Monday, 16 May 2016

Celebrating 21 years in Business – CIE Ltd, Making an Impact (Slide show)

Monday April 4, 2016, Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd marked 21 years in business by doing what it’s been doing since day one – build organizational and institutional capacity, create wealth and employment, encourage innovation, develop professional capabilities, foster relationships locally and regionally, deliver best quality products and services and constantly ensure service beyond expectation. 

In April 1995, Rayneau Gajadhar started the company and built it on the premise that quality is our priority. Gajadhar has upheld that standard with the work in the divisions of Industrial, Commercial, Public, and Education, in the construction industry. Rayneau Gajadhar and Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd. have gone through two decades of excellence with many more to come.

Rayneau with his team in 2009
In celebrating the achievements of CIE Ltd, one cannot divorce oneself from celebrating the achievements of its Team Leader as well. Doing this would be doing a great injustice to Mr Gajadhar and the company on the whole. To the business community and by extension the country, Rayneau Gajadhar and CIE Ltd are synonymous.
The son of a humble family from Barre De Lisle, Rayneau Gajadhar attended the Methodist school and then the St. Mary’s College, always knowing that someday he’d wish to start his own business.  He confesses that his parents are his mentors, because of the sacrifices that they made to raise him and his siblings.  “They always provided for the family and were always there to guide us in the right direction.  My mother is truly an inspiration as she is still very active and independent at ninety-two.” He says.

Rayneau decided to start up his own business due to his inability to find a job after sending out countless applications and receiving absolutely no response.  He did not have any chosen career path, so he did not know what type of business he wanted to start. He tried various forms of employment, but what he saw was opportunity in the construction industry and decided to try it out. He actually started with two bobcats, doing a job here and there and at times, hiring the equipment to other contractors. The returns were good so he expanded.  Mr Gajadhar reiterates that he saw major changes in the types of buildings, construction techniques, types of equipment, and the size of equipment used and capitalized on them.  Read more about our Team Leader at

CIE Ltd Celebrating 21 Years

CIE Ltd is now classed as the top construction company on island and can now boast of a wide cadre of  heavy equipment, including trucks, caterpillars, loaders, specialized machines etc.

The list of active and recently completed CIE Ltd projects touches on nearly all spheres of construction; from commercial, to residential and streets-cape, to nonprofit. Some active and recently completed projects and achievements include:
Most recently, CIE Ltd was awarded a contract to construct a new Administrative Complex in Vieux Fort. The project is being undertaken by the Government of Saint Lucia, in partnership with the National Insurance Corporation (NIC)

One of CIE’s greatest passions is its involvement with non-profit work. The company is involved in assisting schools, students and the elderly by renovating classrooms, painting schools, offering monetary support to students and building footpaths and other infra-structural amenities for the most needy in various communities across the island. At the Debreuil Combined School ( we are in the process of building a room which will offer life-changing experiences for children facing  disabilities, and other challenges.

The future for the company holds a cache of opportunities yet to be revealed. 
“For the future we’ll continue to be innovative and recognize niche markets that would benefit on a national level,” Rayneau says, “We always have been and will continue to be keen on exploring new ways of meeting old needs that will help us excel in key areas.”

Mr Gajadhar believes that developments and growth in training are aimed at further enhancing the staff’s ability to ensure quality customer satisfaction and an ongoing search and development for the next generation of contractors that are entering into the industry.

“We want to continue attracting and engaging innovative thinkers and professionals who can provide solutions to the challenges of the industry,” Rayneau states, “That will help us create new value added products and services for our customers.”

Happy 21st Anniversary. The sky is the limit! Be everywhere,do everything,never fail to astonish the customer.

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The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...