Launched

Here at Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products Ltd we are always looking for ways to improve. As a result we have spent months crafting a beautiful website for YOU, our existing and prospective customers. We listened to your concerns and crafted a website that is simple to navigate yet very informative and interactive.

With that, we are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website! After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce that our new site is available at

Over the past few months, our staffs have been hard at work to make the website informative, useful to shoppers, and easy to navigate. The new site offers a fresh new look and easy navigation. We are using a responsive design which means you’ll find the same information and essentially the same look whether you’re using your desktop, tablet or smart phone!

Our main goal in designing this site was to offer you, the user, a quicker, easier way to find the information on Rayneau’s services and solutions you’re looking for, so you can make that all-important decision of making the right choice. 

                                                   Website Video

The new website is interactive and gives great access to About Us, RG Group, Contact Us, Credit Services, Special Offers and DIY Projects & Ideas web pages. Our current and prospective clients will find useful information about our services on the homepage of our website.

Amongst the new features the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, and Instagram and to foster improved communication with our clients. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, blogs, newsletters, company announcements and client successes in the testimonials section.

Feel free to look around! We’re confident you’ll find the information you’re looking for very easily. If you have a question, you can now chat with us instantly using our new and improved live chat software. Just click the “Live Chat ” button on the right of your screen and you will be chatting with a representative right away.

We would also like to thank our amazing staff at Rayneau who donated their time and energy to make this site what it is.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please email us at

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Walk the Walk, Right the Light!

Do you know the emergency situation you are most likely to encounter?

It’s a power outage.

While power outages are highly likely to occur, many people are left unprepared when they happen. In a blackout, most people find themselves rummaging through their junk drawer, hoping to find a flashlight and praying the batteries still have a charge.

Light plays an important role on our emotional well being.  When there is no light, our minds can get overly active, and in a crisis situation darkness can feed our fears.  Lights allow us to prepare meals, read, work, and feel safe when the sun goes down.

Whether a power outage in your home is caused by grid failure or severe weather, you can respond  with alternative light sources. Below are 6 emergency lights to consider when preparing for power outages.

Everyone has at least one flashlight somewhere, but is it in good condition? Batteries drain over time, so if the flashlight has sat for a year without being used, it might be time to check the batteries.
Even if the batteries are good, the flashlight might not be very bright or reliable if it’s really old. Make sure you have a good flashlight in every room. It’s no fun being in the middle of a power outage with flashlights that don’t work.

Solar Outdoor Lamps
Solar lights are ideal for emergency or power outage use.  Most solar lights will last from 6-8 hours on a single charge. Use the solar lights that you have in your yard or garden for light at night if you are without electricity after the storm or an outage. While solar lights are usually kept outdoors, you can bring them inside if you need extra light. In fact, some of you probably already have solar garden lights.

Battery Powered Lights   

Battery powered light is the safest form of emergency lighting. It’s reliable, can sit unused for a long time and battery powered lanterns are safely portable for kids to use without supervision. You can  get battery-powered lanterns, folding lights and even candles.
You’re going to use a lot of batteries if you go this route, so you might want to invest in some rechargeable batteries and a solar battery charger.

Candles are often among the first choices for emergency lighting. It’s a light source that has been around for thousands of years, candles are a lighting source that keeps things simple. They are easily attainable, have no expiration, and are easy to use.  If candles are part of your power outage preparations, make sure that for every type of candle you also have the proper non-flammable holder for it.

Kerosene/Oil lamps
Kerosene Lanterns and Oil Lanterns are a reliable source of efficient home lighting.
In a pinch, you can create your own oil lamp-ette with olive oil and a hairpin, or purchase a kerosene lamp in advance for lighting larger spaces. Kerosene lamps have been used in homes for centuries. They burn smoothly, with no smoke and have minimal scent while providing bright light.

And  here's the BONUS!!!

Cell Phones
Bam! Power outage. You’d be surprised how handy a cell phone can become. You will also realize how amazingly helpful that little thing is in providing just enough light in finding your way to fetch your emergency light sources in the darkness.  A cell phone makes a great emergency source of light.


Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Get Prepped for the New School Year.

School Supplies
As the summer season winds down, the start of a new school year is fast approaching. Every new school year presents new challenges and opportunities for kids. The new school year also presents a challenge for parents: how to pay for all the school supplies children need for the year without overspending.

The best strategy for back-to-school shopping is to start with a plan. Many schools provide a list of the supplies students will need during the school year, so make sure you have that list before you start shopping. Now that you know what supplies your kids will need, start looking for ways to save.
  • See what school supplies you already have 
Back-to-school supply lists usually don’t vary much from year-to-year. Check to see what your child brought home at the end of last year to see if there are any  salvage school supplies they can use this year.
  • Look for special promotions. 
Right before the school year begins, many stores offer back-to-school sales. Watch for special promotions such as those useful “two for one” deals.  
  • Take advantage of the government's book lease program
There is that program which government implements each year during the month of July - August where needy parents get assistance with books -- you really have to be a lucky one since the books get exhausted very early during this period. 
  • Shop your school supplies with RCIP Ltd
At RCIP Ltd, we stock a large inventory of school supplies at competitive prices. We have also bundled certain important supplies into convenient packages which your child will find very manageable.
RCIP Ltd is your one-stop-shop for school supplies where easy is everything.

  • Set a budget and stick to it
 With proper planning, you can prepare your children for another school year without breaking the bank.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

A 2-Stroke or 4-Stroke Weedeater - Which One Should You Buy?

So you're in the market for a brushcutter but don't know whether to buy a  2-cycle or 4-cycle machine?

 Which is best for you, both 2 and 4 stroke engines provide their own advantages and disadvantages as a whole.  Choosing the best engine for your needs can save you money.

With the advent of newer brushcutters that include 4-cycle engines, we are often asked the question: 2 Cycle vs 4 Cycle Engines – Which is Better? The issue is whether these new 4-cycle OPE (Outdoor Power Equipment) tools are better than their 2-cycle counterparts (literally: “Which is better, 2-stroke or 4-stroke?”)

Take a good look at our infographics below.

So Which is Better?
At the end of the day the winner is probably going to be the one that has had more money and technology spent on it. You can’t go wrong with either brushcutters but what we recommend is some research to find out what is best suited for your requirements, why not start by visiting Rayneau Construction and Industrial Poducts Ltd for the  best advice.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Birthday Greetings To an Awesome Team Leader

Another year of success has passed and it’s nice to work with Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, our team leader, who knows the secret to being a good manager… being a good person.

It is difficult to put in words, how much we are thankful for his insight, wisdom, professional attitude, mentorship and guidance. 

At RG group of Companies Ltd, we all pray for his success as an individual and hope that his personal and professional life deservingly rises to towering heights.

May health and wealth always be his friends, may good luck and fortune always be by his side, may success and goodwill always be at his beck and call.

Our success is only a reflection of how he's molded us to be the best workers this side of the universe.

Happy Birthday Boss!
From everyone at the RG Group.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Shop The Makita Brushcutter RBC411U! A Caretaker's Dream!

A Makita at work
 It's that time that time of when many persons are brushcutter shopping - new recruits from the  government caretaker program, which starts today, homeowners merely shopping for a brushcutter to take care of the lawn which has grown so fast due to the rainy season,  individuals hoping to get into the landscaping business. 

Whichever  area you are in, the  Makita brand brushcutter is the way to go!

Makita brushcutters are made for those who truly appreciate a well-groomed landscape. If you’re like us, there’s nothing more satisfying than the sound of a whirring trimmer line and the smell of freshly cut grass. There’s also nothing more frustrating than unreliable equipment preventing you from taming the weeds that creep onto your picturesque patch of land. When such adversity occurs, glove up and reach for a Makita brushcutter.

Our brushcutters are available in two handle variations including various length shaft - the loop handle and bike handle configurations. Whether you’re a homeowner touching up your lawn, a landscaping professional tackling tough brush removal, or a government caretaker dealing with the various grass types on the roadside there’s a MAKITA brushcutter  at RCIP LTD to meet your unique needs.

Here  at RCIP Ltd we are happy to offer this  very powerful 2-stroke brushcutter:

Makita RBC411U Petrol Brushcutter 40.2cc, 1400 W: 

This 2-cycle petrol line brushcutter, is the ideal brush cutter for the home and semi professional operator - ideal for the caretaker job, home lawn and patch of land.
It features an anti-vibration design for reduced operator fatigue,powerful and reliable 40.2mL engine, perfect balance and a excellent weight-to-power ratio.

The rigid drive shaft, durable gear head and aluminum post ensure top-performance all day.
This machine has a Solid state ignition system,and recoil starter with solid-state ignition for easier starting.

Keeping control over your grass and shrub has never been easier with the RBC411u.

Visit or call us at 4507247 for more details about owning your Makita brushcutter.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...