Sunday, 14 May 2017

Make a Mom Feel Special This Mothers' Day

Today is Mother’s Day — the day St Lucians use for expressing appreciation to our mothers — as well as to those who have “mothered” us: The wonderful people who have cared for us, nurtured us and helped us on our way. 

Who could be more deserving of our attention than our Mothers?

  • Hers is the first face we learn to recognize and respond to. 
  • Hers is the voice that reassures us. 
  • Hers is the touch that says home and security.
Often the first word we learn to say is her name, and with that utterance we express our first recognition of the immensely important role she plays for us.

Our tips from the previous blog post are just a few ways to say it again. To reassert our understanding of how things work, Of how we understand the world.To restate our convictions about family, especially the Mama, the Mommy, the Mere, Mutter, Ammee, Madre, Anya, Induk, Moeder, Mae, Nana, Maji — the Mother.

If you are one of those people who have made a mother’s difference in the life of someone who truly needed you — this day is for you. Just think of the difference you have made in somebody’s world — beginning with the gift of life itself. You give us so many reasons to be thankful. Happy Mother’s Day!

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