Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Jazz at Rayneau with Rashaad Joseph

Who says that a Home Improvement Store can’t promote Jazz? Well there you have it - a first! Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd presents Jazz at Rayneau.

The event is slated for May 26, 2017 and will feature our local boy and St Lucia's latest music sensation, Rashaad Joseph, a saxophonist, songwriter/singer from 4:00 pm at the store.

The mission of Jazz at Rayneau is to entertain, enrich your shopping experience and expand a local community for Jazz through performance.

But who is Rashaad Joseph you may ask?  Stan Bishop describes him like this. “Seventeen year-old Rashaad Joseph is among the newest crop of teenage musical acts that seem destined to do nothing but greatness with their craft.”  Stan also believes that as a saxophonist for the past three years, the name Rashaad Joseph is already creating waves on the music scene.

Barely out of his teens, Rashaad exudes poise and composure well beyond his years. Beneath his calm demeanour is a fire that ignites when he gets on stage. This is the fire which guests and customers alike will be treated to when RCIP comes alive on May 26, 2017.

But wait! There is more in stock for you. ALL DAY you can profit from our 20% OFF on  many items such as BBQ grills and utensils, Lawn chairs, coolers etc.  Special Terms and conditions Apply.

Join us this Friday for an afternoon of Jazz coupled with spectacular sale offers on items that will make summer a blast! Our well-lit and spacious parking area is second to none.

Jazz at Rayneau is a free, all-ages event.

Friday, 19 May 2017

4 Tips to Secure Your Home Before a Hurricane

Now that the start of the hurricane season is only 14 days away,I know that preparedness is key to weathering the storm safely. What can I do to protect my home from possible storm damage?

In our last post we mentioned that weather forecasters predict  the 2017 hurricane season, which runs from June 1 through November 30, would be below average with 11 storms, four hurricanes and 2 major hurricanes.  But we must inform you that the forecasters have no idea where the storms/hurricanes will make landfall. Also take note of the fact that it takes only one storm to wreak havoc to your home. Making sure that your property is as safe as possible includes making sure that you take precautions both inside and outside your home.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP) offers the following hurricane-preparation advice based on its experience assisting hurricane affected victims’ purchases of certain building materials. We know which strategies really work -- and which don’t.

Hurricane straps
Protect your roof:
If you have a gabled roof, you'll want to strengthen the gabled end walls, as they can take a tremendous beating during a storm. Consider hurricane straps to ensure your roof is bolted to the rest of your house. And inspect your galvanize, roof tiles or shingles to make sure they are secure. Use roofing cement to fix any loose tiles to prevent them from becoming lethal projectiles during a storm and damaging the underlying roofing material. Seal any areas where wires enter the home, minimizing the chance of water damage during heavy wind and rain.

Boarding up a window with plywood
Secure Doors and windows:
If your home is in danger of being hit by a hurricane, protecting windows and sliding glass doors is amongst the most important measures to take to shield your house from extensive damage. Broken windows can let in wind and rain, and they can also increase the pressure under the roof. If this happens, the walls collapse and the house is lost.

Storm shutters provide the best protection, but boarding up windows with plywood (checkout our new discounted prices) when a storm is on the way, can also help.Our CSRs in our Building Materials Department recommend using 3/4 inch plywood cut to fit and securing with screws 18 inches apart around the window. 

It is also important to find someone who will install the covers if you are unable to put them up yourself. And it’s important to secure windows and doors at all sides of the home -- not just the one facing the body of water where hurricanes could form -- because hurricanes can swirl in any direction.

Tree Damage
Trim Trees:
Not all damage occurring during a storm is a result of high winds alone. Property damage can also be a result of falling trees and flying landscape debris. Make sure that there are not any dead sections on your trees threatening the home or a neighbour’s. High winds and heavy rain can wreak havoc on weak and stressed trees, causing branches to snap or trees to uproot.  Too often, we think of hurricane preparation solely in terms of stocking up on food stuffs, and bottled water. If overhanging trees are trimmed in anticipation of the heavy winds, the damage and the clean-up would be much easier. Are your trees ready for the next storm?

Make Sure You're Covered:
Make sure you have the right amount of insurance, and fill in a few key gaps in coverage. 
In order to safeguard your home's value, you should make sure that you have homeowners insurance, flood insurance, and, in some cases, wind insurance.

Homeowners insurance usually covers wind damage and other hurricane-related losses. In some cases it is also possible to insure the house contents as well. Talk to your insurance broker about your needs.

To make sure that you get the most protection out of your policy, you should be sure to take inventory of and document your belongings and property before the onset of a storm.

Visit or call us at 450-7247 now for more details on our wide range of products to secure your home before a hurricane season starts.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Start Building Your Hurricane Preparedness Kit Now!

According to National Emergency Management organization (NEMO), the two key factors contributing to weather safety during hurricanes are preparing in advance for the risks and acting on those precautionary measures when alerted by emergency officials.

There are several strategies we can utilize in preparation for intense weather systems. An appropriate focal point is our homes and properties. After sacrificing large sums to own your preferred dwelling place it is advisable to go a step further and ensure your investment is adequately protected from the harsh elements.

What you don’t want to do is to wait the last minute.  Do not procrastinate!

Forecasters have predicted a below average hurricane season for 2017. Predictions are that there will be 11 storms, four hurricanes and two major hurricanes. This is slightly below the average of 12 storms and six hurricanes. while internationally renowned forecaster Phil Klotzbach goes with two major hurricanes, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration goes with three.

Magaret Orr, a chief meteorologist explains, “It all hinges on El Niño, the warm water in the equatorial east Pacific to along the coast of Peru. The warm water causes strong upper level winds that can tear apart tropical systems in the Caribbean and tropical Atlantic."

For many people, hurricane preparedness is not at the top of their agenda. Most families  juggle multiple competing priorities. But NEMO highlights the overarching matter - preparedness saves lives.

Hurricanes can bring heavy rains that cause major flooding, destructive winds that down power lines, uproot trees and damage homes, and storm surges that travel several miles inland. 

Preparation is the best protection against the dangers of a hurricane. in the weeks prior to the commencement of the hurricane season, it is time for the populace to build a Hurricane Preparedness Kit and create an evacuation plan for their household.

Here are a few suggestions for basic supplies to build your Hurricane Preparedness  Kit:-
  • First aid kit
  • Bottled drinking water. A gallon per person, per day.
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Manual can opener
  • Battery-powered or hand crank weather radio
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Blankets or Sleeping Bags
  • Whistle. To signal for help.
  • Dust masks. To help filter contaminated air.
  • Plastic sheeting/tarpaulin and duct tape. To create a makeshift shelter.
  • Sanitation and hygiene supplies. Disposable moist towels, garbage bags.
  • Wrench or pliers. To turn off utilities like gas and water.
So the takeaway this year as in every year is, be prepared. We have had active years with no hits, and inactive years with major hurricanes. Hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts through Nov. 30. Let's get ready. Visit Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Limited. We stock the widest variety in building and home supplies you need this hurricane season.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Make a Mom Feel Special This Mothers' Day

Today is Mother’s Day — the day St Lucians use for expressing appreciation to our mothers — as well as to those who have “mothered” us: The wonderful people who have cared for us, nurtured us and helped us on our way. 

Who could be more deserving of our attention than our Mothers?

  • Hers is the first face we learn to recognize and respond to. 
  • Hers is the voice that reassures us. 
  • Hers is the touch that says home and security.
Often the first word we learn to say is her name, and with that utterance we express our first recognition of the immensely important role she plays for us.

Our tips from the previous blog post  http://bit.ly/2r13jN2 are just a few ways to say it again. To reassert our understanding of how things work, Of how we understand the world.To restate our convictions about family, especially the Mama, the Mommy, the Mere, Mutter, Ammee, Madre, Anya, Induk, Moeder, Mae, Nana, Maji — the Mother.

If you are one of those people who have made a mother’s difference in the life of someone who truly needed you — this day is for you. Just think of the difference you have made in somebody’s world — beginning with the gift of life itself. You give us so many reasons to be thankful. Happy Mother’s Day!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

6 Awesome Tips to Honour Mom This Mothers’ Day

MOTHERS’ DAY is a time for children and adults alike to celebrate their hard-working moms and shower them with gifts and flowers. This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 14, so you’ve got plenty of time to pick out a fantastic gift for mom, and thank her for everything she’s done in your life.

Mother’s Day is truly a special time. It’s very important to take a day out of the year and really think about all of the sacrifices our mothers have made for us, and what they’ve done for us to ensure that we can have a good life.

That’s why it’s so important to give mom a gift on Mother’s Day. Make no mistake – she doesn’t expect you to lavish her with a ton of fancy luxuries. As with every other gift, it’s truly the thought that counts.

Whether it is a card from a loved one, spending time together or a day at the spa, moms cherish gifts from their children. As our mothers age, it can become more and more difficult to find the right gift for someone who has collected a lifetime of presents.

If you are trying to find unique gifts to show appreciation on Mother’s Day for your mom or that person in your life that represents the best of motherhood to you, here are a few suggestions from persons who thought outside the box. Out of the batch I thought these six suggestions were awesome.

1. Brighten Her Day with Flowers
Send or bring your mother some flowers on Mother’s Day. This was a popular suggestion from one Rayneau – The store of The Future fan. Cut them from your own garden, or put together a bouquet from a local shop or your favourite horticulturist. Add a special card that conveys how much she means to you year round.

2. Give Her Your Time
Mother’s Day is a time for togetherness. If you live near your family, it’s a great idea to get everyone together and have some fun on Mother’s Day. Take your mother out for a meal, a movie or another one of her favorite outings. Think of an activity you can do together at home. The time you spend will be memorable and will give you more reasons to visit your loved ones in the future.

3: Cook Together
More often than not, moms are the best cooks in the family. Ask your mom to teach you how to cook that special dish she always made just for you, or maybe one of her famous desserts. Keep it simple and fun; Gather up recipes for all your entire mom’s favorite dishes, grab a nice bottle of wine, get cooking, then enjoy! Don’t forget dessert
4. Get Her Some Perfume
Giving your mom wonderful perfume is one of the best add-ons to a perfect Mother’s Day. There’s nothing like the feeling of spritzing some new floral perfume on for the first time.

5. Decorate Her Bedroom Wall
Think outside of the frame and create an arrangement of photos on your mother’s bedroom wall. She’ll find joy every time she looks upon the faces of her immediate and extended family.

6. Give Her a Tour of Our Mega Store
We all have different ideas about what makes a gift or experience great, but we may not all be on the same page. Take your mom to our mega store; Give her a tour of our various departments where we guarantee she will find that gift she always wanted. If she is into horticulture, visit our Lawn and Garden Department, a DIY enthusiast? then visit our small hand tools section. It could well be the best shopping experience she has had in a long, long time.

                             HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY FROM RAYNEAU

Friday, 5 May 2017

4 Ways to Jazz Up Your Living Room Before The St Lucia Summer Festivals.

Do you ever walk into your house, look around and just feel bored? Admit it, once in a while we all long to do something more dramatic with that lovely living room or cozy family room — to make a statement of some kind, to decorate with impact.

As the 2017 St Lucia Summer of Festival dubbed Soleil descends upon us, it is not far-fetched to contemplate that overseas friends, relatives or even guests may come live with you or perhaps just pop in for a drink/bite for old times’ sake. Leave them impressed by trading blah for better with these easy ways to Jazz up your living room.

Make a statement with paint.
“Nothing makes a bigger statement than painting a wall,” says Michael, our Customer Sales Representative in our Paint and Sundries Department.  A bucket of paint from Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd runs for under one hundred and thirty dollars and leaves you with endless options. Paint one wall a bold color, like dark blue. Pick up some stencils and give the room an interesting border, or place them at random all over one wall. You could even coat your ceiling. Michael recommends that if you paint the ceiling one to two shades lighter than the walls, it gives the illusion of a larger room.

Add a rug. If you intend to keep all that jazzing up to a minimum (who has time for that?!), make a giant carpet the centerpiece of your living room. It can make or break the star room -for when you have guests, anyway- in your home, and is telling of your how excellent your taste is in floor pieces.
Rugs give both small- and big-space dwellers the chance to change the feel of an entire room with the addition of one thing. Choose something that most represents you, and don't worry about it being jarring or too quirky. Your home, your rules

Upgrade the lighting.
Those standards frosted ceiling domes scream cheap and generic. Swap them for a more creative covering, or just forgo them altogether in exchange for an eclectic combo of standing floor and table lamps, which have the added benefit of casting more flattering light than their overhead cousins do. Our Electrical department has rows of lamps of all shapes and sizes—from Asian-inspired paper covered to thoroughly modern and minimalist. Lighting does in fact play a part in setting the mood for a gathering or in an eatery.
Warm, soft lighting causes your body to produce feel-good hormones known as endorphins. It also conceals facial flaws, something many would appreciate.

Spice Up Your Front Door
Considering that it’s the main point of entry into your home, your front door is extremely important.

In addition to being strong and secure, it should be attractive too.

It’s fine to choose a door that coordinates perfectly with the rest of your home, but it’s sometimes nice to mix things up by choosing a contrasting color instead.

You could also redo the trim around the door, add a stylish door knocker, or install an entirely new door from us.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...