Tuesday, 31 May 2016

2 Products That Will Wave Goodbye To Rust

Most people have thrown away things because it has become rusty. Until now removing rust  has been with sandpaper or using toxic chemicals and corrosive acids. Acid rust removers have been one of the top ten household poising's for a very long time.
Today we are going to introduce to you two heavy rust removers we have in stock. They are non-toxic, creates no fumes and they are both environmentally friendly. Firstly we have the Loctite Naval Jelly Rust Dissolver and secondly is Evapo-Rust; they are non-corrosive and non-irritant to the skin and eyes. Evapo-Rust and Loctite Jelly Rust Dissolver are both tough on rust.
These products will totally remove rust from:
  • Pliers
  • Adjustable wrenches
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Spanners
  • Sockets
  • Motor Cycle parts
  • Grill parts
  • Drill bits
  • Garage hardware
  • Steel or Iron fences
  • Chrome tools, etc

Naval Jelly
Loctite Naval Jelly Rust Dissolver: Product Description (see video)
Removes rust from metal surfaces and removes bluing from surfaces such as guns, reels, etc. It is the ideal product for heavily rusted items. Loctite naval jelly rust dissolver will remove the rust right before your eyes. Remove loose scale with coarse sandpaper or wire brush. Apply Naval Jelly liberally to rusty surface that is free of dirt, oil and grease. Allow to work for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse off. Repeat application on heavily corroded surfaces. Limit application time to 5 minutes when used on chrome or other plated surfaces. Follow up by priming or painting the surface, or applying a topcoat that will protect the surface from future exposure to moisture.

                                            Naval Jelly Rust Dissolver video

Evapo-Rust: Product Description (see video)

EVAPO-RUST is non-corrosive to steel and does not harm brass, copper, aluminum, gold, lead, titanium, steel, cast iron, chrome, solder points, vinyl, plastic, rubber, silicone, glass, cork, or wood. EVAPO-RUST has an indefinite shelf life and can be used over and over until it absolutely stops working. 

This biodegradable rust remover takes off heavy rust without scrubbing; all you need to do is soak your parts in it. Evapo-Rust Rust Remover contains no acids, bases, solvents or other toxic ingredients so disposal is easy and safe. One gallon of this rust remover derusts up to 300 lbs. of heavily rusted steel without harming unrusted metal, plastic or PVC.

                                         Evapo-Rust Safe Rust Remover

Aaron Francois, the owner of a garage in the South of the island shared the following pic to show the effects of Evapo-Rust before and after on a few tools."The product is excellent. I only got it last week from a friend and I used it with great results on a few old tools. Evapo-Rust is chemically "mild" and easy to get rid of by rinsing with water, wiping and drying off." Aaron said.
Before and After with Evapo-Rust

At Rayneau we highly recommend the Naval Jelly and Evapo-Rust for taking care of all your RUSTY jobs at home or at the garage.Visit our store today, or call us at 1 758 450 7247 for more info.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

2 Solutions From Rayneau That Will Alay Your Fears!

According to the law enforcers home burglaries are on the rise. Statistics from the Crime Department of the Police states that in 2015 sexual offences and crime against persons increased by 21% and 15% respectively. For the North of the island this year, so far, the lawmen are seeing an average of 4 house robberies per day.  Can you imagine sitting in your living room and someone suddenly appears uninvited? Only God knows what can happen next – rape, injury,murder etc. 
 From the health authorities it is being echoed that this present warm weather is most favourable for the breeding of rodents.They breed at an alarming rate which could overtake your home in a jiffy. Your yard could be littered with rodents that may eventually invade your home. 
What are you prepared to do about these two problems? At Rayneau we are always putting forward solutions to our customers to enable them to cope with problems. Here are two solutions :-

Victor Pest Chaser
The Victor Sonic Pest Chaser:
To protect your home from rats and mice you can use science instead of traps and poisons.. Years of research have gone into the victor Pest chaser. The high frequency ultra sound emits a jackhammer-like noise that drives rodents away while being inaudible to humans and pests. There is no poison to handle and no messy cleaning from traps.
The PestChaser is a perfectly safe rodent solution because it works by preventing rodents from entering your home or business in the first place.
 Don’t take our word for it. Victor has validated the efficacy of the pest chaser – tests have been carried out and the results showed that rodents do not like to feed in areas where the Victor pest chaser is located.
The PestChaser is equipped with a nightlight that provides a soft glow in the dark and is ideal for kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms.
We recommend using one Mini PestChaser per average-size room. The ideal placement is close to the entrance of the room. The ultrasound emitted from the PestChaser cannot penetrate through walls, furniture, cabinets or any other objects.

Wireless/portable, motion detector with remote control: 
 It is the talk around that persons are not safe at their homes nowadays. This may be true or not  true. However being alerted of any intruder into your compound can give you enough time to take action. The Wireless Motion Sensor Alarm device from Rayneau is an ideal choice. This effective solution for home security secures your home from intruders. The Wireless Motion Sensor Alarm alerts you when motion is detected. The compact, discreet motion-sensor unit installs on garage, mailbox, fence posts, by the pool just about anywhere.
This simple-to-use, cost-effective security solution helps protect you and your family against home invasions thanks to the 120-decibel alarm, loud enough to make a would-be intruder think twice about entering your home. Quick and easy installation means your home will be secured in minutes. 45-second exit delay and 30-second entry delay provides ultimate flexibility by allowing you to enter or exit the area before activating. The convenient keychain remote activates and deactivates the alarm from anywhere in your home. The Receiver unit has adjustable alert from soft Chime to loud Alarm setting. 

Head down to Rayneau before the weekend is up and put into effect our solutions to these two growing concerns in your community or for more info call us at 1 758 450 7247. Health and safety - we make it our business.

Monday, 23 May 2016

The Makita GA4534 Angle Grinder - A Must Have Tool For Any Tradesman ( video)

Kendal Albert
Kendal Albert, our Makita sales specialist and CSR in the Power Tools Department thinks the Makita GA4534 Angle Grinder is a superb tool which no tradesman should be without. He says this tool has the smallest barrel grip on the market and is the most compact lightweight paddle switch angle grinder in its class. Makita has shown once again how to take an industry leading tool and refine it to make it better.

The Makita Angle Grinder
The GA4534 seems built to suit the most demanding applications, suitable for professional tradesman including masons, welders, shipyard workers, automotive technicians, stone/tile, HVAC, electricians, and general contractors seeking a best-in-class paddle switch angle grinder. The GA4534 includes the tool, one 4-1/2″ grinding wheel, wheel guard, lock-nut, lock-nut wrench, side handle, and inner flange.

The GA4534 grinder incorporates labyrinth construction and zig-zag varnish to seal and protect the motor and bearings from dust and debris, which Makita has established as an industry standard for best-in-class angle grinders.
It is complete with wrench, side handle and wheel.

  • Very compact size
  • Lightweight to reduce operator fatigue
  • Safe to use in all operations
  • Double insulated for added safety
  • Paddle switch
  • Comes with:
  • Side Handle
  • Wheel guard
  • Wattage: 720 wattage
  • No load speed: 11000 rpm
  • Spindle Size: M14x2mm
  • Max Wheel Diameter: 115 mm
  • Vibration sanding: 2.5 m/sec²
  • Noise sound pressure: 86 dB(A)
  • Noise sound power: 97 dB(A)
  • Bore mm: 22 mm
The Makita GA 4534 Angel Grinder Demonstration
About Makita 
Makita is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial quality power tools and offers a wide range of industrial accessories. Makita utilizes leading-edge technology and innovation to engineer tools that are more compact with less weight yet deliver industrial strength power and results. Makita’s extensive line of cordless lithiumion tools includes 18V LXT® Lithium-Ion, 18V Compact Lithium-Ion, and 10.8V Ultra-Compact Lithium-Ion. Other best-in-class products include rotary and demolition hammers and saws equipped with Anti-Vibration Technology (AVT), 4-Cycle outdoor power equipment, Super Joint System (SJS) grinders, miter saws engineered with Deep and Exact Cutting Technology (DXT), and more.
Shop with us today for all your Makita Power Tools - call  us at 1 758 450 7247 or 1 758 725 9573 and ask to speak with our Makita tools specialist, Kendal.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Celebrating 21 years in Business – CIE Ltd, Making an Impact (Slide show)

Monday April 4, 2016, Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd marked 21 years in business by doing what it’s been doing since day one – build organizational and institutional capacity, create wealth and employment, encourage innovation, develop professional capabilities, foster relationships locally and regionally, deliver best quality products and services and constantly ensure service beyond expectation. 

In April 1995, Rayneau Gajadhar started the company and built it on the premise that quality is our priority. Gajadhar has upheld that standard with the work in the divisions of Industrial, Commercial, Public, and Education, in the construction industry. Rayneau Gajadhar and Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd. have gone through two decades of excellence with many more to come.

Rayneau with his team in 2009
In celebrating the achievements of CIE Ltd, one cannot divorce oneself from celebrating the achievements of its Team Leader as well. Doing this would be doing a great injustice to Mr Gajadhar and the company on the whole. To the business community and by extension the country, Rayneau Gajadhar and CIE Ltd are synonymous.
The son of a humble family from Barre De Lisle, Rayneau Gajadhar attended the Methodist school and then the St. Mary’s College, always knowing that someday he’d wish to start his own business.  He confesses that his parents are his mentors, because of the sacrifices that they made to raise him and his siblings.  “They always provided for the family and were always there to guide us in the right direction.  My mother is truly an inspiration as she is still very active and independent at ninety-two.” He says.

Rayneau decided to start up his own business due to his inability to find a job after sending out countless applications and receiving absolutely no response.  He did not have any chosen career path, so he did not know what type of business he wanted to start. He tried various forms of employment, but what he saw was opportunity in the construction industry and decided to try it out. He actually started with two bobcats, doing a job here and there and at times, hiring the equipment to other contractors. The returns were good so he expanded.  Mr Gajadhar reiterates that he saw major changes in the types of buildings, construction techniques, types of equipment, and the size of equipment used and capitalized on them.  Read more about our Team Leader at  http://bit.ly/1Ot7CCh

CIE Ltd Celebrating 21 Years

CIE Ltd is now classed as the top construction company on island and can now boast of a wide cadre of  heavy equipment, including trucks, caterpillars, loaders, specialized machines etc.

The list of active and recently completed CIE Ltd projects touches on nearly all spheres of construction; from commercial, to residential and streets-cape, to nonprofit. Some active and recently completed projects and achievements include:
Most recently, CIE Ltd was awarded a contract to construct a new Administrative Complex in Vieux Fort. The project is being undertaken by the Government of Saint Lucia, in partnership with the National Insurance Corporation (NIC) http://bit.ly/1TCPuY4

One of CIE’s greatest passions is its involvement with non-profit work. The company is involved in assisting schools, students and the elderly by renovating classrooms, painting schools, offering monetary support to students and building footpaths and other infra-structural amenities for the most needy in various communities across the island. At the Debreuil Combined School (http://bit.ly/27maMTV) we are in the process of building a room which will offer life-changing experiences for children facing  disabilities, and other challenges.

The future for the company holds a cache of opportunities yet to be revealed. 
“For the future we’ll continue to be innovative and recognize niche markets that would benefit on a national level,” Rayneau says, “We always have been and will continue to be keen on exploring new ways of meeting old needs that will help us excel in key areas.”

Mr Gajadhar believes that developments and growth in training are aimed at further enhancing the staff’s ability to ensure quality customer satisfaction and an ongoing search and development for the next generation of contractors that are entering into the industry.

“We want to continue attracting and engaging innovative thinkers and professionals who can provide solutions to the challenges of the industry,” Rayneau states, “That will help us create new value added products and services for our customers.”

Happy 21st Anniversary. The sky is the limit! Be everywhere,do everything,never fail to astonish the customer.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Get Prepared with These 12 Emergency Supplies Now

Though we had an unusual Hurricane in January this year - Hurricane Alex,the hurricane season officially starts on Wednesday June 1,2016 and end on November 30,2016. During and after a hurricane, you may need supplies to keep your family safe and healthy. Remember that a hurricane could cut off your power and water supply. You also may not be able to drive because of damage to your car. Roads may be flooded or blocked. { Check link 1 below.}

That’s why it’s best to be prepared — stock up on everything you might need now. A Hurricane Supplies List can be organized in three major categories: Food and medicine, Personal care products and Safety items.

Wondering what items to buy to add you your hurricane supplies list before the season starts? Check us out at RCIP Ltd to add these to your kit.

1.Tarpaulin to cover holes if needed

2.Flashlight / Batteries

3.Trash bags and duct tape - useful for clean-up, or patching leaks in an emergency

4. Hand Tools - keep a set with you during the storm. A pocket knife, nails, a hammer and rope are important elements.

5.Buckets are useful too if you develop a leak

6.Fire extinguisher

7.Jumper cables (sometimes called booster cables)

8.First aid kit and instructions

9.Containers, water tanks


11. An axe to use if you stay and need to escape from your house - or other uses

12.Battery operated lantern

So don't let your guard down. There's much you can do now so you won't get caught making last-minute -- and probably inadequate -- preparations to get your home ready for hurricanes.

Visit us  or call 17584507247 for more information or quotation.

Click on this video to remind yourself of the devastation caused Hurricane Tomas.

                                    Hurricane Tomas (St Lucia).mp4 by Casio Hitz

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Be Prepared This Season - Do Not Procrastinate!

Hello, it’s that time again……..hurricane season in St Lucia and across the Caribbean! For many of us it is a time we’d prefer to dismiss. The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season is likely to be more active than the 2015 Hurricane season, however, it will be less active than average. It appears that we will see longer lasting tropical storm activity this year as well as more hurricane activity this season as compared to last year. With predictions pointing to a total of 12 named storms, five hurricanes and two major hurricanes this season, according to the forecast prepared by Colorado State University, which is headed by Dr. Phil Klotzbach in consultation with long-time hurricane expert Dr. William Gray, we need to be on our guard.

It has been predicted to be a near-average season - what are your plans? Close your eyes and recall the pain, devastation and destruction caused by Hurricane Tomas and the last Christmas Trough, then open your eyes and come to the Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd to get all your hurricane preparedness supplies and gear.

Here is a great piece of advise from RCIP Ltd -  when entering a hurricane season, the longer it’s been since we had a hurricane, the closer we are to the next one, meaning it’s a good thing to practice what Boys’ Scouts do – that is BE PREPARED!

Take time to think about it, see what you can do, what are you going to do? Now don’t worry about all the hype that you will hear when the hurricane season just starts - everybody will be talking about it. It’s going to be several months before the entire system warms up and after a while the hurricanes become potentially stronger and stronger and more frequent.

So we do have a little bit of time, but this is the opportunity you have to decide what you have to do .
Plywood, Galvanize sheets, Guttering
There are several things we can do to be prepared for intense weather systems. Perhaps an appropriate starting place is our homes and properties. After sacrificing large sums to own your preferred dwelling place it is advisable to go a step further and ensure your investment is adequately protected from harsh elements.

Hurricane Preparedness Tips  

There are so many things you can do. What you don’t want to do is to wait the last minute, because what humans do most is to procrastinate. “Oh, I’ll have time to do this.” Or “I’ll wait till the next bulletin comes out.” Come down to Rayneau now and get the supplies you need. It’s the best advise we at RCIP Ltd can give you.

Look out for our next post on emergency supplies to have on-hand.

Friday, 6 May 2016

6 Thoughtful Gifts That Will Spoil Your Mom This Mother's Day

Mother's Day is here again. It is not celebrated on the same day around the world, but the most popular day is the second Sunday in May. It is, of course, a day to honour our mothers and make them feel extra special. It is one of the most popular of all such days that honour relationships. Of the many people who add value to our lives, a mother is undoubtedly the most special. Whether it is your own mom or someone you look up to, the basic thought behind Mother’s Day is expressing yourself to that someone who has been with you throughout your life.

One of the ways of letting her know that she is indeed valued by you is by gifting her on Mother's Day

Making your Mother’s Day special could not be better than giving her one of Rayneau's  well thought out gift ideas.Take a deep breath; it's going to be okay. Our Customer Service Representatives have scoured every department in the store for awesome products worth giving - and getting.
Oscillating tower fan
1. With the heat wave that's gripping the country these days what better gift to give to a mom than this 28" High Tower Oscillating Fan? This fan can make her night as well as day much more comfortable. This fan features a sturdy base to prevent tip over. The built-in handle makes it easy to transport this fan from room to room and it is equipped with 3 speeds and wind patterns. It is able to circulate up to 1800 cu. ft. of air per minute for powerful cooling. It is made of Plastic fan housing provides durability and strength

Other features include:
  •  45-Watt power
  • Fan size: 10.24 in. x 10.24 in. x 28 in.
  • Compact size to save space
  • 80° oscillation to keep the whole room cool. Speak with Sancha Brown for more details.
Sediment water filter
2. Most of us I am sure try to make sure our moms get the right essentials, the right exercise, the right clothes, the right food etc.  Have you ever considered the right drinking water? We know that majority of moms and by extension families in St Lucia get their water from taps -this water is sometimes laden with sediment. We also know that not many homes have the means to access bottled water on a regular basis. Problem solved!
The Culligan Whole-House Sediment Water Filter ensures your mom and family will have a clean, fresh water supply. By attaching the filter to your cold water line, you can remove dirt, sand, and silt from your home's pipelines. 

The Culligan Water Filter also:
  • Extends life of washing machines, hot water heaters, and other water-using household appliances
  • Reduces dirt, sand, silt, rust and scale particles
  • Has durable opaque housing style 3/4" inlet/outlet for installation on 1/2" or 3/4" main cold water line
 Ask Doriel Butcher about this awesome mother's day gift.

Fixtures for Living room and Bath
3. Lighting is one of the biggest opportunities for homeowners to subtly but effectively influence the ambiance of your mom’s home this mother’s day.  When skillfully applied, lighting can elicit a wide range of emotional responses, helping to make a party more cheerful or a romantic dinner more intimate.

There are many options for lighting which can literally set the scene for any type of mood. For the living room we recommend The Berkshire 14-1/2-Inch by 10-Inch Ceiling Light Fixture, Classic Bronze
  • 14-1/2-Inch by 10-Inch semi flush mount
  • Amber-colored glass and Classic bronze finish
  • Easy installation; all mounting materials included
And for the bath  The Berkshire 12-1/4-Inch by 8-1/4-Inch Bath/Wall Lighting Fixture, Classic Bronze is ideal
  • Two lights per fixture
  • Measures 12-1/4 inches by 8-1/4 inches
  • Classic bronze finish with amber glass
Both fixtures used 60 watts A19 bulbs. At the store talk to Leandra Cazaubon for more details.

Sprinkler Hose
4. We should not forget the mom who loves her backyard gardening or who is a part-time horticulturalist or even loves to keep her lawn lush green. A garden sprinkler will be an excellent gift. We recommend the Swan 50 ft Hose Sprinkler.

Medicine  Cabinet
5. Give your mom’s bathroom a facelift with an stylish medicine cabinet. The Design House Montclair Collection surface mount tri-view medicine cabinet is designed to provide ample storage space while still maintaining a traditional style. Mirror frame is crafted from attractive solid maple. Creates a perfect bathroom atmosphere.

  • 30 in. W x 30 in. H tri-view medicine cabinet provides ample storage for rooms with limited space
  • High quality chestnut glaze finish is durable, water resistant and highlights the elegant door design
  • Particle board side panels and solid wood mirror frame
Solar light
6. You can brighten things up along the walkway or in the yard for mom this mother’s day. Let your mom walk in style along the walkway when she enters the yard. No wiring or electricity is required to install these Garden Creations solar-powered LED accent lights. They soak up the sun’s energy by day and shine brightly at night. The white LED lights illuminate walks, gardens, and patios. This set includes eight lights, each of which measures 4.25 inches by 4.25 inches by 13.5 inches. Install  solar garden lights in your garden, These are the install and forget type. 

Come down to our store now and secure your Mother's Day Gift or give us a call at 1 758 450 7247 to speak with one of our  friendly Customer Service Representative.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...