Saturday, 10 June 2017

Beat The Heat With a Fan From Rayneau !

Despite the number of storms and hurricanes predicted for June 1 to Nov 30, to further compound the season, St Lucians and other Caribbean residents, especially those in the southern area are warned to be prepared to deal with heat waves because they are going to be a feature of the 2017 rainy season.

Heatwaves can kill!  It can also place  you at risk of dehydration and its related effects which include dizziness and fainting spells.

A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity, especially in oceanic climate countries. While definitions vary, a heat wave is measured relative to the usual weather in the area and relative to normal temperatures for the season.

The heatwave warning was issued by Dr Simon Mason of the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH). Though heatwaves were never a focus of study in the islands, he said that data collected over the years are showing heat waves are becoming a real challenge. The CIMH is projecting that islands in the South of the Caribbean will receive less rain and hotter days during the Hurricane season.

Are you prepared for the hot days and most likely sleepless night that come with it? Here are a few precautionary measures to consider:-
  •          Avoid direct sunlight
  •          Limit alcohol intake during outdoor activities
  •          Increase water intake
  •          Wear hats and cool lighted clothing
  •          Get a fan
Fans can help ventilate and dry your home while cooling it. At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd we believe a standing fan is an ideal appliance to bring down the temperature in the home during this heat wave. Standing fans have risen immensely in popularity over the last few years because of the ease and convenience that they provide. Unlike ceiling fans, standing fans aren't confined to one spot, and you can easily move them around according to your wishes.

For instance, if you are sitting out in your yard, the balcony or the patio, and would like to have a smooth breeze, you can easily carry your standing fan out, plug it in and let it cool you down. Furthermore, these fans are set on a rotational axis, which means they can provide cool air to more than one person.

We also stock many other models like ceiling fans, wall mounted fans, extractor fans, air tower fans and roofing vents

So shop with us today, get your fan and be prepared to "BEAT THE HEAT."

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