Thursday, 15 December 2016

2 Days to Meet Santa! - An Event You Won't Want To Lose out On!

Rayneau will come alive on December 17th from 10am to 4pm.  Santa is making just one stop on his visit, to our store with FREE GIFTS, LUCKY DIP, MUSIC and a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER to capture your child's special moment with Santa.

We’re very excited about December 17th, here at Rayneau and have lots of fun activities planned for the day, but nothing quite compares to the joy of watching our children and young people meeting with Santa!!

No matter how many naughty kids or parents Santa meet, he always looks at every child as special and make them feel loved and cared for. In our society, many kids have a troubled life. His job is to give them a few moments of hope, love, inspiration and Christmas magic.

So what is the mindset behind Rayneau giving children the opportunity to meet Santa you may ask?  Short and sweet; for so many, this may be their first and only time meeting Santa. Therefore, we want their memory of Santa to be magical and one that keeps their imagination and love for Christmas growing.

What's even more fantastic Santa’s bringing PLENTY GIFTS. Just imagine for a moment – here is your child meeting with Santa, he picks your child up , presents him/her with this extraordinary gift,  and culminates it all with a professional photo of your child with Santa, and it's all  yours to keep. Isn’t that incredulously fantastic?

Can you just imagine the longtime effect this experience will have on both you and your child? Make Saturday’s shopping at Rayneau a fun one for the children and yourself.

And by the way while, you are at it enjoying Santa's presence, ask our friendly Customer Sales Representatives about our Keyring and Lucky Dip promotions.

               Meet Santa!!!!!!

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